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Last active July 6, 2020 11:11
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C++ Diophantine equation solver with constraints
This is a quick and dirty implementation of a diophantine equation solver.
Given a vector of coefficient, a vector of constraints and a results value, the solver returns a vector of solutions.
Let's take this equation as an example:
40*x1 + 296*x2 + 945*x3 + 2048*x4 + 4500*x5 + 8640*x6 = 616103
We have the following constraints: x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 and x6 shall be between 29 and 95.
The following instructions will compute all the possible solutions:
auto res = solve({40,296,945,2048,4500,8640}, {std::make_pair(29,95),std::make_pair(29,95),std::make_pair(29,95),std::make_pair(29,95),std::make_pair(29,95),std::make_pair(29,95)}, 616103);
To compile, it should be linked with lgmp and boost needs to be installed:
g++ -std=c++17 -o diophantine diophantine.cpp -lgmp
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <boost/multiprecision/gmp.hpp>
typedef boost::multiprecision::mpz_int bigint;
Return the gcd of n1 and n2.
The gcd is always positive.
The gcd of 0 and 0 is 0.
The gcd of 0 and n is abs(n).
bigint gcd(bigint n1, bigint n2) {
if(n1 == 0 && n2 == 0)
return 0;
else if(n1 == 0)
return abs(n2);
else if(n2 == 0)
return abs(n1);
n1 = abs(n1);
n2 = abs(n2);
bigint reminder = std::min(n1, n2);
bigint quotient = std::max(n1, n2);
while(reminder != 0) {
bigint tmp_reminder = quotient % reminder;
quotient = reminder;
reminder = tmp_reminder;
return quotient;
Return the gcd of a list of integers.
bigint gcd(std::vector<bigint> v) {
v.erase(std::remove_if(v.begin(), v.end(), [] (auto n) { return n == 0; }));
return 0;
if(v.size() == 1)
return v[0];
bigint current_gcd = gcd(v[0], v[1]);
for(std::size_t i = 2; i < v.size(); i++)
current_gcd = gcd(current_gcd, v[i]);
return current_gcd;
Return the sign of x.
If x is positive (or zero), return 1.
Otherwise return -1.
bigint sign(bigint x) {
if(x >= 0)
return 1;
return -1;
Solve the diophantine equation: x1*a + x2*b = y
The return value is a tuple of 4 numbers:
1. a_0: particular solution for a
2. b_0: particular solution for b
3. a_n: step to compute the general solution for a
4. b_n: step to compute the general solution for b
The general solution can compute that way, with k an integer:
a = a_0 + a_n * k
b = b_0 + b_n * k
std::tuple<bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint> solve(bigint x1, bigint x2, bigint y) {
bigint gcd_x = gcd(x1, x2);
if(gcd_x == 0)
throw("Can't solve 0a + 0b = c equations");
if(y % gcd_x != 0)
throw(std::string() + "No solutions for " + std::string(x1) + "a + " + std::string(x2) + "b = " + std::string(y));
x1 /= gcd_x;
x2 /= gcd_x;
y /= gcd_x;
if(std::min(abs(x1), abs(x2)) == 0) {
if(abs(x1) == 0)
return std::make_tuple(0, y, 0, 0);
return std::make_tuple(y, 0, 0, 0);
if(std::min(abs(x1), abs(x2)) == 1) {
if(abs(x1) == 1)
return std::make_tuple(-x1*(x2-1)*y, y, x1*x2, -1);
return std::make_tuple(y, -x2*(x1-1)*y, -1, x1*x2);
std::vector<bigint> quotients;
bigint numerator = std::max(abs(x1), abs(x2));
bigint reminder = std::min(abs(x1), abs(x2));
while(reminder != 1) {
quotients.push_back(numerator / reminder);
bigint tmp_reminder = numerator % reminder;
numerator = reminder;
reminder = tmp_reminder;
bigint sol_max = 0;
bigint sol_min = 1;
for(auto it = quotients.rbegin(); it != quotients.rend(); it++) {
bigint tmp_sol_min = sol_min;
sol_min = (sol_min * (-(*it))) + sol_max;
sol_max = tmp_sol_min;
if(x1 > x2)
return std::make_tuple(sign(x1) * sol_max * y, sign(x2) * sol_min * y, sign(x1)*x2, -sign(x2)*x1);
return std::make_tuple(sign(x1) * sol_min * y, sign(x2) * sol_max * y, sign(x1)*x2, -sign(x2)*x1);
Find all the solutions for the given parameters, constraints and results.
The return value is a vector with a size that corresponds to the number of solution satisfaying the constraints.
std::vector<std::vector<bigint>> solve(std::vector<bigint> x_vec, std::vector<std::pair<bigint, bigint>> constraints, bigint y) {
if(x_vec.size() < 2)
throw("Not enough parameters");
bigint x_gcd = gcd(x_vec);
if(x_gcd == 0)
throw("Unable to solve");
if(y % x_gcd != 0)
throw("No solutions");
if(x_vec.size() == 2) {
auto results = solve(x_vec[0], x_vec[1], y);
bigint x_0 = std::get<0>(results);
bigint y_0 = std::get<1>(results);
bigint xn = std::get<2>(results);
bigint yn = std::get<3>(results);
std::vector<std::vector<bigint>> return_value;
for(int n = 0; x_0 - n * xn * sign(xn) >= constraints[0].first; n++) {
bigint current_x = x_0 - n * xn * sign(xn);
bigint current_y = y_0 - n * yn * sign(xn);
if(current_x <= constraints[0].second && current_y >= constraints[1].first && current_y <= constraints[1].second)
return_value.push_back(std::vector<bigint>({current_x, current_y}));
for(int n = 1; x_0 + n * xn * sign(xn) <= constraints[0].second; n++) {
bigint current_x = x_0 - n * xn * sign(xn);
bigint current_y = y_0 - n * yn * sign(xn);
if(current_x >= constraints[0].first && current_y >= constraints[1].first && current_y <= constraints[1].second)
return_value.push_back(std::vector<bigint>({current_x, current_y}));
return return_value;
} else {
bigint x2 = x_vec.back();
bigint x1_gcd = gcd(x_vec);
auto results = solve(x1_gcd, x2, y);
bigint w_0 = std::get<0>(results);
bigint x_0 = std::get<1>(results);
bigint wn = std::get<2>(results);
bigint xn = std::get<3>(results);
std::vector<std::vector<bigint>> return_value;
auto current_constraint = constraints.back();
for(int n = 0; x_0 - n * xn * sign(xn) >= current_constraint.first; n++) {
bigint current_x = x_0 - n * xn * sign(xn);
bigint current_w = w_0 - n * wn * sign(xn);
if(current_x <= current_constraint.second) {
auto current_result = solve(x_vec, constraints, current_w * x1_gcd);
for(auto r : current_result) {
for(int n = 1; x_0 + n * xn * sign(xn) <= current_constraint.second; n++) {
bigint current_x = x_0 - n * xn * sign(xn);
bigint current_w = w_0 - n * wn * sign(xn);
if(current_x >= current_constraint.first) {
auto current_result = solve(x_vec, constraints, current_w * x1_gcd);
for(auto r : current_result) {
return return_value;
int main() {
auto res = solve({40,296,945,2048,4500,8640}, {std::make_pair(29,95),std::make_pair(29,95),std::make_pair(29,95),std::make_pair(29,95),std::make_pair(29,95),std::make_pair(29,95)}, 616103);
for(auto e : res) {
for(auto v : e) {
std::cout << v << " ";
std::cout << "\n";
return 0;
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