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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Magic squares in Julia
# These are possibly naïve implementations of magic squares generation
# for a micro-benchmark to compare Julia to Python and Matlab
function magic_matlab(n::Int64)
# Works exactly as Matlab's magic.m
if n % 2 == 1
p = (1:n)
M = n * mod(broadcast(+, p', p - div(n+3, 2)), n) + mod(broadcast(+, p', 2p - 2), n) + 1
return M
elseif n % 4 == 0
J = div([1:n] % 4, 2)
K = J' .== J
M = broadcast(+, [1:n:(n*n)]', [0:n-1])
M[K] = n^2 + 1 - M[K]
return M
p = div(n, 2)
M = magic_matlab(p)
M = [M M+2p^2; M+3p^2 M+p^2]
if n == 2
return M
i = (1:p)
k = (n-2)/4
j = convert(Array{Int}, [(1:k); ((n-k+2):n)])
M[[i; i+p],j] = M[[i+p; i],j]
i = k+1
j = [1; i]
M[[i; i+p],j] = M[[i+p; i],j]
return M
@vectorize_1arg Int magic_matlab
function magic_python(n::Int64)
# Works exactly as (from pypy)
if n % 2 == 1
m = (n >> 1) + 1
b = n^2 + 1
M = reshape(repmat(1:n:b-n, 1, n+2)[m:end-m], n+1, n)[2:end, :] +
reshape(repmat(0:(n-1), 1, n+2), n+2, n)[2:end-1, :]'
return M
elseif n % 4 == 0
b = n^2 + 1
d = reshape(1:b-1, n, n)
d[1:4:n, 1:4:n] = b - d[1:4:n, 1:4:n]
d[1:4:n, 4:4:n] = b - d[1:4:n, 4:4:n]
d[4:4:n, 1:4:n] = b - d[4:4:n, 1:4:n]
d[4:4:n, 4:4:n] = b - d[4:4:n, 4:4:n]
d[2:4:n, 2:4:n] = b - d[2:4:n, 2:4:n]
d[2:4:n, 3:4:n] = b - d[2:4:n, 3:4:n]
d[3:4:n, 2:4:n] = b - d[3:4:n, 2:4:n]
d[3:4:n, 3:4:n] = b - d[3:4:n, 3:4:n]
return d
m = n >> 1
k = m >> 1
b = m^2
d = repmat(magic_python(m), 2, 2)
d[1:m, 1:k] += 3*b
d[1+m:end, 1+k:m] += 3*b
d[1+k, 1+k] += 3*b
d[1+k, 1] -= 3*b
d[1+m+k, 1] += 3*b
d[1+m+k, 1+k] -= 3*b
d[1:m,1+m:n-k+1] += b+b
d[1+m:end, 1+m:n-k+1] += b
d[1:m, 1+n-k+1:end] += b
d[1+m:end, 1+n-k+1:end] += b+b
return d
@vectorize_1arg Int magic_python
print("Matlab version: ")
@time magic_matlab(3:1000)
print("Python version: ")
@time magic_python(3:1000)
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