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Last active January 25, 2025 15:11
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Pure python all-in-one UUIDv7 Implementation with graceful degradation between ms, µs, and ns timestamp precision
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# A single-file pure-python implementation of UUIDv7: (e.g. 01941230-851a-77fd-9b0b-8c8eac3b2d23)
# - makes sure UUIDv7s are always generated in alphabetic order (using system time + nanoseconds + extra monotonic random bits)
# - store millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond / variable precision timestamps all using same format
# - graceful degradation in precision, falls back to monotonic urandom bytes depending on user-provided timestamp precision
# - fully compatible with standard UUIDv7 spec (48 bit millisecond unix epoch time with rand_a & rand_b monotonic randomness)
# - allows you to generate a UUIDv7 with a given timestamp (of any precision), and parse the timestamp back out from any UUIDv7
# - helps guarantee that UUIDv7s generated back-to-back in the same thread are always monotonically sortable
# - helps lower the risk of UUIDv7s colliding with other UUIDv7s generated in other threads / on other machines
# honestly this is basically just ULID reinvented inside a UUID form factor.
import time
import math
import secrets
import concurrent.futures
from typing_extensions import Self
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from uuid import UUID, uuid4
class UUID7(UUID):
def from_parts(cls, timestamp: int | float | datetime | str | None = None, suffix: UUID | str | None = None, ns: int=0) -> Self:
The 128 bits in the UUID are allocated as follows, differing slightly from standard UUIDv7 in that it uses
rand_a and part of rand_b for extra timing precision (but fully compatible with UUIDv7 spec):
- 48 bits of milliseconds since unix epoch (or less common: 36 bits of whole seconds + 12+12+12)
- 4 bits for the uuid version (0b111)
- 12 bits of µs ts precision (filling rand_a)
- 4 bits for the uuid variant & 2 bits of rand (0b10xx) (defined by RFC4122 & RFC9562)
- 12 bits of ns ts precision / monotonic randomness (filling leftmost 12 bits of rand_b)
- 48 bits of random suffix bits (filling rightmost 48 bits of rand_b)
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
t1 | milliseconds since epoch (48 bits) |
t2/t3 | ... ms since epoch (48 bits) | ver | ts µs (12 bits) |
t4/rand |var|rnd| ts ns (12 bits) | suffix rand (48 bits) |
rand | ...suffix rand (48 bits) |
total = 128 bits = 32 chars of hex (36 with dashes)
idx 0 8 12 16 20 32
1. [epoch ms] 48bits = 12 chars [01941230-851a] - 77fd - 9b0b-8c8eac3b2d23
3. [version] 4bits = 1 char 01941230-851a -[7]7fd - 9b0b-8c8eac3b2d23
4. [final_µs] 12bits = 3 chars 01941230-851a - 7[7fd]- 9b0b-8c8eac3b2d23
5. [2 variant+2 rand] 4bits = 1 char 01941230-851a - 77fd -[9]b0b-8c8eac3b2d23
6. [final_ns] 12bits = 3 chars 01941230-851a - 77fd - 9[b0b]-8c8eac3b2d23
7. [suffix rand] 48bits = 12 chars 01941230-851a - 77fd - 9b0b-[8c8eac3b2d23]
SQLite equivalent:
-- timestamp
format('%08x', ((strftime('%s') * 1000) >> 16)) || '-' ||
format('%04x', ((strftime('%s') * 1000)
+ ((strftime('%f') * 1000) % 1000)) & 0xffff) || '-' ||
-- version / rand_a
format('%04x', 0x7000 + abs(random()) % 0x0fff) || '-' ||
-- variant / rand_b
format('%04x', 0x8000 + abs(random()) % 0x3fff) || '-' ||
