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privat@yoichi-MS-7A93:~/shared/cpp2v$ coq --version
Command 'coq' not found, did you mean:
command 'oq' from snap oq (1.1.2)
command 'coz' from deb coz-profiler (0.1.0-2ubuntu3)
command 'cow' from deb fl-cow (0.6-4.2)
command 'cnq' from deb cplay (1.50-2)
command 'col' from deb bsdmainutils (11.1.2ubuntu3)
command 'coqc' from deb coq (8.11.0-1)
(* This file is to be opened in Isabelle2020 available from
Lots of symbols look nicer there. Instead of ↦, you'll see an arrow.
Moreover, Isabelle checks definitions are definitions and theorems are theorems.
Copyright 2020 Yoichi Hirai
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
pirapira / log.txt
Created January 25, 2020 12:30
yh@14h:~/src/k-dss$ make
dapp --version
dapp 0.26.0
solc, the solidity compiler commandline interface
Version: 0.5.15+commit.6a57276f.Linux.g++
hevm 0.36
git submodule update --init --recursive
Submodule 'dss' ( registered for path 'dss'
Cloning into '/home/yh/src/k-dss/dss'...
Submodule path 'dss': checked out 'b5e9bc0717defffae73cd4f4e7f30fb84843c200'
pirapira / raiden-debug_2019-07-25T09:40:33.055353.log
Created August 30, 2019 12:54
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
{"raiden": "0.100.5.dev113+g2ba85cbee", "raiden_db_version": 23, "python_implementation": "CPython", "python_version": "3.7.4", "system": "Linux 64bit_ELF 5.0.0-21-generic", "architecture": "x86_64", "distribution": "bundled", "event": "Starting Raiden", "logger": "raiden.ui.runners", "level": "info", "timestamp": "2019-07-25 09:40:33.074475"}
{"config_file": "/home/yoichi/.local/share/raiden/config-16fa85f3a477b95c7180209b25ef0291ade95e3f-goerli.toml", "event": "Using config file", "logger": "raiden.ui.runners", "level": "debug", "timestamp": "2019-07-25 09:40:33.075235"}
{"node": "0x16Fa85F3a477B95c7180209B25ef0291ade95e3F", "available_nonce": 3, "client": "Geth/v1.8.23-omnibus-2ad89aaa/linux-amd64/go1.11.1", "event": "JSONRPCClient created", "logger": "", "level": "debug", "timestamp": "2019-07-25 09:40:34.502762"}
pirapira / deployment.txt
Created August 27, 2019 11:57
export GOERLI=
export GOERLIPRIV=/home/yoichi/.ethereum/goerli/keystore/UTC--2019-02-18T14-56-34.781524237Z--6c5c227036a1d159c19f17316e5d0f0a52d84d5c
export MAX_UINT256=115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935
let "seconds_per_day=60*60*24"
let "decay=200*$seconds_per_day"
let "duration=200*$seconds_per_day"
export Deposit=2000000000000000000000
python -m raiden_contracts.deploy raiden --rpc-provider $GOERLI --private-key $GOERLIPRIV --gas-price 20 --gas-limit 6000000 --max-token-networks $MAX_UINT256 --secret-registry-from-deployment-file raiden_contracts/data_0.21.0/deployment_goerli.json
pirapira / fatal.log
Created July 25, 2019 10:06
fatal error in raiden node
2019-07-25 10:03:29.719679 [info ] - - [2019-07-25 12:03:29] "GET /api/v1/channels HTTP/1.1" 200 1707 0.003652 []
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "src/gevent/", line 716, in
File "raiden/", line 322, in _join_partner
File "raiden/api/", line 610, in set_total_channel_deposit
ValueError: Channel is not in an open state.
2019-07-25T10:03:31Z <Greenlet "Greenlet-5" at 0x7f687a813830: <bound method ConnectionManager._join_partner of ConnectionManager(target=3 channels=1:[NettingChannelState(canonical_identifier=CanonicalIdentifier(chain_identifier=5, token_network_address=b'\xf5\xd6T\xf8\xfc`\x91\x17\xe9\xcew\xb0\x97\x98\xee\t\xe4\x7f;\x97', channel_identifier=10), open_transaction=TransactionExecutionStatus(started_block_number=None, finished_block_number=1001986, result='success'), close_transaction=None, settle_transaction=None, update_transaction=None)])>(b'VGl\x08\xcf\x0c0^\x03L\xbb\xbb\x
pirapira /
Created April 1, 2019 08:31
source ~/.virtualenvs/offerm-script/bin/activate
version="0.10.1" #"" #"0.4.0" #"0.3._"
export KOVAN=http://localhost:8545
export KOPRIV=/home/yoichi/import/parity/keys/kovan/UTC--2019-01-08T17-09-24Z--fcf0e5e3-7d74-7abc-773e-a2ccab085547
export MAX_UINT256=115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935
python -m raiden_contracts.deploy raiden --rpc-provider $KOVAN --private-key $KOPRIV --gas-price 11 --gas-limit 6000000 --max-token-networks $MAX_UINT256
"TokenNetworkRegistry": "0x980e5c79780198FcCFE5c937452abF0a1716411f"
pragma solidity ^0.5.2;
/// @title Utils
/// @notice Utils contract for various helpers used by the Raiden Network smart
/// contracts.
contract Utils {
string constant public contract_version = "0.5.0";
/// @notice Check if a contract exists
/// @param contract_address The address to check whether a contract is
pirapira / raiden-debug_2018-12-19T10:15:06.632144.log
Last active December 19, 2018 10:48
{"raiden": "0.19.1.dev44+gaf0eaa6f", "python_implementation": "CPython", "python_version": "3.6.7", "system": "Linux 64bit_ELF 4.15.0-42-generic x86_64", "distribution": "bundled", "event": "Starting Raiden", "logger": "raiden.ui.runners", "level": "info", "timestamp": "2018-12-19 10:15:06.886954"}