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Created December 15, 2020 22:20
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% Follow paper exactly. See Appendix A
% Difference from unison model.mzn: Try not using integers. Try to use better minizinc syntax. Much simplified
include "globals.mzn";
%% ---------------------------------------
%% ---------------------------------------
% Type definitions
% All are enumerative types
enum reg_t;
enum insn_t;
enum temp_t;
enum operand_t;
enum operation_t;
enum block_t;
enum class_t;
array[operand_t] of operation_t : operand_operation; % map from operand to operations it belongs to
array[temp_t] of operand_t : definer; %map from temporary to operand that defines it
array[temp_t] of set of operand_t : users; %map from temporary to operands that possibly use it
array[temp_t] of block_t : temp_block; % map from temporary to block it lives in
set of operation_t : copy; % is operation a copy operation
% maybe this should be a mapping from operation_t to operation_class_t
% copy, normal (linear), in, out, jmp
array[temp_t] of int : width; % Atom width of temporary. Atoms are subpieces of registers. Maybe 8 bit.
array[operand_t] of set of reg_t : preassign; % preassign operand_t to register.
array[operand_t] of set of operand_t : congruent; % Whether congruent. Congruent operands are actually the same temporary split by linear SSA
array[operation_t] of set of insn_t : operation_insns; % map from operation to possible instructions that implement it
% register class
% For simd registers, spilling.
%array[operand_t] of array[insn_t] of class_t : op_insn_class; % two alternative representation for register class.
%array[reg_t] of class_t : reg_class;
% vs
%array[operand_t] of array[insn_t] of set of reg_t : reg_class;
array[insn_t] of int: latency; % latency of instruction
int: MAXC = 100; % maximum cycle. This should possibily be a parameter read from file.
% todo: resource parameter
% con, dur, cap
% todo: objective function parameters.
% weight
% cost
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------
array[temp_t] of var reg_t : reg;
array[operation_t] of var insn_t : insn;
array[operand_t] of var temp_t : temp;
array[temp_t] of var bool : live;
array[operation_t] of var bool : active;
array[operation_t] of var 0..MAXC : issue; % maybe make these ranges. I could see a good argument for that
array[temp_t] of var 0..MAXC : start_cycle;
array[temp_t] of var 0..MAXC : end_cycle;
% function nonempty?
% constraint to choose instruction from allowed instructions. Why was this not implied
% not in the paper
% maybe if I had more logic interconnecting choice of temporary / register with insn this would be implied
constraint forall(o in operation_t where card(operation_insns[o]) > 0 )(
insn[o] in operation_insns[o]
% operand should only be assigned to temporary it either defines or uses.
% Is this implicit from other constraints?
constraint forall(o in operand_t)(
temp[o] in { t | t in temp_t where definer[t] = o \/ o in users[t] }
constraint forall(t in temp_t)(
temp[definer[t]] = t
constraint forall(t in temp_t)(
forall(o in operand_t)(
exists() temp[o] = t
temp[users[t]] = t
%% ------------------------------
%% ------------------------------
% no overlap constraint for live register usage
% use cumulative?
% use minizinc built-in diffn.
% The original unison model uses many different options
function array[int] of var int : block_array(array[temp_t] of var int : a, block_t : b) =
[a[t] | t in temp_t where temp_block[t] = b ];
% [diffn_nonstrict]
% Constrains rectangles i , given by their origins ( x [ i ], y [ i ]) and
% sizes ( dx [ i ], dy [ i ]), to be non-overlapping. Zero-width rectangles can be packed anywhere.
% still need to include live[t] condition
constraint forall(b in block_t)(
diffn(block_array(reg,b), % built in global minizinc constraint
% block_array([width[t] * bool2int(live[t]) | t in temp_t ], b), % no this is bad
block_array(width, b),
[end_cycle[t] - start_cycle[t] | t in temp_t])
% C2.1 Pre-assignment to registers
constraint forall(p in operand_t) (
forall(r in preassign[p])(
reg[temp[p]] = r
% C3.2. register class constraint
constraint forall(p in operand_t where active[operand_operation[p]](
reg[temp[p]] in class[]
% C4 Every operation that is not a copy must be active.
constraint forall(o in operation_t where not (o in copy))(
% C5.1 A temporary is live if its defining operation is active
constraint forall(t in temp_t)(
live[t] = active[operand_operation[definer[t]]]
% C5.2 For an active operation there must be at least one live temporary available
constraint forall(t in temp_t)(
%card({p | p in users[t] where live[t] == active[operand_operation[p]] /\ temp[p] == t}) >= 1 % fishy encoding
live[t] <- exists(p in users[t])( active[operand_operation[p]] /\ temp[p] = t ) % should be both way implication?
% C6 Congruent operands map to the same register
constraint forall (p in operand_t, q in operand_t where q in congruent[p])(
reg[temp[p]] = reg[temp[q]]
%% Instruction Scheduling Constraints
% C7.1 The issue cycle of operations that define temporaries must be before all
% active operations that use that temporary
constraint forall (t in temp_t)(
let {operand_t : p = definer[t]} in
forall(q in users[t] where active[operand_operation[q]] /\ temp[q] == t)(
issue[operand_operation[q]] >= issue[operand_operation[p]] + latency[insn[operand_operation[p]]]
% resource consumptions contraint
% TODO. We are not tracking resource consumption yet
use cumulative
constraint forall (b in block_ts)(
forall (s in Resource)
%% Integration Constraints
% C9 The start cycle of a temporary is the issue cycle of it's defining operation
constraint forall (t in temp_t where live[t])(
start_cycle[t] == issue[operand_operation[definer[t]]]
% Not in paper. Do we want this?
