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gitaarik /
Last active November 28, 2024 13:05
Git Submodules basic explanation

Git Submodules basic explanation

Why submodules?

In Git you can add a submodule to a repository. This is basically a repository embedded in your main repository. This can be very useful. A couple of usecases of submodules:

  • Separate big codebases into multiple repositories.
entaroadun / gist:1653794
Created January 21, 2012 20:10
Recommendation and Ratings Public Data Sets For Machine Learning

Movies Recommendation:

Music Recommendation:

heiswayi /
Created February 5, 2017 01:32
GitHub - Delete commits history with git commands

First Method

Deleting the .git folder may cause problems in our git repository. If we want to delete all of our commits history, but keep the code in its current state, try this:

# Check out to a temporary branch:
git checkout --orphan TEMP_BRANCH

# Add all the files:
git add -A
dannguyen /
Last active September 6, 2024 12:22
Using youtube-dl and gifify from the command-line to make a cat gif
bonzanini /
Last active May 19, 2024 08:45
Searching PubMed with Biopython
# This code uses Biopython to retrieve lists of articles from pubmed
# you need to install Biopython first.
# If you use Anaconda:
# conda install biopython
# If you use pip/venv:
# pip install biopython
# Full discussion:
l3nz /
Last active August 8, 2023 05:54
NOT Fixed: accountsd using 400% CPU on MacOS Catalina 10.15.7 (19H2)

accountsd using 400% CPU on MacOS Catalina 10.15.7 (19H2)

TL;DR: Still open - see below.

This morning I woke up to some not-so-nice surprise - my 2018 MPB 13" would be kind of totally unusable. The accountsd process was stable at 400%, battery was going like ice-cream in the Sahara, and opening up LibreOffice was like a major achievement.

I did check the logs (that were growing at like 500 lines per second) and I saw a lot of lines at FAULT level:

fault 07:54:04.271342+0200 accountsd Unentitled access by client 'CallHistoryPlugi' (selector: accountsWithAccountType:handler:)

aagarw30 / app.R
Last active January 5, 2023 16:05
Upload zip folder and unzip it using R and Shiny
ui <- fluidPage(
# Upload zip files
fileInput("file", "Upload Zip file", accept = ".zip"),
# action button to unzip the file
actionButton("unzip", "Unzip Files"),
# to display the metadata of the zipped file
ymirpl / gist:1052094
Created June 28, 2011 20:21
Python unicode e-mail sending
#coding: utf-8
from cStringIO import StringIO
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.header import Header
from email import Charset
from email.generator import Generator
import smtplib
# Example address data
larsmans /
Created February 14, 2013 13:38
k-means clustering in pure Python
# K-means clustering using Lloyd's algorithm in pure Python.
# Written by Lars Buitinck. This code is in the public domain.
# The main program runs the clustering algorithm on a bunch of text documents
# specified as command-line arguments. These documents are first converted to
# sparse vectors, represented as lists of (index, value) pairs.
from collections import defaultdict