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Last active July 8, 2020 09:00
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Set Anaconda Environment in PowerShell
#region >> Helper Functions
function Get-FilePath {
Param (
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$FoundFileItems = @()
foreach ($Dir in $DirectoriesToSearch) {
if (Test-Path $Dir) {
Get-ChildItem -Path $Dir -File -Recurse -Filter $FileNameWExtension | Where-Object {
![bool]$($_.FullName -match "\\pkgs\\")
} | foreach {
$null = $FoundFileItems.Add($_)
else {
Write-Warning "The directory '$Dir' does not exist!"
if ($FoundFileItems.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Error "Unable to find '$FileNameWExtension' under the following directories:`n$($DirectoriesToSearch -join "`n")`nHalting!"
$global:FunctionResult = "1"
if ($FoundFileItems.Count -eq 1) {
$FinalFilePath = $FoundFileItems[0].FullName
if ($FoundFileItems.Count -gt 1) {
Write-Warning "Multiple '$FileNameWExtension' files were found! Available '$FileNameWExtension' files are as follows:"
for ($i=0; $i -lt $FoundFileItems.Count; $i++) {
Write-Host "$i) '$($FoundFileItems[$i].FullName)'"
$ValidChoiceNumbers = 0..$($FoundFileItems.Count-1)
$ChoiceNumber = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the number that corresponds to the '$FileNameWExtension' file that you would like to use"
while ($ValidChoiceNumbers -notcontains $ChoiceNumber) {
Write-Host "'$ChoiceNumber' is not a valid choice! Valid choices are $($ValidChoiceNumbers -join ",")"
$ChoiceNumber = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the number that corresponds to the '$FileNameWExtension' file that you would like to use"
$FinalFilePath = $FoundFileItems[$ChoiceNumber].FullName
function Add-ToPath {
Param (
if (!$PSEnvPathOnly) {
$CurrentSystemPath = $(Get-ItemProperty -Path 'Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment' -Name PATH).Path
$CurrentSystemPathArray = $CurrentSystemPath -split ";"
if ($CurrentSystemPathArray -notcontains $PathToAdd) {
$UpdatedSystemPath = "$PathToAdd;$CurrentSystemPath"
Set-ItemProperty -Path "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" -Name PATH -Value $UpdatedSystemPath
if (!$SystemPathOnly) {
$CurrentEnvPathArray = $env:Path -split ";"
if ($CurrentEnvPathArray -notcontains $PathToAdd) {
$env:Path = "$PathToAdd;$env:Path"
#endregion >> Helper Functions
function Set-AnacondaEnv {
Param (
#region >> Prep
$OriginalSystemPath = $(Get-ItemProperty -Path 'Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment' -Name PATH).Path
$OriginalPSEnvPath = $env:Path
$OriginalCONDA_EXE = $env:CONDA_EXE
if ($AnacondaDirectoryPath) {
$AnacondaDirectoryName = $AnacondaDirectoryPath | Split-Path -Leaf
else {
$AnacondaDirectoryName = "Anaconda3"
# Make sure we can find the Anaconda3 directory
if (!$PSBoundParameters['AnacondaDirectoryPath']) {
$PotentialDirectoriesToSearch = @(
$DirectoriesToSearch = $PotentialDirectoriesToSearch | foreach {
if (Test-Path $_) {
else {
if (!$(Test-Path $AnacondaDirectoryPath)) {
Write-Error "The path '$AnacondaDirectoryPath' does not exist! Halting!"
$global:FunctionResult = "1"
$DirectoriesToSearch = $AnacondaDirectoryPath
# Find python.exe
try {
$PythonExePath = Get-FilePath -FileNameWExtension "python.exe" -DirectoriesToSearch $DirectoriesToSearch -ErrorAction Stop
if (!$PythonExePath) {throw "The Get-FilePath function failed! Halting!"}
$PythonParentDir = $PythonExePath | Split-Path -Parent
$PythonCmd = $PythonExePath | Split-Path -Leaf
catch {
Write-Error $_
$global:FunctionResult = "1"
# Add python.exe to System PATH and $env:Path
try {
if ($ChangeMachineEnv) {
$null = Add-ToPath -PathToAdd $PythonParentDir -ErrorAction Stop
else {
$null = Add-ToPath -PathToAdd $PythonParentDir -PSEnvPathOnly -ErrorAction Stop
if (![bool]$(Get-Command $PythonCmd -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
throw "Did not successfully add '$PythonCmd' to System and PowerShell environment paths! Halting!"
