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Created February 7, 2020 15:43
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Interval Computation with Lens?
module Numeric.ADLens.Interval where
import Numeric.Interval
-- interval combinators
type Lens a b = a -> (b, b -> a)
class Lattice a where
(/\) :: a -> a -> a
(\/) :: a -> a -> a
top :: a
bottom :: a
-- x /\ x = x
instance (Lattice a, Lattice b) => Lattice (a,b) where
(x,y) /\ (a,b) = ( x /\ a , y /\ b )
(x,y) \/ (a,b) = ( x \/ a , y \/ b )
top = (top, top)
bottom = (bottom, bottom) -- ? very fishy
instance (Fractional a, Ord a) => Lattice (Interval a) where
(/\) = intersection
(\/) = hull
top = whole
bottom = empty
instance Lattice () where
_ /\ _ = ()
_ \/ _ = ()
top = () -- fishy
bottom = () -- fishy
id :: Lattice a => Lens a a
id = \x -> (x, \x' -> x /\ x')
dup :: Lattice a => Lens a (a,a)
dup = \x -> ( (x,x), \(x1,x2) -> x1 /\ x2 )
fuse :: Lattice a => Lens (a,a) a
fuse = \(x,x') -> let x'' = x /\ x' in ( x'' , \x''' -> let x4 = x'' /\ x''' in (x4, x4))
-- cap is equality
cap :: Lattice a => Lens (a,a) ()
cap = \(x,x') -> ((), \_ -> let x'' = x /\ x' in (x'', x''))
posinf :: Fractional a => a
posinf = sup whole
neginf :: Fractional a => a
neginf = inf whole
-- insist that x <= y
leq :: (Ord a, Fractional a) => Lens (Interval a, Interval a) ()
leq = \(x,y) -> (() , \_ -> ( x /\ (neginf ... (sup y)) , y /\ ( (inf x) ... posinf) ) )
-- the repetitive-ness of the /\ is a real code smell.
swap :: (Lattice a, Lattice b) => Lens (a,b) (b,a)
swap = \(x,y) -> ( (y,x) , \(y',x') -> (x /\ x', y /\ y' ) )
-- min :: Lens (a,a) a
-- min = \(x,y) -> (min x y, \m -> (x /\ (m + pos) , y /\ (m + pos))
cup :: Lattice a => Lens () (a,a) -- not a very good combinator
cup = \_ -> ( (top, top) , \_ -> () )
-- it sure seems like we are doing a lot of unnecessary /\ operations
labsorb :: Lattice a => Lens ((), a) a
labsorb = \(_, x) -> (x, (\x' -> ((), x' /\ x)))
-- rabsorb
and vice verse
compose f g = \x -> let (y, f' ) = f x in
let (z, g' ) = g y in
(z , f' . g')
-- we could do the intersection here.
compose f g = \x -> let (y, f' ) = f x in
let (z, g' ) = g y in
(z , \z' -> f' (y /\ (g' z')) /\ x)
-- can we though? Does this still work for add?
yeah no, there is something off.
You need to change what you do depending on the number of arguments to the function.
const :: a -> Lens () a
const x = \_ -> (x, \_ -> ())
Functions and taylor models... ????
fst :: Lattice a => Lens (a,b) a
fst = \(x,y) -> (x, \x' -> (x /\ x', y))
snd :: Lattice b => Lens (a,b) b
snd = \(x,y) -> (y, \y' -> (x, y /\ y'))
-- par :: Lens a b -> Lens c d -> Lens (a,c) (b,d)
-- par f g =
sum :: (Num a, Lattice a) => Lens (a,a) a
sum = \(x,y) -> ( x + y, \s -> ( x /\ (s - y), y /\ (s - x)))
mul :: (Fractional a, Lattice a) => Lens (a,a) a
mul = \(x,y) -> (x * y, \m -> (x /\ (m / y) , y /\ (m / x) ))
div :: (Fractional a, Lattice a) => Lens (a,a) a
div = \(x,y) -> (x / y, \d -> ( (d * y) /\ x , ((recip d) * x) /\ y ))
liftunop :: Lattice a => (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> Lens a b
liftunop f finv = \x -> ( f x , \y -> x /\ (finv y) )
recip' :: (Fractional a, Lattice a) => Lens a a
recip' = liftunop recip recip
sin' :: (Floating a, Lattice a) => Lens a a
sin' = liftunop sin asin
cos' :: (Floating a, Lattice a) => Lens a a
cos' = liftunop cos acos
acos' :: (Floating a, Lattice a) => Lens a a
acos' = liftunop acos cos
exp' :: (Floating a, Lattice a) => Lens a a
exp' = liftunop exp log
-- depending on how library implements sqrt?
sqr :: (Floating a, Lattice a) => Lens a a
sqr = \x -> (x ** 2, \x2 -> x /\ (sqrt x) /\ negate (sqrt x) )
-- sqrt = liftunop ()
pow :: (Floating a, Lattice a) => Lens (a,a) a
pow = \(x,n) -> ( x ** n, \xn -> (x /\ xn ** (recip n), n /\ (logBase x xn) ))
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