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Last active August 23, 2023 02:10
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Cooley–Tukey Fast Fourier Transform algorithm - Recursive Divide and Conquer implementation in C++
// g++ -o FFT FFT.cpp -Wall -O3
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
constexpr auto pi() {return atan(1)*4;}
//Folowing is for SFINAE
template <typename T>
struct extractType;
template <template <typename ...> class C, typename D>
struct extractType<C<D>> { using subType = D; };
// Cooley–Tukey Fast Fourier Transform algorithm
// Recursive Divide and Conquer implementation
// Higher memory requirements and redundancy although more intuitive
template<typename InputIt,
typename value_type = typename iterator_traits<InputIt>::value_type>
typename enable_if<is_same<value_type,
complex<typename extractType<value_type>::subType>>::value,
void>::type // Only accepts std::complex numbers containers
FFT(InputIt begin, InputIt end)
typename iterator_traits<InputIt>::difference_type N = distance(begin, end);
if (N < 2) return;
else {
// divide
stable_partition(begin, end, [&begin](auto& a){
return distance(&*begin, &a) % 2 == 0; // pair indexes on the first half and odd on the last
FFT(begin, begin + N/2); // recurse even items
FFT(begin + N/2, end); // recurse odd items
for (decltype(N) k = 0; k < N/2; ++k) {
value_type even = *(begin + k);
value_type odd = *(begin + k + N/2);
value_type w = exp( value_type(0,-2.*pi()*k/N) ) * odd;
*(begin + k) = even + w;
*(begin + k + N/2) = even - w;
// Inverse FFT
template<typename InputIt,
typename value_type = typename iterator_traits<InputIt>::value_type>
typename enable_if<is_same<value_type,
complex<typename extractType<value_type>::subType>>::value,
IFFT(InputIt begin, InputIt end)
typename iterator_traits<InputIt>::difference_type N = distance(begin, end);
if (N < 2) return;
else {
// divide
stable_partition(begin, end, [&begin](auto& a){
a = conj(a); // use the conjugate value
return distance(&*begin, &a) % 2 == 0; // pair indexes on the first half and odd on the last
FFT(begin, begin + N/2); // recurse even items on normal FFT
FFT(begin + N/2, end); // recurse odd items on normal FFT
for (decltype(N) k = 0; k < N/2; ++k) {
value_type even = *(begin + k);
value_type odd = *(begin + k + N/2);
value_type w = exp( value_type(0,-2.*pi()*k/N) ) * odd;
*(begin + k) = conj(even + w); //conjugate again and scale
*(begin + k) /= N;
*(begin + k + N/2) = conj(even - w);
*(begin + k + N/2) /= N;
int main() // Example of use for multiplying 2 polynomials
/*Input: A[] = {5, 0, 10, 6}
B[] = {1, 2, 4}
Output: prod[] = {5, 10, 30, 26, 52, 24} */
vector<complex<double>> A {5, 0, 10, 6};
vector<complex<double>> B {1, 2, 4};
size_t result_size = A.size()+B.size() - 1; // resulting degree after mult
// print originals
cout << "Input: A[] = {";
for (auto& n: A) cout << n.real() << ", ";
cout << "\b\b}\n";
cout << "Input: B[] = {";
for (auto& n: B) cout << n.real() << ", ";
cout << "\b\b}\n";
// pad inputs with zeroes (need to be even)
size_t algo_size = A.size()+B.size();
if (algo_size % 2 == 1) ++algo_size;
A.resize(algo_size, complex<double>(0));
B.resize(algo_size, complex<double>(0));
vector<complex<double>> result (algo_size, 0);
// FFT
FFT(begin(A), end(A));
FFT(begin(B), end(B));
// Multiply
for (size_t i=0; i<result.size(); ++i) {
result[i] = A[i]*B[i]; // O(n)
// Inverse FFT
IFFT(begin(result), end(result));
// Remove padding zeroes
cout << "Output: prod[] = {";
for (auto& n:result) cout << static_cast<int>(n.real()) << ", ";
cout << "\b\b}\n";
return 0;
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