-- rand_b
format('%012x', abs(random()) >> 16) as value;
For more, see:
if timestamp is None:
# Use current time with µs precision
timestamp =
if suffix is None:
# generate a random suffix if none is provided
suffix = uuid4()
user_datetime, user_ns = parse_timestamp(timestamp, ns)
# parse user-provided timestamp into separate seconds, milliseconds, microseconds chunks
assert isinstance(user_datetime, datetime) and datetime(year=1970, month=1, day=1, hour=1, minute=1, second=1, tzinfo=timezone.utc) < user_datetime < datetime(year=3000, month=1, day=1, hour=1, minute=1, second=1, tzinfo=timezone.utc), f'{user_datetime=} is not a valid datetime'
assert isinstance(user_ns, int) and 0 <= user_ns < 1000, f'{user_ns=} is not a valid nanoseconds int value'
user_seconds = int(user_datetime.timestamp())
user_ms = int(user_datetime.timestamp() * 1000) % 1000
user_µs = int(user_datetime.timestamp() * 1000*1000) % 1000
# parse hardware-provided nanosecond resolution timestamp into seconds, milliseconds, microseconds chunks
sys_clock_ns = time.monotonic_ns() # 1735462083_894_528_000
sys_ms = int(sys_clock_ns / 1_000_000) % 1000
sys_µs = int(sys_clock_ns / 1_000) % 1000
sys_ns = (int(sys_clock_ns) % 1000) or secrets.randbelow(1000) # fallback to random numbers if hardware doesn't provide nanoseconds
# combine user-provided and system-provided timestamps into final timestamp
final_s = user_seconds
final_ms = user_ms or 0
final_µs = user_µs or 0
final_ns = user_ns or sys_ns or secrets.randbelow(1000) or secrets.randbelow(1000) or secrets.randbelow(1000) or secrets.randbelow(1000) # should never be 0, that's reserved for events with manually created UUIDs
# trim suffix hex str to 12 rightmost characters
suffix_str = str(suffix).replace('-', '')[-12:]
# set variant to a character 0b10xx where x are random bits
variant_char = 8 # (secrets.randbits(4) | (1<<1)) & ~(1<<0)
# OPTIONAL alternative behavior: store timestamp as (36 bit whole seconds integer, 12 bit ms, 12 bit µs, 12 bit ns)
# ts_sec_hex = f'{final_s:09x}' # 36 bit 9 character whole seconds
# ts_ms_hex = f'{final_ms:03x}' # 12 bit 3 character milliseconds
# CURRENT behavior: store timestamp as (48 bit millisecond integer, 12 bit µs, 12 bit ns)
ts_sec_hex = ''
ts_ms_hex = f'{((final_s*1000)+final_ms):012x}' # 48 bit 12 character millisecond integer
version_hex = '7' # 4 bit 1 character version
ts_µs_hex = f'{final_µs:03x}' # 12 bit 3 character microseconds
variant_hex = f'{variant_char:01x}' # 4 bit 2 bits of variant + 2 bits of randomness
ts_ns_hex = f'{final_ns:03x}' # 12 bit 3 character nanoseconds
suffix_hex = suffix_str # 48 bit 12 character suffix
# assemble full hex [01941230-851a]-[7] [7fd] - [9] [b0b] - [8c8eac3b2d23]
hex_full = f'{ts_sec_hex}{ts_ms_hex}{version_hex}{ts_µs_hex}{variant_hex}{ts_ns_hex}{suffix_hex}'
hex_full_dashed = f'{hex_full[:8]}-{hex_full[8:12]}-{hex_full[12:16]}-{hex_full[16:20]}-{hex_full[20:]}'
# make sure parts are all the right length
assert len(ts_sec_hex+ts_ms_hex) == 12, f'{ts_sec_hex+ts_ms_hex} is not 12 chars long'
assert len(version_hex) == 1, f'{version_hex} is not 1 char long'
assert len(ts_µs_hex) == 3, f'{ts_µs_hex} is not 3 chars long'
assert len(variant_hex) == 1, f'{variant_hex} is not 1 char long'
assert len(ts_ns_hex) == 3, f'{ts_ns_hex} is not 3 chars long'
assert len(suffix_hex) == 12, f'{suffix_hex} is not 12 chars long'
