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Created March 24, 2017 13:23
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(cherry_picker) antoine:~/cpython/default (backport-8988945-3.5 *+|CHERRY-PICKING)$ git diff Misc/NEWS | cat
diff --cc Misc/NEWS
index e063455,bd43227..0000000
--- a/Misc/NEWS
+++ b/Misc/NEWS
@@@ -243,114 -252,289 +243,122 @@@ Core and Builtin
- Issue #28131: Fix a regression in zipimport's compile_source(). zipimport
should use the same optimization level as the interpreter.
-- Issue #28126: Replace Py_MEMCPY with memcpy(). Visual Studio can properly
- optimize memcpy().
+- Issue #25221: Fix corrupted result from PyLong_FromLong(0) when
+ Python is compiled with NSMALLPOSINTS = 0.
-- Issue #28120: Fix dict.pop() for splitted dictionary when trying to remove a
- "pending key" (Not yet inserted in split-table). Patch by Xiang Zhang.
+- Issue #25758: Prevents zipimport from unnecessarily encoding a filename
+ (patch by Eryk Sun)
-- Issue #26182: Raise DeprecationWarning when async and await keywords are
- used as variable/attribute/class/function name.
+- Issue #28189: dictitems_contains no longer swallows compare errors.
+ (Patch by Xiang Zhang)
-- Issue #26182: Fix a refleak in code that raises DeprecationWarning.
+- Issue #27812: Properly clear out a generator's frame's backreference to the
+ generator to prevent crashes in frame.clear().
-- Issue #28721: Fix asynchronous generators aclose() and athrow() to
- handle StopAsyncIteration propagation properly.
+- Issue #27811: Fix a crash when a coroutine that has not been awaited is
+ finalized with warnings-as-errors enabled.
-- Issue #26110: Speed-up method calls: add LOAD_METHOD and CALL_METHOD
- opcodes.
+- Issue #27587: Fix another issue found by PVS-Studio: Null pointer check
+ after use of 'def' in _PyState_AddModule().
+ Initial patch by Christian Heimes.
-Extension Modules
+- Issue #26020: set literal evaluation order did not match documented behaviour.
-- Issue #29169: Update zlib to 1.2.11.
+- Issue #27782: Multi-phase extension module import now correctly allows the
+ ``m_methods`` field to be used to add module level functions to instances
+ of non-module types returned from ``Py_create_mod``. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
+- Issue #27936: The round() function accepted a second None argument
+ for some types but not for others. Fixed the inconsistency by
+ accepting None for all numeric types.
++<<<<<<< HEAD
+- Issue #27487: Warn if a submodule argument to "python -m" or
+ runpy.run_module() is found in sys.modules after parent packages are
+ imported, but before the submodule is executed.
+ - bpo-29861: Release references to tasks, their arguments and their results
+ as soon as they are finished in multiprocessing.Pool.
+ - bpo-19930: The mode argument of os.makedirs() no longer affects the file
+ permission bits of newly-created intermediate-level directories.
++>>>>>>> 8988945... bpo-29861: release references to multiprocessing Pool tasks (#743)
-- bpo-29884: faulthandler: Restore the old sigaltstack during teardown.
- Patch by Christophe Zeitouny.
+- Issue #27558: Fix a SystemError in the implementation of "raise" statement.
+ In a brand new thread, raise a RuntimeError since there is no active
+ exception to reraise. Patch written by Xiang Zhang.
-- bpo-25455: Fixed crashes in repr of recursive buffered file-like objects.
+- Issue #27419: Standard __import__() no longer look up "__import__" in globals
+ or builtins for importing submodules or "from import". Fixed handling an
+ error of non-string package name.
-- bpo-29800: Fix crashes in partial.__repr__ if the keys of partial.keywords
- are not strings. Patch by Michael Seifert.
+- Issue #27083: Respect the PYTHONCASEOK environment variable under Windows.
-- bpo-8256: Fixed possible failing or crashing input() if attributes "encoding"
- or "errors" of sys.stdin or sys.stdout are not set or are not strings.