catch {
Write-Error $_
$global:FunctionResult = "1"
# Set PYTHONIOENCODING PowerShell-Specific Environment Variable
$env:PYTHONIOENCODING = python.exe -c 'import ctypes; print(ctypes.cdll.kernel32.GetACP())'
Write-Error "Unable to determine `$env:PYTHONIOENCODING! Halting!"
$global:FunctionResult = "1"
if ($ChangeMachineEnv) {
# Set PYTHONIOENCODING System Environment Variable
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PYTHONIOENCODING", $env:PYTHONIOENCODING, "Machine")
# Set CONDA_NEW_ENV PowerShell-Specific Environment Variable
$env:CONDA_NEW_ENV = $PythonParentDir
if ($ChangeMachineEnv) {
# Set CONDA_NEW_ENV System Environment Variable
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("CONDA_NEW_ENV", $env:CONDA_NEW_ENV, "Machine")
# Find conda.exe
try {
$CondaExePath = Get-FilePath -FileNameWExtension "conda.exe" -DirectoriesToSearch $DirectoriesToSearch -ErrorAction Stop
if (!$CondaExePath) {throw "The Get-FilePath function failed! Halting!"}
$CondaParentDir = $CondaExePath | Split-Path -Parent
$CondaCmd = $CondaExePath | Split-Path -Leaf
catch {
Write-Error $_
$global:FunctionResult = "1"
# Add conda.exe to System PATH and $env:Path
try {
if ($ChangeMachineEnv) {
$null = Add-ToPath -PathToAdd $CondaParentDir -ErrorAction Stop
else {
$null = Add-ToPath -PathToAdd $CondaParentDir -PSEnvPathOnly -ErrorAction Stop
if (![bool]$(Get-Command $CondaCmd -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
throw "Did not successfully add '$CondaCmd' to System and PowerShell environment paths! Halting!"
catch {
Write-Error $_
$global:FunctionResult = "1"
# Set CONDA_EXE PowerShell-Specific Environment Variable
$env:CONDA_EXE = $CondaExePath
if ($ChangeMachineEnv) {
# Set CONDA_EXE System Environment Variable
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("CONDA_EXE", $env:CONDA_EXE, "Machine")
# Set CONDA_PS1_BACKUP PowerShell-Specific Environment Variable
$env:CONDA_PS1_BACKUP = $(Get-Location).Path
if ($ChangeMachineEnv) {
# Set CONDA_PS1_BACKUP System Environment Variable
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("CONDA_PS1_BACKUP", $env:CONDA_PS1_BACKUP, "Machine")
$NewSystemPath = $(Get-ItemProperty -Path 'Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment' -Name PATH).Path
$NewPSEnvPath = $env:Path
$FinalNewSystemPath = if ($OriginalSystemPath -ne $NewSystemPath) {$NewSystemPath} else {"NoChange"}
$FinalPSEnvPath = if ($OriginalPSEnvPath -ne $NewPSEnvPath) {$NewPSEnvPath} else {"NoChange"}
$FinalCondaExe = if ($OriginalCONDA_EXE -ne $NewCONDA_EXE) {$NewCONDA_EXE} else {"NoChange"}
$FinalCondaNewEnv = if ($OriginalCONDA_NEW_ENV -ne $NewCONDA_NEW_ENV) {$NewCONDA_NEW_ENV} else {"NoChange"}
$FInalCondaPS1 = if ($OriginalCONDA_PS1_BACKUP -ne $NewCONDA_PS1_BACKUP) {$NewCONDA_PS1_BACKUP} else {"NoChange"}
if (!$HideOutput) {
SystemPathChanges = @{Original = $OriginalSystemPath; New = $FinalNewSystemPath}
PSEnvPathChanges = @{Original = $OriginalPSEnvPath; New = $FinalPSEnvPath}
PYTHONIOENCODING = @{Original = $OriginalPYTHONIOENCODING; New = $FinalPyEn}
CONDA_EXE = @{Original = $OriginalCONDA_EXE; New = $FinalCondaExe}
CONDA_NEW_ENV = @{Original = $OriginalCONDA_NEW_ENV; New = $FinalCondaNewEnv}
CONDA_PS1_BACKUP = @{Original = $OriginalCONDA_NEW_ENV; New = $FInalCondaPS1}
Write-Host "Environment set successfully!" -ForegroundColor Green
function Revert-AnacondaEnv {
Param (
# Validate $SetAnacondaEnvOutput object
$NotePropertiesOutputShouldHave = @(
foreach ($ValidProperty in $NotePropertiesOutputShouldHave) {
if ($($SetAnacondaEnvOutput | Get-Member).Name -notcontains $ValidProperty) {
Write-Error "The pscustomobject provided to the -SetAnacondaEnvOutput parameter is invalid! Halting!"
