None of these 3 letter-only usernames below are available anymore as of 2021. |
However, if you use numbers and symbols, or accept 4 letters, you can definitely find a free one. |
Check responsibly. Don't spam the github API/support, it's not a race, there are plenty free if you have imagination. |
agq, ahq, aqf, aqg, aqp, aqt, aqf, aqy, atq, auh, ayp, azj, azq, bey, bgt, bgx, bhq, bkk, bkq, bmq, |
bpp, bpq, bqa, bqc, bqg, bqi, bqj, bql, bqn, bqo, bqp, bqr, bqt, bqy, buo, buq, bwz, bxe, bxo, bxw, |
bzn, bzp, cfl, ckg, ckq, cnq, cpq, cpz, cqa, cqe, cqf, cqg, cqk, cqo, cqp, cqf, cqx, cqz, cud, cuh, |
cuk, cuo, cfl, cxe, czo, dkq, dnq, dqg, dqi, dqk, dqo, dqs, dsr, dtq, dxe, eaj, eaq, ebq, ecl, ecy, |
eer, efq, efy, egq, egx, ehh, ehz, eiu, eiw, eiy, ejx, eoq, eou, epj, eqa, eqb, eqf, eqg, eqj, eqk, |
eqs, eqf, eqw, eqz, erq, etq, eub, euf, euj, euq, euf, efq, efy, ewy, ewz, exn, eyh, eyj, eyn, eyq, |