+- Issue #27514: Make having too many statically nested blocks a SyntaxError
+ instead of SystemError.
-- bpo-28692: Using non-integer value for selecting a plural form in gettext is
- now deprecated.
+- Issue #27473: Fixed possible integer overflow in bytes and bytearray
+ concatenations. Patch by Xiang Zhang.
-- bpo-26121: Use C library implementation for math functions erf() and erfc().
+- Issue #27507: Add integer overflow check in bytearray.extend(). Patch by
+ Xiang Zhang.
-- bpo-29619: os.stat() and os.DirEntry.inode() now convert inode (st_ino) using
- unsigned integers.
+- Issue #27581: Don't rely on wrapping for overflow check in
+ PySequence_Tuple(). Patch by Xiang Zhang.
-- bpo-28298: Fix a bug that prevented array 'Q', 'L' and 'I' from accepting big
- intables (objects that have __int__) as elements.
+- Issue #27443: __length_hint__() of bytearray iterators no longer return a
+ negative integer for a resized bytearray.
-- bpo-29645: Speed up importing the webbrowser module. webbrowser.register()
- is now thread-safe.
+- Issue #27942: Fix memory leak in codeobject.c
-- bpo-28231: The zipfile module now accepts path-like objects for external
- paths.
-- bpo-26915: index() and count() methods of now
- check identity before checking equality when do comparisons.
+- Issue #15812: inspect.getframeinfo() now correctly shows the first line of
+ a context. Patch by Sam Breese.
-- bpo-28682: Added support for bytes paths in os.fwalk().
+- Issue #29094: Offsets in a ZIP file created with extern file object and modes
+ "w" and "x" now are relative to the start of the file.
-- bpo-29728: Add new :data:`socket.TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT` (Linux 3.12) constant.
- Patch by Nathaniel J. Smith.
-- bpo-29623: Allow use of path-like object as a single argument in
- Patch by David Ellis.
+- Issue #13051: Fixed recursion errors in large or resized
+ curses.textpad.Textbox. Based on patch by Tycho Andersen.
-- bpo-9303: Migrate sqlite3 module to _v2 API. Patch by Aviv Palivoda.
+- Issue #29119: Fix weakrefs in the pure python version of
+ collections.OrderedDict move_to_end() method.
+ Contributed by Andra Bogildea.
-- bpo-28963: Fix out of bound iteration in asyncio.Future.remove_done_callback
- implemented in C.
+- Issue #9770: curses.ascii predicates now work correctly with negative
+ integers.
-- bpo-29704: asyncio.subprocess.SubprocessStreamProtocol no longer closes before
- all pipes are closed.
+- Issue #28427: old keys should not remove new values from
+ WeakValueDictionary when collecting from another thread.
-- bpo-29271: Fix Task.current_task and Task.all_tasks implemented in C
- to accept None argument as their pure Python implementation.
+- Issue 28923: Remove editor artifacts from
-- bpo-29703: Fix asyncio to support instantiation of new event loops
- in child processes.
+- Issue #28871: Fixed a crash when deallocate deep ElementTree.
-- bpo-29615: SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher no longer chains KeyError (or any other
- exception) to exception(s) raised in the dispatched methods.
- Patch by Petr Motejlek.
+- Issue #19542: Fix bugs in WeakValueDictionary.setdefault() and
+ WeakValueDictionary.pop() when a GC collection happens in another
+ thread.
-- bpo-7769: Method register_function() of xmlrpc.server.SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher
- and its subclasses can now be used as a decorator.
+- Issue #20191: Fixed a crash in resource.prlimit() when pass a sequence that
+ doesn't own its elements as limits.
-- bpo-29376: Fix assertion error in threading._DummyThread.is_alive().
+- Issue #28779: multiprocessing.set_forkserver_preload() would crash the
+ forkserver process if a preloaded module instantiated some
+ multiprocessing objects such as locks.
-- bpo-28624: Add a test that checks that cwd parameter of Popen() accepts
- PathLike objects. Patch by Sayan Chowdhury.
