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Last active March 29, 2019 14:14
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Elm 0.18 vs 0.19 - compile time

Elm 0.18 with debug

$ time ./node_modules/.bin/elm-make src/Main.elm --output dist/index.js --debug Success! Compiled 219 modules. Successfully generated dist/index.js ./node_modules/.bin/elm-make src/Main.elm --output dist/index.js --debug 173.55s user 40.82s system 160% cpu 2:13.39 total

Elm 0.18

$ time ./node_modules/.bin/elm-make src/Main.elm --output dist/index.js Success! Compiled 219 modules. Successfully generated dist/index.js ./node_modules/.bin/elm-make src/Main.elm --output dist/index.js 181.02s user 42.25s system 139% cpu 2:40.01 total

Automagic upgrade

$ cat elm-upgrade-2019-03-26T162038.245Z.log INFO: Found elm at /Users/pietrograndi/.nvm/versions/node/v8.11.3/bin/elm INFO: Found elm 0.19.0 INFO: Found elm-format at /Users/pietrograndi/.nvm/versions/node/v8.11.3/bin/elm-format INFO: Found elm-format 0.8.1 INFO: Cleaning ./elm-stuff before upgrading INFO: Converting elm-package.json -> elm.json INFO: Detected an application project (this project has no exposed modules) INFO: Switching from NoRedInk/elm-decode-pipeline (deprecated) to NoRedInk/elm-json-decode-pipeline INFO: Installing latest version of NoRedInk/elm-json-decode-pipeline INFO: Switching from elm-community/elm-test (deprecated) to elm-explorations/test INFO: Installing latest version of elm-explorations/test INFO: Installing latest version of elm-community/json-extra INFO: Installing latest version of elm-community/list-extra INFO: Installing latest version of elm-community/maybe-extra INFO: Installing latest version of elm-community/result-extra INFO: Installing latest version of elm-community/string-extra INFO: Switching from elm-lang/core (deprecated) to elm/core INFO: Installing latest version of elm/core INFO: Detected use of elm-lang/core#Json.Decode; installing elm/json INFO: Detected use of elm-lang/core#Time; installing elm/time INFO: Detected use of elm-lang/core#Regex; installing elm/regex INFO: Switching from elm-lang/http (deprecated) to elm/http INFO: Installing latest version of elm/http INFO: Installing latest version of simonh1000/elm-jwt INFO: Installing latest version of toastal/either INFO: Upgrading *.elm files in src/

SUCCESS! Your project's dependencies and code have been upgraded. However, your project may not yet compile due to API changes in your dependencies.

See and the documentation for your dependencies for more information.

Here are some common upgrade steps that you will need to do manually:

  • NoRedInk/elm-json-decode-pipeline
    • Changes uses of Json.Decode.Pipeline.decode to Json.Decode.succeed
  • elm/core
    • Replace uses of toString with String.fromInt, String.fromFloat, or Debug.toString as appropriate
  • undefined

Elm 0.19

$ time ./node_modules/.bin/elm make src/Main.elm --output dist/index.js Dependencies loaded from local cache. Dependencies ready! Success! Compiled 109 modules. ./node_modules/.bin/elm make src/Main.elm --output dist/index.js 6.85s user 0.57s system 90% cpu 8.198 total

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