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phackwer / gist:d95f46d75d7c6e5657c0
Created January 9, 2015 06:23
Alterando ícones do Mac
Faça download
// Go to /System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources folder
// where system icons are located.
$ cd /System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/
// Backup the icns file for generic folder icon.
$ sudo cp GenericFolderIcon.icns
// Move the icns file to your home folder and go there.
$ sudo mv GenericFolderIcon.icns ~/
phackwer / gist:5054590edb86bf69d82a
Created October 25, 2015 03:01
Speed up Linux and SSD
phackwer / gist:3c41ee74b6c72244d9bd
Last active November 17, 2015 02:51
Adobe CS6 em Case Sensitive FileSystem - MacOS
Installing Adobe CS6 on case-sensitive drives (Mac OS X)¶
20 May 2013
Well, everybody knows that Adobe are a shitty company. Their products are the defacto standard for image/video editing and designing, but their codebase really suck. No excuses.
The problem addressed here is that Creative Studio™ refuses to install on a case-sensitive drives on Mac OS X. And it doesn’t just refuse to install on a case-sensitive drive, but it also requires to install on your boot drive as well! Srsly?
Well, there’s a solution. I’ve just stumbled upon this, and I’m really anxious to share it. I’ve forked the code to update it for CS6.
Those of you who use OpenProj for project management on Linux may receive an erroneous error from the software application complaining that your Java vendor is "Oracle" rather than "Sun".
Obviously, they are one in the same , but the OpenProj software isn't smart enough to know this (as of the authoring date of this article, version 1.4).
Here's an easy fix to get around this and trick the application into working with the Oracle java installation.
The error:
[eriks@eclipse: ~/.openproj]$ openproj
Java auto-detection...
Checking java
F5 - Builda e executa uma versão do IIS embutida no Visual Studio
CTRL + , = Eclipse Ctrl + Shift + R
CTRL + K e C = Comentar linha
CTRL + K e D = Identar código
1 - Adicionar o DotNetCasClient ao projeto, selecionando o Manage NuGet Packages
2 - Remova o nó
<authentication mode="None"/>
Those are the required commands to import a SVN project into a Git repository
# clone svn into a local git repository and goes into it
git svn clone git_svn
cd git_svn
# Map the destiny git repository as origin and pull from it
git remote add origin
phackwer / Registro de chaves ICP-Brasil em VM Java
Created August 25, 2016 16:34
Registro de chaves ICP-Brasil em VM Java
# Obtenção das chaves ICP-Brasil / Serpro
# Registrando na keystore da VM para uso no JBoss
keytool -keystore /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/security/cacerts -importcert -alias icpbrasil5 -file ICP-Brasilv5.crt
find -type f -exec md5sum "{}" +
Ex: lista apenas por extensão:
find -type f -name "*.zip" -exec md5sum "{}" +
find . -type d -name "workspace" | xargs rm -rf
phackwer / gist:b70e47331606e6e2313749b04862d0e8
Last active October 11, 2016 14:01
Diversas formas de substituição e geração de MD5 e SHA1 com base em padrões dentro de arquivos
for f in `grep -rl srv267 .`;
do \
sed -i 's/srv267/pvl010/g' $f && \
echo $f \
set -- $(md5sum $f) && \
echo $1 > $f.md5;
set -- $(sha1sum $f) && \
echo $1 > $f.sha1;