+- Issue #28847: dbm.dumb now supports reading read-only files and no longer
+ writes the index file when it is not changed.
-- bpo-28518: Start a transaction implicitly before a DML statement.
- Patch by Aviv Palivoda.
+- Issue #25659: In ctypes, prevent a crash calling the from_buffer() and
+ from_buffer_copy() methods on abstract classes like Array.
-- bpo-29742: get_extra_info() raises exception if get called on closed ssl transport.
- Patch by Nikolay Kim.
-- Issue #16285: urrlib.parse.quote is now based on RFC 3986 and hence includes
- '~' in the set of characters that is not quoted by default. Patch by
- Christian Theune and Ratnadeep Debnath.
-- bpo-29532: Altering a kwarg dictionary passed to functools.partial()
- no longer affects a partial object after creation.
-- bpo-29110: Fix file object leak in when file is given as a
- filesystem path and is not in valid AIFF format. Patch by Anthony Zhang.
-- bpo-22807: Add uuid.SafeUUID and uuid.UUID.is_safe to relay information from
- the platform about whether generated UUIDs are generated with a
- multiprocessing safe method.
-- bpo-29576: Improve some deprecations in importlib. Some deprecated methods
- now emit DeprecationWarnings and have better descriptive messages.
-- bpo-29534: Fixed different behaviour of Decimal.from_float()
- for _decimal and _pydecimal. Thanks Andrew Nester.
-- Issue #28556: Various updates to typing module: typing.Counter, typing.ChainMap,
- improved ABC caching, etc. Original PRs by Jelle Zijlstra, Ivan Levkivskyi,
- Manuel Krebber, and Łukasz Langa.
-- Issue #29100: Fix datetime.fromtimestamp() regression introduced in Python
- 3.6.0: check minimum and maximum years.
-- Issue #29416: Prevent infinite loop in pathlib.Path.mkdir
-- Issue #29444: Fixed out-of-bounds buffer access in the group() method of
- the match object. Based on patch by WGH.
-- Issue #29377: Add SlotWrapperType, MethodWrapperType, and
- MethodDescriptorType built-in types to types module.
- Original patch by Manuel Krebber.
-- Issue #29218: Unused install_misc command is now removed. It has been
- documented as unused since 2000. Patch by Eric N. Vander Weele.
-- Issue #29368: The extend() method is now called instead of the append()
- method when unpickle collections.deque and other list-like objects.
- This can speed up unpickling to 2 times.
-- Issue #29338: The help of a builtin or extension class now includes the
- constructor signature if __text_signature__ is provided for the class.
-- Issue #29335: Fix subprocess.Popen.wait() when the child process has
- exited to a stopped instead of terminated state (ex: when under ptrace).
-- Issue #29290: Fix a regression in argparse that help messages would wrap at
-- Issue #29197: Removed deprecated function ntpath.splitunc().
-- Issue #29210: Removed support of deprecated argument "exclude" in
- tarfile.TarFile.add().
-- Issue #29219: Fixed infinite recursion in the repr of uninitialized
- ctypes.CDLL instances.
-- Issue #29192: Removed deprecated features in the http.cookies module.
-- Issue #29193: A format string argument for string.Formatter.format()
- is now positional-only.
-- Issue #29195: Removed support of deprecated undocumented keyword arguments
- in methods of regular expression objects.
-- Issue #28969: Fixed race condition in C implementation of functools.lru_cache.
- KeyError could be raised when cached function with full cache was
- simultaneously called from differen threads with the same uncached arguments.
-- Issue #20804: The unittest.mock.sentinel attributes now preserve their
- identity when they are copied or pickled.
-- Issue #29142: In urllib.request, suffixes in no_proxy environment variable with
- leading dots could match related hostnames again (e.g. .b.c matches a.b.c).
- Patch by Milan Oberkirch.
-- Issue #28961: Fix unittest.mock._Call helper: don't ignore the name parameter
- anymore. Patch written by Jiajun Huang.
-- Issue #15812: inspect.getframeinfo() now correctly shows the first line of
- a context. Patch by Sam Breese.