% end is at least past the start cycle plus the latency of the operation
constraint forall (t in temp_t)(
end[t] >= start[t] + latency[ insn[ operand_operation[definer[t]] ]]
%C10 Then end cycle of a temporary is the last issue cycle of operations that use it.
constraint forall (t in temp_t where card(users[t]) > 0 /\ live[t])(
end_cycle[t] == max(
% [ start[t] + 10 ] ++ % a kludge to make minizinc not upset when users[t] is empty.
[ issue[operand_operation[p]] | p in users[t] where temp[p] == t ] )
% shouldn't this also be contingent on whether the user is active?
% I suppose the temporary won't be live then.
% anything that has a where clause that isn't just parameters makes me queasy. What is this going to do?
%TODO. For the moment, mere satisfaction would make me happy
% minimize max( [end[t] | t in temp_t ] ) % total estimated time (spilling is slow)
% minimize resource usage
% solve minimize max( end );
% solve minimize max( reg ); % use smallest number of registers
"reg_t": [
"e": "r0"
"e": "r1"
"e": "r2"
"e": "r3"
"e": "r4"
"e": "r5"
"insn_t": [
"e": "ADD"
"e": "EOR"
"e": "LSL"
"e": "MOV"
"e": "SUB"
"temp_t": [
"e": "LR"
"e": "R0"
"e": "R0.1"
"e": "R0.2"
"e": "R0.3"
"e": "#3"
"e": "#5"
"e": "#13"
"e": "#15"
"e": "#18.1"
"e": "#19"
"e": "#25"
"e": "#27"
"operand_t": [
"e": "#1"
"e": "#2"
"e": "#4"
"e": "#6"
"e": "#7"
"e": "#8"
"e": "#9"
"e": "#10"
"e": "#11"
"e": "#12"
"e": "#14"
"e": "#16"
"e": "#17"
"e": "#18"
"e": "#20"
"e": "#21"
"e": "#22"
"e": "#23"
"e": "#24"
"e": "#26"
"e": "#28"
"e": "#29"
"e": "#30"
"e": "#31"
"e": "#32"
"operation_t": [
"e": "%0000029a"
"e": "%0000029b"
"e": "%0000029c"
"e": "%0000029d"
"e": "%0000029e"
"e": "%0000029f"
"e": "%000002a0"
"e": "%000002a1"
"e": "%000002a2"
"e": "%000002a3"
"e": "%000002a4"
"e": "%000002a5"
"e": "%000002a6"
"block_t": [
"e": "%00000167"
"class_t": [
"e": "unimplemented_class"
"operand_operation": [
"e": "%0000029b"
"e": "%0000029b"
"e": "%0000029c"
"e": "%0000029d"
"e": "%0000029d"
"e": "%0000029d"
"e": "%0000029e"
"e": "%0000029e"
"e": "%0000029f"
"e": "%0000029f"
"e": "%000002a0"
"e": "%000002a1"
"e": "%000002a1"
"e": "%000002a1"
"e": "%000002a2"
"e": "%000002a2"
"e": "%000002a2"
"e": "%000002a3"
"e": "%000002a3"
"e": "%000002a4"
"e": "%000002a5"
"e": "%000002a5"
"e": "%000002a5"
"e": "%000002a6"
"e": "%000002a6"
"definer": [
"e": "#1"
"e": "#2"
"e": "#10"
"e": "#24"
"e": "#32"
"e": "#4"
"e": "#8"
"e": "#14"
"e": "#18"
"e": "#12"
"e": "#22"
"e": "#26"
"e": "#30"
"users": [
"set": []
"set": [
"e": "#7"
"set": [
"e": "#20"
"e": "#11"
"set": [
"e": "#29"
"set": []
"set": [
"e": "#6"
"set": [
"e": "#9"
"set": [
"e": "#16"
"set": [
"e": "#21"
"set": [
"e": "#17"
"set": [
"e": "#23"
"set": [
"e": "#28"
"set": [
"e": "#31"
"temp_block": [
"e": "%00000167"
"e": "%00000167"
"e": "%00000167"
"e": "%00000167"
"e": "%00000167"
"e": "%00000167"
"e": "%00000167"
"e": "%00000167"
"e": "%00000167"
"e": "%00000167"
"e": "%00000167"
"e": "%00000167"
"e": "%00000167"
"copy": {
"set": []
"width": [
"preassign": [
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"congruent": [
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"set": []
"operation_insns": [
"set": []
"set": []
"set": [
"e": "MOV"
"set": [
"e": "ADD"
"set": [
"e": "MOV"
"set": [
"e": "MOV"
"set": [
"e": "MOV"
"set": [
"e": "LSL"
"set": [
"e": "SUB"
"set": [
"e": "MOV"
"set": [
"e": "MOV"
"set": [
"e": "EOR"
"set": [
"e": "MOV"
"latency": [
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