$global:FunctionResult = "1"
# We're not going to halt on any errors, because we want to report all errors at the end, so
# we need to collect success/failure as we go...
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$SuccessfulReversions = @()
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$FailedReversions = @()
# Revert System Path and $env:Path
try {
if ($SetAnacondaEnvOutput.SystemPathChanges.New -ne "NoChange") {
$SetItemPropertySplatParams = @{
Path = "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"
Name = "PATH"
Value = $SetAnacondaEnvResult.SystemPathChanges.Original
Set-ItemProperty @SetItemPropertySplatParams
$SystemPathState = [pscustomobject]@{
EnvironmentCharacteristic = "SystemPath"
AttemptedValue = $SetAnacondaEnvResult.SystemPathChanges.Original
CurrentValue = $(Get-ItemProperty -Path 'Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment' -Name PATH).Path
$null = $SuccessfulReversions.Add($SystemPathState)
catch {
Write-Warning $($_ | Out-String)
Write-Warning "Unable to revert System Path!"
$SystemPathState = [pscustomobject]@{
EnvironmentCharacteristic = "SystemPath"
AttemptedValue = $SetAnacondaEnvResult.SystemPathChanges.Original
CurrentValue = $(Get-ItemProperty -Path 'Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment' -Name PATH).Path
$null = $FailedReversions.Add($SystemPathState)
if ($SetAnacondaEnvOutput.PSEnvPathChanges.New -ne "NoChange") {
$env:Path = $SetAnacondaEnvOutput.PSEnvPathChanges.Original
$PSEnvPathState = [pscustomobject]@{
EnvironmentCharacteristic = "PSEnvPath"
AttemptedValue = $SetAnacondaEnvOutput.PSEnvPathChanges.Original
CurrentValue = $env:Path
$null = $SuccessfulReversions.Add($PSEnvPathState)
if ($SetAnacondaEnvOutput.PYTHONIOENCODING.New -ne "NoChange") {
try {
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PYTHONIOENCODING", $SetAnacondaEnvOutput.PYTHONIOENCODING.Original, "Machine")
$PyIOEnState = [pscustomobject]@{
EnvironmentCharacteristic = "PYTHONIOENCODING"
AttemptedValue = $SetAnacondaEnvOutput.PYTHONIOENCODING.Original
CurrentValue = $SetAnacondaEnvOutput.PYTHONIOENCODING.Original
$null = $SuccessfulReversions.Add($PyIOEnState)
catch {
Write-Warning $($_ | Out-String)
Write-Warning "Unable to revert the System Environment Variable 'PYTHONIOENCODING'!"