-- Issue #28985: Update authorizer constants in sqlite3 module.
- Patch by Dingyuan Wang.
-- Issue #29094: Offsets in a ZIP file created with extern file object and modes
- "w" and "x" now are relative to the start of the file.
-- Issue #29079: Prevent infinite loop in pathlib.resolve() on Windows
-- Issue #13051: Fixed recursion errors in large or resized
- curses.textpad.Textbox. Based on patch by Tycho Andersen.
-- Issue #9770: curses.ascii predicates now work correctly with negative
- integers.
-- Issue #28427: old keys should not remove new values from
- WeakValueDictionary when collecting from another thread.
-- Issue 28923: Remove editor artifacts from
-- Issue #28871: Fixed a crash when deallocate deep ElementTree.
-- Issue #19542: Fix bugs in WeakValueDictionary.setdefault() and
- WeakValueDictionary.pop() when a GC collection happens in another
- thread.
-- Issue #20191: Fixed a crash in resource.prlimit() when passing a sequence that
- doesn't own its elements as limits.
-- Issue #16255: subprocess.Popen uses /system/bin/sh on Android as the shell,
- instead of /bin/sh.
-- Issue #28779: multiprocessing.set_forkserver_preload() would crash the
- forkserver process if a preloaded module instantiated some
- multiprocessing objects such as locks.
-- Issue #26937: The chown() method of the tarfile.TarFile class does not fail
- now when the grp module cannot be imported, as for example on Android
- platforms.
-- Issue #28847: dbm.dumb now supports reading read-only files and no longer
- writes the index file when it is not changed. A deprecation warning is now
- emitted if the index file is missed and recreated in the 'r' and 'w' modes
- (will be an error in future Python releases).
-- Issue #27030: Unknown escapes consisting of ``'\'`` and an ASCII letter in
- re.sub() replacement templates regular expressions now are errors.
-- Issue #28835: Fix a regression introduced in warnings.catch_warnings():
- call warnings.showwarning() if it was overriden inside the context manager.
-- Issue #27172: To assist with upgrades from 2.7, the previously documented
- deprecation of ``inspect.getfullargspec()`` has been reversed. This decision
- may be revisited again after the Python 2.7 branch is no longer officially
- supported.
-- Issue #28740: Add sys.getandroidapilevel(): return the build time API version
- of Android as an integer. Function only available on Android.
-- Issue #26273: Add new :data:`socket.TCP_CONGESTION` (Linux 2.6.13) and
- :data:`socket.TCP_USER_TIMEOUT` (Linux 2.6.37) constants. Patch written by
- Omar Sandoval.
-- Issue #28752: Restored the __reduce__() methods of datetime objects.
-- Issue #28727: Regular expression patterns, _sre.SRE_Pattern objects created
- by re.compile(), become comparable (only x==y and x!=y operators). This
- change should fix the issue #18383: don't duplicate warning filters when the
- warnings module is reloaded (thing usually only done in unit tests).
-- Issue #20572: Remove the subprocess.Popen.wait endtime parameter. It was
- deprecated in 3.4 and undocumented prior to that.
-- Issue #25659: In ctypes, prevent a crash calling the from_buffer() and
- from_buffer_copy() methods on abstract classes like Array.
-- Issue #28548: In the "http.server" module, parse the protocol version if
- possible, to avoid using HTTP 0.9 in some error responses.
-- Issue #19717: Makes Path.resolve() succeed on paths that do not exist.
- Patch by Vajrasky Kok
+- Issue #28732: Fix crash in os.spawnv() with no elements in args
-- Issue #28563: Fixed possible DoS and arbitrary code execution when handle
- plural form selections in the gettext module. The expression parser now
- supports exact syntax supported by GNU gettext.
+- Issue #28485: Always raise ValueError for negative
+ compileall.compile_dir(workers=...) parameter, even when multithreading is
+ unavailable.
- Issue #28387: Fixed possible crash in _io.TextIOWrapper deallocator when
the garbage collector is invoked in other thread. Based on patch by
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