assert ts_ns_hex != '000', f'{ts_ns_hex=} has zeros'
# make sure the fully assembled hex string is a valid UUID hex string
assert len(hex_full_dashed) == 36 and all(c in '0123456789abcdef-' for c in hex_full_dashed), f'{hex_full_dashed=} is not a valid UUID7 hex string'
assert hex_full_dashed.count('-') == 4, f'{hex_full_dashed=} has {hex_full_dashed.count("-")} dashes, not 4'
# make sure version bit is set to 7
assert hex_full_dashed[14] == '7'
# make sure variant bit is set to 0b10
assert hex_full_dashed[19] in ('8', '9', 'a', 'b'), f'{hex_full_dashed[18]} is not a valid variant bit (8, 9, a, b)' #
return cls(hex=hex_full)
def summary(self) -> str:
return f'{self.seconds}s {self.milliseconds:03d}ms {self.microseconds:03d}µs {self.nanoseconds:03d}ns'
def date(self) -> datetime:
hex_str = str(self).replace('-', '')
# extract the first 48 bits (12 chars) as milliseconds unix epoch timestamp
ms_ts = int(hex_str[:12], 16)
# extract the µs precision from the next 12 bits after the version
µs_ts = int(hex_str[13:16], 16)
# create python datetime object from float seconds.msµs
return datetime.fromtimestamp(ms_ts/1_000 + µs_ts/1_000_000, tz=timezone.utc)
def ts(self) -> float:
return float(self.ts_str)
def ts_str(self) -> str:
"""UUIDv7(timestamp=1735689599.123456789) -> 1735689599.123456789"""
return f'{self.seconds}.{self.milliseconds:03d}{self.microseconds:03d}{self.nanoseconds:03d}'
def seconds(self) -> int:
"""UUIDv7(timestamp=1735689599.123456789) -> 1735689599"""
hex_str = str(self).replace('-', '')
ms_ts = int(hex_str[:12], 16)
return int(ms_ts/1000)
def milliseconds(self) -> int:
"""UUIDv7(timestamp=1735689599.123456789) -> 123"""
hex_str = str(self).replace('-', '')
ms_ts = int(hex_str[:12], 16)
return int(ms_ts) % 1000
def microseconds(self) -> int:
"""UUIDv7(timestamp=1735689599.123456789) -> 456"""
hex_str = str(self).replace('-', '')
return int(hex_str[13:16], 16)
def nanoseconds(self) -> int:
"""UUIDv7(timestamp=1735689599.123456789) -> 789"""
hex_str = str(self).replace('-', '') # 019412e4-7611-71a8-12ea-deadbeefdead -> 019412e4761171a812eadeadbeefdead -> 2ea
return int(hex_str[17:20], 16)
def suffix(self) -> str:
"""UUIDv7('01941f29-7886-7065-d170-deadbeefdead') -> 'deadbeefdead'"""
return str(self)[-12:]
def truncate_float(n: float, places: int) -> float:
return int(n * (10 ** places)) / 10 ** places
def parse_timestamp(ts: int | float | datetime | str | None, ns: int=0) -> tuple[datetime, int]:
if isinstance(ts, datetime):
return ts, ns
if isinstance(ts, str):
# ts is a ISO 8601 formatted datetime string, return it immediately as it's unambiguously a datetime
if '-' in ts:
return datetime.fromisoformat(ts), ns # ISO 8601 don't provide ns-level resolution, so it's usually 0 here
# ts is a seconds.msµsns int or float string with up to 9 decimal places
# DO NOT CAST DIRECTLY TO FLOAT, floats are not precise enough for nanoseconds, split nanoseconds out using string manipulation first
elif ts.replace('.', '').isdigit():
decimals = int(ts.split('.')[-1]))
ts = truncate_float(float(ts), 6) # X.XXXXXX000 get just first part of ts seconds.msµs (safe to store as float), used to construct python datetime
ns = (decimals * 10**9) % 1000 # 0.000000XXX get just this part, needs to be returned separately becuase it doesnt fit in float precision
if isinstance(ts, (int, float)):
# try parsing as seconds.msµsns float or seconds int
ts = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(ts), tz=timezone.utc)