$PyIOEnState = [pscustomobject]@{
EnvironmentCharacteristic = "PYTHONIOENCODING"
AttemptedValue = $SetAnacondaEnvOutput.PYTHONIOENCODING.Original
CurrentValue = $SetAnacondaEnvOutput.PYTHONIOENCODING.New
$null = $FailedReversions.Add($PyIOEnState)
if ($SetAnacondaEnvOutput.CONDA_EXE.New -ne "NoChange") {
try {
$env:CONDA_EXE = $SetAnacondaEnvOutput.CONDA_EXE.Original
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("CONDA_EXE", $SetAnacondaEnvOutput.CONDA_EXE.Original, "Machine")
$CondaExeState = [pscustomobject]@{
EnvironmentCharacteristic = "CONDA_EXE"
AttemptedValue = $SetAnacondaEnvOutput.CONDA_EXE.Original
CurrentValue = $SetAnacondaEnvOutput.CONDA_EXE.Original
$null = $SuccessfulReversions.Add($CondaExeState)
catch {
Write-Warning $($_ | Out-String)
Write-Warning "Unable to revert the System Environment Variable 'CONDA_EXE'!"
$CondaExeState = [pscustomobject]@{
EnvironmentCharacteristic = "CONDA_EXE"
AttemptedValue = $SetAnacondaEnvOutput.CONDA_EXE.Original
CurrentValue = $SetAnacondaEnvOutput.CONDA_EXE.New
$null = $FailedReversions.Add($CondaExeState)
if ($SetAnacondaEnvOutput.CONDA_NEW_ENV.New -ne "NoChange") {
try {
$env:CONDA_NEW_ENV = $SetAnacondaEnvOutput.CONDA_NEW_ENV.Original
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("CONDA_NEW_ENV", $SetAnacondaEnvOutput.CONDA_NEW_ENV.Original, "Machine")
$CondaNewEnvState = [pscustomobject]@{
EnvironmentCharacteristic = "CONDA_NEW_ENV"
AttemptedValue = $SetAnacondaEnvOutput.CONDA_NEW_ENV.Original
CurrentValue = $SetAnacondaEnvOutput.CONDA_NEW_ENV.Original
$null = $SuccessfulReversions.Add($CondaNewEnvState)
catch {
Write-Warning $($_ | Out-String)
Write-Warning "Unable to revert the System Environment Variable 'CONDA_NEW_ENV'!"
$CondaNewEnvState = [pscustomobject]@{
EnvironmentCharacteristic = "CONDA_NEW_ENV"
AttemptedValue = $SetAnacondaEnvOutput.CONDA_NEW_ENV.Original
CurrentValue = $SetAnacondaEnvOutput.CONDA_NEW_ENV.New
$null = $FailedReversions.Add($CondaNewEnvState)
if ($SetAnacondaEnvOutput.CONDA_PS1_BACKUP.New -ne "NoChange") {
try {
$env:CONDA_PS1_BACKUP = $SetAnacondaEnvOutput.CONDA_PS1_BACKUP.Original
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("CONDA_PS1_BACKUP", $SetAnacondaEnvOutput.CONDA_PS1_BACKUP.Original, "Machine")
$CondaPS1State = [pscustomobject]@{
EnvironmentCharacteristic = "CONDA_PS1_BACKUP"
AttemptedValue = $SetAnacondaEnvOutput.CONDA_PS1_BACKUP.Original
CurrentValue = $SetAnacondaEnvOutput.CONDA_PS1_BACKUP.Original
$null = $SuccessfulReversions.Add($CondaPS1State)
catch {
Write-Warning $($_ | Out-String)
Write-Warning "Unable to revert the System Environment Variable 'CONDA_PS1_BACKUP'!"
$CondaPS1State = [pscustomobject]@{
EnvironmentCharacteristic = "CONDA_PS1_BACKUP"
AttemptedValue = $SetAnacondaEnvOutput.CONDA_PS1_BACKUP.Original
CurrentValue = $SetAnacondaEnvOutput.CONDA_PS1_BACKUP.New
$null = $FailedReversions.Add($CondaPS1State)
# Prep Output
$Output = @{}
if ($SuccessfulReversions.Count -gt 0) {
if ($FailedReversions.Count -gt 0) {
if ($SuccessfulReversions.Count -eq 0 -and $FailedReversions.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Host "Nothing was reverted because nothing was changed by the Set-AnacondaEnv function in the first place!" -ForegroundColor Green
if ($SuccessfulReversions.Count -gt 0 -and $FailedReversions.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Host "Reverted environment successfully!" -ForegroundColor Green
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