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Created August 6, 2017 15:25
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Proof of concept proposal for a matplotlib automatic grid layout creator
import itertools as it
import os
import numpy as np
class GridStrategy:
Static class used to compute grid arrangements given the number of subplots
you want to show. By default, it goes for a symmetrical arrangement that is
nearly square (nearly equal in both dimensions).
SPECIAL_CASES = {3: (2, 1),
5: (2, 3)}
def get_grid(cls, n):
Return an arrangement of rows containing ``n`` axes that is as close to
square as looks good.
:param n:
The number of plots in the subplot
Returns a :class:`tuple` of length ``nrows``, where each element
represents the number of plots in that row, so for example a 3 x 2
grid would be represented as ``(3, 3)``, because there are 2 rows
of length 3.
.. code::
>>> GridStrategy.get_grid(7)
(2, 3, 2)
>>> GridStrategy.get_grid(6)
(3, 3)
if n in cls.SPECIAL_CASES:
return cls.SPECIAL_CASES[n]
# May not work for very large n
n_sqrtf = np.sqrt(n)
n_sqrt = int(np.ceil(n_sqrtf))
if n_sqrtf == n_sqrt:
# Perfect square, we're done
x, y = n_sqrt, n_sqrt
elif n <= n_sqrt * (n_sqrt - 1):
# An n_sqrt x n_sqrt - 1 grid is close enough to look pretty
# square, so if n is less than that value, will use that rather
# than jumping all the way to a square grid.
x, y = n_sqrt, n_sqrt - 1
elif not (n_sqrt % 2) and n % 2:
# If the square root is even and the number of axes is odd, in
# order to keep the arrangement horizontally symmetrical, using a
# grid of size (n_sqrt + 1 x n_sqrt - 1) looks best and guarantees
# symmetry.
x, y = (n_sqrt + 1, n_sqrt - 1)
# It's not a perfect square, but a square grid is best
x, y = n_sqrt, n_sqrt
if n == x * y:
# There are no deficient rows, so we can just return from here
return tuple(x for i in range(y))
# If exactly one of these is odd, make it the rows
if (x % 2) != (y % 2) and (x % 2):
x, y = y, x
return cls.arrange_rows(n, x, y)
def arrange_rows(cls, n, x, y):
Given a grid of size (``x`` x ``y``) to be filled with ``n`` plots,
this arranges them as desired.
:param n:
The number of plots in the subplot.
:param x:
The number of columns in the grid.
:param y:
The number of rows in the grid.
Returns a :class:`tuple` containing a grid arrangement, see
:func:`get_grid` for details.
part_rows = (x * y) - n
full_rows = y - part_rows
f = (full_rows, x)
p = (part_rows, x - 1)
# Determine which is the more and less frequent value
if full_rows >= part_rows:
size_order = f, p
size_order = p, f
# ((n_more, more_val), (n_less, less_val)) = size_order
args = it.chain.from_iterable(size_order)
if y % 2:
return cls.stripe_odd(*args)
return cls.stripe_even(*args)
def stripe_odd(cls, n_more, more_val, n_less, less_val):
Prepare striping for an odd number of rows.
:param n_more:
The number of rows with the value that there's more of
:param more_val:
The value that there's more of
:param n_less:
The number of rows that there's less of
:param less_val:
The value that there's less of
Returns a :class:`tuple` of striped values with appropriate buffer.
(n_m, m_v) = n_more, more_val
(n_l, l_v) = n_less, less_val
# Calculate how much "buffer" we need.
# Example (b = buffer number, o = outer stripe, i = inner stripe)
# 4, 4, 5, 4, 4 -> b, o, i, o, b (buffer = 1)
# 4, 5, 4, 5, 4 -> o, i, o, i, o (buffer = 0)
n_inner_stripes = n_l
n_buffer = (n_m + n_l) - (2 * n_inner_stripes + 1)
assert n_buffer % 2 == 0, (n_more, n_less, n_buffer)
n_buffer //= 2
buff_tuple = (m_v, ) * n_buffer
stripe_tuple = (m_v, l_v) * n_inner_stripes + (m_v, )
return buff_tuple + stripe_tuple + buff_tuple
def stripe_even(cls, n_more, more_val, n_less, less_val):
Prepare striping for an even number of rows.
