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Created February 25, 2013 09:36
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# Assertations
Extremely simple (and fast) runtime assertions.
This implementation exposes an [[assert()]] function
that takes another function as its first argument.
If that function doesn't return a truthy value,
an [[assert.Error] AssertionError] error will be thrown with a message
indicating the source of the function that failed.
If the [[assert()]] function recieves two arguments, the first should
contain an informative message that provides more context about the failure,
and the assertion function should be passed as the second argument.
Assertions are enabled by default, but can be disabled
globally by setting [[assert.enabled]] to false.
Runtime assertions are not a substitute for proper unit tests. Instead
they can be thought of as a final layer of sanity checking.
It's also important to note that assertions are not a substitute
for user input validation. Assertions should be used to validate the
_developer's_ assumptions about the state of the program at a given point.
By liberally sprinkling assertions in your code, you can help ensure that
faulty assumptions - bugs, are found at their source. The alternative is
waiting (perhaps months or years!) for another function somewhere down the
stack to trigger the bug, something that might only occur under very specific,
hard to replicate circumstances. Assertions help expose these bugs early and
help you write more robust software as a result.
@name Assert
@example Assert that a function argument is the correct type.
class MyClass
# Initialize our example class
constructor: ->
@children = []
# Add a child but only if it is an instance of MyClass
addChild: (child) ->
assert -> child instanceof MyClass
@children.push child
parent = new MyClass
child1 = new MyClass
child2 = {}
parent.addChild child1 # ok
parent.addChild child2 # throws an AssertionError
@it should let successful assertions pass
fn = ->
assert -> true
@it should throw an error on unsuccessful assertions
fn = ->
assert -> false
expect(fn).to.throw assert.Error
@it should let me disable and re-enable assertions globally
assert.enabled = false
fn = ->
assert -> false
# now re-enable
assert.enabled = true
expect(fn).to.throw assert.Error
module.exports = do (assert = null) ->
Declare our custom error class that will be thrown
when an assertion fails
class AssertionError extends Error
Initializes the assertion error.
@param {String} message the assertion message
@optional @param {Function} caller the original caller of [[assert()]]
this is optional but can really improve the quality of the stack
traces in some environments.
@it should do something correctly
constructor: (message, caller = arguments.callee) ->
@name = 'AssertionError'
@message = message this, message
# Not all environments support captureStackTrace
Error.captureStackTrace? this, caller
Our main assert function. Takes
a function as its sole argument.
That function should return something
truthy or the assertion will fail.
@param {Function} assertion the function that should return a truthy value
@throws {AssertionError} the assertion error if the assertion fails
assert = (args...) ->
return true unless assert.enabled
if args.length is 2
assertion = args[1]
message = args[0]
assertion = args[0]
message = assert.stringify assertion
throw new AssertionError message, arguments.callee if not assertion()
Track whether assertions are enabled or disabled
@var {Boolean}
assert.enabled = true
Make our error class available to the outside so that
it's possible to check for failed assertions.
This is mostly useful for unit testing. You should not
try and catch assertion errors in your application code,
if you're doing that, you're probably using assertions incorrectly.
@var {AssertionError}
assert.Error = AssertionError
Take an assertion function and return a nicer
human readable version of it. If the function
contains a single return expression, that expression
will be used as the string representation.
@param {Function} fn the function to stringify
@it should return only the last return expression for simple assertions
fn = ->
foo = "something irrelevant"
assert.stringify(fn).should.equal "true"
@it should return all the source if there are multiple returns
fn = ->
if true
result = assert.stringify(fn).replace /(\s+)/g, ''
result.should.equal """
if (true) {
return true;
else {
return false;
""".replace /(\s+)/g, ''
assert.stringify = (fn) ->
contents = fn.toString()
contents = (contents.substring contents.indexOf("{") + 1, contents.lastIndexOf("}")).trim()
regex = /^(\s+)?return(\s+)(.*)/mg
returns = []
while (statement = regex.exec contents)
if statement[3].substr(-1) is ';'
returns.push statement[3].substr 0, statement[3].length - 1
returns.push statement[3]
if returns.length is 1
Return the assert function to be exported
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