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Last active May 5, 2020 14:59
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finite set category in python
from collections import Counter
class FinSet():
def init(self, dom ,cod , f):
''' In order to specify a morphism, we need to give a python set that is the domain, a python set
that is the codomain, and a dictionary f that encodes a function between these two sets.
We could by assumption just use f.keys() implicitly as the domain, however the codomain is not inferable from just f.
In other categories that domain might not be either, so we chose to require both symmettrically.
assert( dom == set(f.keys())) # f has value for everything in domain
assert( all( [y in cod for y in f.value()] )) # f has only values in codomain
self.cod = cod
self.dom = dom
self.f = f
def __getitem__(self,i):
# a convenient overloading.
return self.f[i]
def compose(f,g):
''' Composition is function composition. Dictionary comprehension syntax for the win! '''
return FinSet( g.dom, f.cod, { x : f[g[x]] for x in g.dom })
def idd(dom):
''' The identity morphism on an object dom. A function mapping every x to itself'''
return FinSet(dom, dom, { x : x for x in dom})
def __equal__(f,g):
assert(f.dom == g.dom) # I choose to say the question of equality only makes sense if the arrows are parallel.
assert(f.cod == g.cod) # ie. they have the same object at head and tail
return f.f == g.f
def terminal(dom):
''' The terminal object is an object such that for any other object, there is a unique morphism
to the terminal object
This function returns the object itself {()} and the universal morphism from dom to that object'''
return {()} , FinSet(dom, {()} , {x : () for x in dom} )
def initial(cod):
''' The initial object is an object such that for any other object, there is a unique morphsm
from the initial object to that object.
It is the dual of the terminal object.
In FinSet, the initial object is the empty set set({}). The mapping is then an empty dictionary dict({})'''
return set({}) , FinSet(set({}), cod, dict({}))
def monic(self):
''' Returns bool of whether mapping is injective.
In other words, maps every incoming element to unique outgoing element.
In other words, does `self @ g == self @ f` imply `g == f` forall g,f
Counter class counters occurences'''
codomain_vals = self.f.values()
counts = Counter(codomain_vals).values() #
return all([count == 1 for count in counts]) # no elements map to same element
def epic(self):
''' is mapping surjective? In other words does the image of the map f cover the entire codomain '''
codomain_vals = self.f.keys()
return set(codomain_vals) == self.cod # cover the codomain
def product(a,b): # takes a sepcific product
ab = { (x,y) for x in a for y in b }
p1 = FinSet( ab, a, { (x,y) : x for (x,y) in ab } )
p2 = FinSet( ab, b, { (x,y) : y for (x,y) in ab } )
return ab, p1, p2 , lambda f,g: FinSet( f.dom, ab, { x : (f[x],g[x]) for x in f.dom } ) # assert f.dom == g.dom, f.cod == a, g.cod == b
def coproduct(a,b):
ab = { (0,x) for x in a }.union({ (1,y) for y in b })
i1 = FinSet( a, ab, { x : (0,x) for x in a } )
i2 = FinSet( b, ab, { y : (1,y) for y in b } )
def fanin(f,g):
return { (tag,x) : (f[x] if tag == 0 else g[x]) for (tag,x) in ab }
return ab, i1, i2, fanin
def equalizer(f,g):
''' The equalizer is a construction that allows one to talk about the solution to an equation in a categorical manner
An equation is f(x) = g(x). It has two mappings f and g that we want to somehow be the same. The solution to this equation
should be a subset of the shared domain of f and g. Subsets are described from within FinSet by maps that map into the
assert(f.dom == g.dom)
assert(f.cod == g.cod)
e = { x for x in f.dom if f[x] == g[x] }
return e, FinSet(e, f.dom, {x : x for x in e})
def pullback(f,g): # solutions to f(x) = g(y)
assert(f.cod == g.cod)
e = {(x,y) for x in f.dom for y in g.dom if f[x] == g[y]} # subset of (f.dom, g.dom) that solves equation
p1 = FinSet( e, f.dom, { (x,y) : x for (x,y) in e } ) # projection 1
p2 = FinSet( e, g.dom, { (x,y) : y for (x,y) in e } ) # projection 2
def univ(q1,q2):
''' Universal property: Given any other commuting square of f @ q1 == g @ q2, there is a unique morphism
that injects into e such that certain triangles commute. It's best to look at the diagram'''
assert(q1.cod == p1.cod) # q1 points to the head of p1
assert(q2.cod == p2.cod) # q2 points to the head of p2
assert(q1.dom == q2.dom) # tails of q1 and q2 are the same
assert(f @ q1 == g @ q2) # commuting square condition
return FinSet( q1.dom, e , { z : ( q1[z] , q2[z] ) for z in q1.dom } )
return e, p1, p2, univ
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