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Last active July 1, 2019 13:11
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{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module IEnum where
import Data.Type.Equality
import Data.Kind (Type, Constraint)
import Data.GADT.Compare
import Data.GADT.Show
import Data.Dependent.Sum
import Data.Functor.Classes
import Data.Some
-- Class
class Cata (ICode f) => IEnum f where
type ICode f :: [Type]
ifrom :: f a -> IRep (ICode f) a
ito :: IRep (ICode f) a -> f a
-- Representation
data family IRep (code :: [Type]) x :: Type
data instance IRep '[] x
data instance IRep (y ': xs) x where
IHere :: IRep (x ': xs) x
IThere :: IRep xs x -> IRep (y ': xs) x
-- N-ary Product as Family
data family NPF (f :: k -> Type) (code :: [k])
data instance NPF f '[] = Nil
data instance NPF f (x ': xs) = f x ::* NPF f xs
infixr 4 ::*
-- Cata
class Cata (xs :: [Type]) where
cata :: f '[] -> (forall z zs. Cata zs => f zs -> f (z ': zs)) -> f xs
instance Cata '[] where
cata n _ = n
instance Cata xs => Cata (x ': xs) where
cata n c = c (cata n c)
-- Examples: Example type
data Domain a where
DomainInt :: Domain Int
DomainChar :: Domain Char
instance IEnum Domain where
type ICode Domain = '[ Int, Char ]
ifrom DomainInt = IHere
ifrom DomainChar = IThere IHere
ito IHere = DomainInt
ito (IThere IHere) = DomainChar
ito (IThere (IThere v)) = case v of {}
-- Examples: GEq
genericGeq :: forall a b f. IEnum f => f a -> f b -> Maybe (a :~: b)
genericGeq = \x y -> getIGEq (cata nil_ cons_) (ifrom x) (ifrom y) where
nil_ :: IGEq a b '[]
nil_ = IGEq $ \a -> case a of {}
cons_ :: IGEq a b zs -> IGEq a b (z ': zs)
cons_ (IGEq rec) = IGEq $ \xs ys -> case (xs, ys) of
(IHere, IHere) -> Just Refl
(IHere, IThere _) -> Nothing
(IThere _, IHere ) -> Nothing
(IThere xs', IThere ys') -> rec xs' ys'
newtype IGEq a b xs = IGEq
{ getIGEq :: IRep xs a -> IRep xs b -> Maybe (a :~: b) }
-- RHS size: {terms: 20, types: 68, coercions: 18, joins: 0/0}
= \ @ a_X1aw @ b_X1ay eta_B2 eta1_B1 ->
case eta_B2 of {
DomainInt co_a1cI ->
case eta1_B1 of {
DomainInt co1_X1eW -> igeq1 `cast` <Co:9>;
DomainChar co1_a1cN -> Nothing
DomainChar co_a1cN ->
case eta1_B1 of {
DomainInt co1_a1cI -> Nothing;
DomainChar co1_X1f1 -> igeq1 `cast` <Co:9>
instance GEq Domain where
geq = genericGeq
-- This actually simplifies to Nothing
-- RHS size: {terms: 1, types: 5, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
ex01 = Nothing
ex01 :: Maybe (Int :~: Char)
ex01 = geq DomainInt DomainChar
-- Examples: GCompare
genericGCompare :: forall a b f. IEnum f => f a -> f b -> GOrdering a b
genericGCompare = \x y -> getIGCompare (cata nil_ cons_) (ifrom x) (ifrom y) where
nil_ :: IGCompare a b '[]
nil_ = IGCompare $ \a -> case a of {}
cons_ :: IGCompare a b zs -> IGCompare a b (z ': zs)
cons_ (IGCompare rec) = IGCompare $ \xs ys -> case (xs, ys) of
(IHere, IHere) -> GEQ
(IHere, IThere _) -> GLT
(IThere _, IHere ) -> GGT
(IThere xs', IThere ys') -> rec xs' ys'
newtype IGCompare a b xs = IGCompare
{ getIGCompare :: IRep xs a -> IRep xs b -> GOrdering a b }
-- RHS size: {terms: 20, types: 70, coercions: 16, joins: 0/0}
= \ @ a_X3je @ b_X3jg eta_B2 eta1_B1 ->
case eta_B2 of {
DomainInt co_a3pG ->
case eta1_B1 of {
DomainInt co1_X3ts -> $WGEQ `cast` <Co:8>;
DomainChar co1_a3pL -> GLT
DomainChar co_a3pL ->
case eta1_B1 of {
DomainInt co1_a3pG -> GGT;
DomainChar co1_X3tx -> $WGEQ `cast` <Co:8>
instance GCompare Domain where
gcompare = genericGCompare
-- RHS size: {terms: 1, types: 4, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
ex03 = GLT
ex03 :: GOrdering Int Char
ex03 = gcompare DomainInt DomainChar
-- Examples: ArgDict
-- | @constraints@
data Dict c where