except Exception:
# try parsing as milliseconds.µsns float or milliseconds int
ts = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(ts)/1000, tz=timezone.utc)
except Exception:
# try parsing as microseconds.ns
ts = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(ts)/1000/1000, tz=timezone.utc)
except Exception:
# try parsing as nanoseconds int
ts = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(ts)/1000/1000/1000, tz=timezone.utc)
ns = int(ts) % 1000 # extract nanoseconds digits to return separately
assert isinstance(ts, datetime)
return ts, ns # seconds.msµs (since 1970 unix epoch), ns (just the nanosecond/rand digits of the timestamp)
def generate_uuid7_with_precision(precision: str) -> UUID7:
now = time.time()
if precision == 'second':
ts = int(now)
elif precision == 'millisecond':
ts = now * 1000
elif precision == 'microsecond':
ts = now * 1_000_000
else: # nanosecond
ts = int(time.time_ns())
return UUID7.from_parts(ts, suffix=uuid4())
def run_tests():
# Test specific precision cases
test_cases = [
# Second precision
(datetime(2024, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, tzinfo=timezone.utc), "Second-precision"),
(datetime(2024, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999000, tzinfo=timezone.utc), "Millisecond-precision"),
(datetime(2024, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999999, tzinfo=timezone.utc), "Microsecond-precision"),
(1735689599999999111, "ns-int-precision"),
(1735689599999999.111, "µs-float-precision"),
(1735689599999.999111, "ms-float-precision"),
(1735689599.999999111, "s-float-precision"),
# now
(, "NOW")
print("\nTesting different precision levels:")
for ts, desc in test_cases:
suffix = UUID("deadbeef-dead-beef-8ead-deadbeefdead")
print(f"Input timestamp: {parse_timestamp(ts)[0].isoformat()} + {parse_timestamp(ts)[1]}ns")
uuid = UUID7.from_parts(ts, suffix=suffix)
print(f"Final UUIDv7: {uuid}")
print(f"Decoded Timestamp: [{uuid.summary()}]")
print(f"Decoded date: {} + {uuid.nanoseconds}ns")
print(f"Timestamp diff: {( - parse_timestamp(ts)[0]).total_seconds():.6f} seconds")
# Test single-threaded UUID7 generation
print("\nTesting single-threaded UUID7 generation for 500,000 UUIDs...")
precisions = ['second', 'millisecond', 'microsecond', 'nanosecond']
uuids = []
for _ in range(500_000):
uuid = UUID7.from_parts()
if uuids and str(uuid) < uuids[-1]:
print(f"UUID {str(uuid)} is not in order, should come before {uuids[-1]}")
raise Exception(f"UUID {str(uuid)} is not in order, should come before {uuids[-1]}")
print(f"\nTesting parallel UUID7 generation of 1,000,000 UUIDs...")
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as executor:
futures = []
for _ in range(10):
for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
# check if it's in order
if uuids and str(future.result()) < uuids[-1]:
print(f"UUID {str(future.result())} is not in order, should come before {uuids[-1]}")
raise Exception(f"UUID {str(future.result())} is not in order, should come before {uuids[-1]}")
# Print some statistics
print(f"Generated {len(uuids)} UUIDs")
print(f"First UUID: {uuids[0]}")
print(f"Last UUID: {uuids[-1]}")
print(f"All UUIDs are monotonically increasing")
print("\nAll tests passed successfully!")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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