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{# v1 #}
{% macro truncateChars(text, limit, suffix) %}
{% spaceless %}
{# settings #}
{% set defaultSuffix = '...' %}
{# logic #}
{% if text and limit %}
{% set text = text|striptags %}
{% set suffix = suffix|default(defaultSuffix) %}
{% set stringy = create(
piotrpog / favicons.twig
Last active September 30, 2019 00:06
Twig component generating favicons from files uploaded trough control panel. More info:
{# requires global with handle 'favicon' containing asset field with handle 'faviconFile' #}
{# v2 #}
{% cache globally %}
{% set sizesIcon = [192, 48, 32, 16] %}
{% set sizesAppleTouch = [180] %}
{% if favicon is defined and favicon['faviconFile'] is defined and favicon.faviconFile.exists() and == 'image' %}
{# link icon #}
{% for faviconSize in sizesIcon %}
{% set icon = %}
{% set shorterEdge = icon.width > icon.height ? icon.height : icon.width %}
piotrpog / yt_address.twig
Last active July 6, 2021 10:35
Twig macro turning youtube video URL into responsive and lazy-loaded player. More info:
{# v2 #}
{%- macro ytAddress(url, lazy = true) -%}
{% if url is not empty %}
{% set id = url|split('v=')|last %}
{% set id = id|split('&')|first %}
{% set id = id|split('/')|last %}
<div class="youtube-player">
<figure style="position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; margin: 0px;">
<iframe src="{{id}}" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;"{{ lazy ? ' loading="lazy"'}}></iframe>
piotrpog / yt_iframe.twig
Last active August 30, 2019 21:40
Twig macro making embedded youtube players responsive and lazy-loaded. Requires Craft CMS Retcon plugin, More info:
{# v2 #}
{%- macro ytIframe(html, lazy = true) -%}
{% if html is not empty and'retcon') %}
{% set html = html|retconAttr('iframe', {'style' : 'position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;'} ) %}
{% if lazy %}
{% set html = html|retconAttr('iframe', {'loading' : 'lazy'} ) %}
{% endif %}
{% set html = html|retconWrap( [ 'iframe' ], 'figure') %}
{% set html = html|retconAttr('figure', {'style' : 'position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; margin: 0px;'} ) %}
{% set html = html|retconWrap( [ 'figure' ], '') %}
piotrpog / svg_macro.twig
Last active February 7, 2021 19:46
Twig macro that loads and processes SVG image. More info:
{%- macro svg(path, attributes = null, alt = null) -%}
{# v1 #}
{# settings #}
{% set directory = 'svg' %}
{# logic #}
{% if path is defined and path is not empty %}
{% set svg = svg('@webroot/'~directory~'/'~path~'.svg', namespace=true) %}
{% if alt %}
{% set svg = svg|prepend('<title>'~alt~'</title>') %}
{% endif %}
{%- macro defaultDateFormat(date, additionalAttributes) -%}
{# v1 #}
{% if date is defined %}
{# settings #}
{% set format = 'medium' %}
{# logic #}
{% set attributes = {
text: date|date(format),
datetime: date|date('yy-m-d')
} %}
piotrpog / time_ago.twig
Last active September 9, 2019 05:55
Macro returning elapsed time in human-readable format. More info:
{%- macro timeAgo(date, additionalAttributes) -%}
{# v1 #}
{% if date is defined %}
{# settings #}
{% set format = 'medium' %}
{% set locale = currentSite.language %}
{# logic #}
{% set formatter = create({ class: 'craft\\i18n\\Formatter', locale: locale }) %}
{% set attributes = {
text: formatter.asRelativeTime(date),
{% if and == '__home__' %}
{% set seoTitle = %}
{% elseif %}
{% set seoTitle = ~ ' - ' ~ siteName %}
{% else %}
{% set seoTitle = siteName %}
{% endif %}
<title>{{ seoTitle }}</title>
{# v1 #}
{# settings #}
{% set faviconFileName = '/static/images/favicon.jpg' %}
{% set sizesIcon = [192, 48, 32, 16] %}
{% set sizesAppleTouch = [180] %}
{# output #}
{% if'imager') and craft.imager.transformImage(faviconFileName, {}, null, {suppressExceptions : true}) %}
{% for faviconSize in sizesIcon %}
{% set faviconTransform = {
width: faviconSize,
piotrpog / js_var.twig
Created October 13, 2019 23:19
Twig macro for passing Twig variables into Javascript. More info:
{% macro jsVar(variable, jsVariableName) %}
{# v1 #}
var {{jsVariableName}} = {{variable|json_encode|raw}};
{% endmacro %}