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# _/Users/pablo/go/src/
../../ error: too many arguments to function call, expected 0, have 1
../../ note: expanded from macro 'PREV_CONTEXT_SLOT'
/usr/local/include/v8.h:6418:1: note: 'GetData' declared here
../../ error: too many arguments to function call, expected single argument 'data', have 2 arguments
/usr/local/include/v8.h:6412:1: note: 'SetData' declared here
../../ error: too many arguments to function call, expected single argument 'data', have 2 arguments
/usr/local/include/v8.h:6412:1: note: 'SetData' declared here
../../ error: too many arguments to function call, expected 0, have 1
../../ note: expanded from macro 'PREV_CONTEXT_SLOT'
phstc /
Last active January 2, 2016 14:29
influxdb 0.4.0.rc5.src
######### install influxdb 0.4.0.rc5.src
$ brew uninstall influxdb
$ rm /usr/local/etc/influxdb.conf
$ rm -rf /usr/local/var/influxdb
$ brew update
$ brew install influxdb --devel
project_name: augury
project_root: /Users/pablo/workspace/augury
- servers:
layout: even-vertical
- foreman start
- cd /Users/pablo/workspace/augury_admin && rails s -p 4000
- cd /Users/pablo/workspace/spree-2-0-stable/sandbox && rails s
- cd /Users/pablo/workspace/persistence_endpoint shotgun -p 9292
# foreman start -f Procfile_augury
mongo: mongod
augury: sh -c 'cd /Users/pablo/workspace/augury && foreman start'
augury_admin: sh -c 'cd /Users/pablo/workspace/augury_admin && rails s -p 4000'
sandbox: sh -c 'cd /Users/pablo/workspace/spree-2-0-stable/sandbox && rails s'
spree_endpoint: sh -c 'cd /Users/pablo/workspace/spree_endpoint rails s -p 5000'
persistence_endpoint: sh -c 'cd /Users/pablo/workspace/persistence_endpoint shotgun -p 9292'
var payload = { parameters: [{ name: 'test', 'value': 'abc' }, { name: 'test2', value: 'def' }] };
function updateParameter(name, value){
if(parameter['name'] === name){
parameter['value'] = value;
return false; // break
phstc / gist:7733092
Created December 1, 2013 12:33 — forked from afeld/gist:5704079

TODO: make gem for this

This was tested using Rails 3.2 and Rails 4.0 on Ruby 2.0.0.


  1. Set the install directory for Bower components:

// .bowerrc

"name": "mandrill",
"display": "Mandrill",
"description": "Sends transactional emails using Mandrill",
"help": "",
"url": "",
"category": "email",
"services": [
"name": "order_confirmation",
project_name: augury
project_root: ~/workspace/augury
- editor: vim
- shell:
layout: main-vertical
- be rspec spec
- git pull --rebase
- servers:
# lib/augury/queues/incoming.rb
def self.push(messages)
messages = normalize_and_validate(messages)
messages.each do |msg|
# insert message into mongo collection
require 'benchmark'
# $ ruby -v
# => ruby 1.9.3p392 (2013-02-22 revision 39386) [x86_64-darwin12.2.0]
# N.times { |i| RINDEX.deconstantize( }
# user system total real
# rindex 0.160000 0.000000 0.160000 ( 0.164055)
# gsub 0.580000 0.010000 0.590000 ( 0.683018)