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Created January 22, 2015 06:32
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Command line tool to convert video files to GIF
#!/usr/bin/env bash +x
# Compress video files into GIFs.
# Requirements:
# - ffmpeg
# - imagemagick
# - terminal-notifier
# - gifsicle
# Installing requirements:
# brew install ffmpeg imagemagick terminal-notifier gifsicle
set -eo pipefail
tmpdir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/jiffy.XXXXXXX)
notify() {
$notifier_bin -title "Jiffy" -subtitle "$1" -message "$2"
dump() {
$ffmpeg_bin -i "$1" -r 10 -vcodec png "$tmpdir/frame-%05d.png"
convert() {
$convert_bin -verbose +dither -layers Optimize -resize 600x600 "$tmpdir/frame*.png" "$tmpdir/output.gif"
compress() {
$gifsicle_bin --colors 128 --delay=5 --loop --optimize=4 --output="$tmpdir/output.gif" "$tmpdir/output.gif"
cleanup() {
rm -rf "$tmpdir"
main() {
trap cleanup EXIT
local input_path="$1"
local output_path="$1.gif"
notify "Converting to GIF..." "$input_path"
dump $input_path
notify "All done!" "$input_path"
mv "$tmpdir/output.gif" "$output_path"
} 2>&1
main $1
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