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Created September 18, 2014 14:43
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import sys
import time
from _decimal import *
def color_point(x0, y0, iters):
two = Decimal(2)
x = +x0
y = +y0
sq_x = x * x
sq_y = y * y
for i in range(iters):
y = two * (x * y) + y0
x = sq_x - sq_y + x0
sq_x = x * x
sq_y = y * y
return x
def main():
prec, iters = [int(x) for x in sys.argv[1:]]
getcontext().prec = prec
x0 = Decimal("0.222")
y0 = Decimal("0.333")
clock = time.perf_counter
start_clock = clock()
x = color_point(x0, y0, iters)
end_clock = clock()
print("time: %f\n\n" % (end_clock-start_clock))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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