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Last active February 6, 2018 19:50
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Script that changes vRA managed machine reservations.
Leveraging an existing connection to vRA and a pre-configured cloudclient installation,
find all managed machines on a given OldReservation and attempt to change them to a
given NewReservation.
PS C:\> Set-vRAMachineReservation.ps1
Uses defaults to change all machines on the "Windows - 01" reservation
to the "Windows - 02" reservation
PS C:\> Set-vRAMachineReservation.ps1 -OldReservation "Res - 01" -NewReservation "Res - 02"
Finds all vRA machines on the "Res - 01" reservation and changes them to the
"Res - 02" Reservation
PS C:\> Set-vRAMachineReservation.ps1 -TargetVMs "Test01","Test02","Test03"
Attempts to find the three test VMs in vRA, and if they are a member of the default OldReservation,
"Windows - 01", will attempt to change their reservation to the default NewReservation,
"Windows - 02"
PS C:\> Set-vRAMachineReservation.ps1 -TargetVMs "Test01" -OldReservation "Res - 01"
Attempts to find the Test01 VM in vRA, and if it is a member of the "Res - 01" reservation, will
attempt to change its reservation to the default NewReservation, "Windows - 02"
.PARAMETER OldReservation
The existing reservation that should be changed
.PARAMETER NewReservation
The new reservation for all machines found on existing
An array of VM names to target for reservation changes
[System.String] $OldReservation = "Windows - 01",
[System.String] $NewReservation = "Windows - 02",
[ValidateScript( {
Test-Path -Path $_ -Type Container
[System.String] $CloudClientPath = "C:\temp\cloudclient\4.4.0\VMware_vRealize_CloudClient-4.4.0-5511232",
[System.String[]] $TargetVMs
process {
# CloudClient doesn't like spaces. We need to escape them
$NewReservation = $NewReservation -replace " ", "\ "
# Initialize Values
$AllResources = @()
$Page = 1
# If we're not asking for a specific set of VMs, grab everything.
if (! $TargetVMs) {
vRA uses pagnation to restrict how many results are returned. It will return *at most* 100
results for a given "page". To fully get all resources, we must leverage a $Count variable
to track how many results we have and increment the page for every time we get back 100
do {
# Write out some progress
$ProgressSplat = @{
Activity = "Analyzing Resources"
Status = "Current page $Page"
Write-Progress @ProgressSplat
# Get the vRA Resources (e.g. Machines) for this page. WithExtendedData includes the current
# reservation
$Group = Get-vRAResource -Page $Page -WithExtendedData
# Grab the count of how many objects were retrieved
$Count = $Group.count
# Increment our page counter
$Page ++
# Add this group to the larger AllResources array
$AllResources += $Group
} while ($Count -ge 100)
else {
# Loop through every individual vm in the TargetVMs list
foreach ($TargetVM in $TargetVMs) {
$AllResources += Get-vRAResource -Name $TargetVM
# Initialize our list of machines
$List = @()
# Parse every resource we retrieved above
foreach ($Resource in $AllResources) {
# If this resource's reservation matches the old reservation, add it to the list
if ($ -match $OldReservation) {
Write-Information -MessageData "$OldReservation participant: $($" -InformationAction Continue
$List += $
# CloudClient needs the MachineIDs as a comma separated list
$MachineIDs = $List -join ","
# Call the cloudclient executable, passing in the MachineIDs and New Reservation
$CloudClientBat = Join-Path -Path $CloudClientPath -ChildPath "\bin\cloudclient.bat"
& $CloudClientBat vra machines change reservation --ids $MachineIDs --reservationName $NewReservation
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