:param n_more:
The number of rows with the value that there's more of
:param more_val:
The value that there's more of
:param n_less:
The number of rows that there's less of
:param less_val:
The value that there's less of
Returns a :class:`tuple` of striped values with appropriate buffer.
total = n_more + n_less
if total % 2:
msg = ('Expected an even number of values, ' +
'got {} + {}').format(n_more, n_less)
raise ValueError(msg)
assert n_more >= n_less, (n_more, n_less)
# See what the minimum unit cell is
n_l_c, n_m_c = n_less, n_more
num_div = 0
while True:
n_l_c, lr = divmod(n_l_c, 2)
n_m_c, mr = divmod(n_m_c, 2)
if lr or mr:
num_div += 1
# Maximum number of times we can half this to get a "unit cell"
n_cells = 2 ** num_div
# Make the largest possible odd unit cell
cell_s = total // n_cells # Size of a unit cell
cell_buff = int(cell_s % 2 == 0) # Buffer is either 1 or 0
cell_s -= cell_buff
cell_nl = n_less // n_cells
cell_nm = cell_s - cell_nl
if cell_nm == 0:
stripe_cell = (less_val, )
stripe_cell = cls.stripe_odd(cell_nm, more_val, cell_nl, less_val)
unit_cell = ((more_val, ) * cell_buff + stripe_cell)
if num_div == 0:
return unit_cell
stripe_out = unit_cell * (n_cells // 2)
return tuple(reversed(stripe_out)) + stripe_out
def get_gridspec(grid_arrangement):
nrows = len(grid_arrangement)
ncols = max(grid_arrangement)
if len(set(grid_arrangement)) > 1:
col_width = 2
col_width = 1
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nrows, ncols * col_width)
ax_specs = []
for r, row_cols in enumerate(grid_arrangement):
# This is the number of missing columns in this row. If this number is
# ever anything other than 0, col_width will be 2, meaning each axis
# takes up two spots in the row. If you skip one slot for each column,
# an equal number of slots will be missing at the end.
skip = ncols - row_cols
for col in range(row_cols):
s = skip + col * col_width
e = s + col_width
ax_specs.append(gs[r, s:e])
return ax_specs
def test_grid_arrangement(n):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
grid_arrangement = GridStrategy.get_grid(n)
ax_specs = get_gridspec(grid_arrangement)
for i, spec in enumerate(ax_specs):
ax = fig.add_subplot(plt.Subplot(fig, spec))
ax.text(0.5, 0.5, "Axis: {}".format(i), color='white',
fontweight='bold', va="center", ha="center")
ax.tick_params(axis='both', bottom='off', top='off', left='off',
right='off', labelbottom='off', labelleft='off')
return fig
def output_demos(output_dir='grid_demo'):
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
for i in list(range(1, 20)) + [31, 34, 58, 62]:
f = test_grid_arrangement(i)
f.suptitle('n = {}'.format(i), fontweight='bold', fontsize=18)
plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 1, 0.97])
def run_tests():
col_vals = [
( 2, (2,)),
( 3, (2, 1)),
( 4, (2, 2)),
( 5, (2, 3)),
( 6, (3, 3)),
( 7, (2, 3, 2)),
( 8, (3, 2, 3)),
( 9, (3, 3, 3)),
(10, (3, 4, 3)),
(11, (4, 3, 4)),
(12, (4, 4, 4)),
(13, (4, 5, 4)),
(14, (3, 4, 4, 3)),
(15, (5, 5, 5)),
(16, (4, 4, 4, 4)),
(17, (3, 4, 3, 4, 3)),
(18, (4, 3, 4, 3, 4)),
(31, (6, 6, 7, 6, 6)),
(34, (6, 5, 6, 6, 5, 6)),
(58, (7, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 7)),
(94, (9, 10, 9, 10, 9, 9, 10, 9, 10, 9)),
for n, expt in col_vals:
rv = GridStrategy.get_grid(n)
assert rv == expt, (n, [rv, expt])
print('All tests passed')
if __name__ == "__main__":
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Demonstrate grid strategies')
parser.add_argument('--test', action='store_true',
help='Run tests instead of outputting grids.')
parser.add_argument('--out-dir', '-o', default='grid_demo',
help='Output directory for the grid demo.')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.test:
from matplotlib import gridspec
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
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