Dict :: c => Dict c
class ArgDict f where
type ArgDictC (c :: Type -> Constraint) f :: Constraint
type ArgDictC c f = All c (ICode f)
argDict :: ArgDictC c f => f a -> Dict (c a)
default argDict :: (All c (ICode f), IEnum f, GArgDict a (ICode f)) => f a -> Dict (c a)
argDict = giargDict . ifrom
type family All (c :: Type -> Constraint) (xs :: [Type]) :: Constraint where
All c '[] = ()
All c (x ': xs) = (c x, All c xs)
class GArgDict a xs where
giargDict :: All c xs => IRep xs a -> Dict (c a)
instance GArgDict a '[] where
giargDict x = case x of {}
instance GArgDict a xs => GArgDict a (x ': xs) where
giargDict IHere = Dict
giargDict (IThere x) = giargDict x
-- RHS size: {terms: 15, types: 55, coercions: 51, joins: 0/0}
= \ @ c_s36s @ a_s36t w_s36u w1_s36v ->
case w1_s36v of {
DomainInt co_a2yO ->
Dict (($p1(%,%) (w_s36u `cast` <Co:19>)) `cast` <Co:3>);
DomainChar co_a2yT ->
(($p1(%,%) (($p2(%,%) (w_s36u `cast` <Co:19>)) `cast` <Co:7>))
`cast` <Co:3>)
instance ArgDict Domain
= \ @ a_a2uM dom_X16Q x_X16S ->
case dom_X16Q of {
DomainInt co_a2yO -> $fShowInt_$cshow (x_X16S `cast` <Co:2>);
DomainChar co_a2yT -> $fShowChar_$cshow (x_X16S `cast` <Co:2>)
ex02 :: forall a. Domain a -> a -> String
ex02 dom x = case argDict dom :: Dict (Show a) of
Dict -> show x
-- GShow & ShowTag
:: forall tag f (a :: Type). (ArgDict tag, ArgDictC Show tag, Show1 f)
=> tag a -> Int -> f a -> ShowS
genericShowTaggedPrec ta d fa = case argDict ta :: Dict (Show a) of
Dict -> showsPrec1 d fa
deriving instance Show (Domain a)
instance GShow Domain where gshowsPrec = showsPrec
instance Show1 f => ShowTag Domain f where
showTaggedPrec = genericShowTaggedPrec
-- Universe
genericUniverse :: IEnum f => [Some f]
genericUniverse = map (mapSome ito) $ getIUniverseSome (cata nil_ cons_) where
nil_ :: IUniverseSome '[]
nil_ = IUniverseSome []
cons_ :: IUniverseSome zs -> IUniverseSome (z : zs)
cons_ (IUniverseSome rec) = IUniverseSome $
Some IHere : map (mapSome IThere) rec
newtype IUniverseSome xs = IUniverseSome
{ getIUniverseSome :: [Some (IRep xs)] }
mapSome :: (forall x. f x -> g x) -> Some f -> Some g
mapSome nt (Some x) = Some (nt x)
-- some maps and coercions :(
ex04 :: [Some Domain]
ex04 = genericUniverse
genericUniverse2 :: IEnum f => [Some f]
genericUniverse2 = collapse_NPF ito $ getIUniverseSome2 (cata nil_ cons_) where
nil_ :: IUniverseSome2 '[]
nil_ = IUniverseSome2 Nil
cons_ :: Cata zs => IUniverseSome2 zs -> IUniverseSome2 (z : zs)
cons_ (IUniverseSome2 rec) = IUniverseSome2 $
IHere ::* map_NPF IThere rec
newtype IUniverseSome2 xs = IUniverseSome2
{ getIUniverseSome2 :: NPF (IRep xs) xs }
:: forall f g xs. Cata xs
=> (forall x. f x -> g x) -> NPF f xs -> [Some g]
collapse_NPF nt = getCollapseNPF (cata nil_ cons_) where
nil_ :: CollapseNPF f g '[]
nil_ = CollapseNPF $ \_ -> []
cons_ :: CollapseNPF f g zs -> CollapseNPF f g (z : zs)
cons_ (CollapseNPF rec) = CollapseNPF $ \(z ::* zs) -> Some (nt z) : rec zs
newtype CollapseNPF f g xs = CollapseNPF { getCollapseNPF :: NPF f xs -> [Some g] }
:: forall (f :: Type -> Type) g xs. Cata xs
=> (forall x. f x -> g x) -> NPF f xs -> NPF g xs
map_NPF nt = getMapNPF (cata nil_ cons_) where
nil_ :: MapNPF f g '[]
nil_ = MapNPF $ \_ -> Nil
cons_ :: MapNPF f g zs -> MapNPF f g (z : zs)
cons_ (MapNPF rec) = MapNPF $ \(z ::* zs) -> nt z ::* rec zs
newtype MapNPF f g xs = MapNPF { getMapNPF :: NPF f xs -> NPF g xs }
-- RHS size: {terms: 3, types: 6, coercions: 11, joins: 0/0}
ex4 = : ($WDomainChar `cast` <Co:11>) []
-- RHS size: {terms: 3, types: 3, coercions: 11, joins: 0/0}
ex05 = : ($WDomainInt `cast` <Co:11>) ex4
ex05 :: [Some Domain]
ex05 = genericUniverse2
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