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Created November 9, 2010 15:16
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Function DiagrammAnlegen(ws, i)
Dim curgem As Integer
' Konfiguration auslesen
anz_gem = WorkSheets(ws).Range("G9").Value
first_kz = WorkSheets(ws).Range("G10").Value
last_kz = WorkSheets(ws).Range("G11").Value
delta_gem = WorkSheets(ws).Range("G12").Value
' Chart anlegen und selektieren
' Mit dem Chart Dinge tun ...
With ActiveChart
' ChartType festlegen
.ChartType = xlLineMarkers
' Fuer alle Gemeinden durchgehen
For curgem = 0 To anz_gem - 1
' Neue Datenserie anlegen
With .SeriesCollection(curgem + 1)
' die Datenranges festlegen
.name = "='" & ws & "'!$A$" & (first_kz - 2 + curgem * delta_gem)
.Values = "='" & ws & "'!$C$" & (first_kz + i + curgem * delta_gem) & ":$V$" & (first_kz + i + curgem * delta_gem)
.XValues = "='" & ws & "'!$C$19:$V$19"
' Aus dem 'Def'-Tabellenblatt eine Farbe auslesen
Dim color, colorR, colorG, colorB As Integer
colorR = WorkSheets("Def").Cells(4 + curgem, 2).Value
colorG = WorkSheets("Def").Cells(4 + curgem, 3).Value
colorB = WorkSheets("Def").Cells(4 + curgem, 4).Value
color = RGB(colorR, colorG, colorB)
' Serienstil festlegen
.MarkerStyle = 1
.MarkerSize = 5
.MarkerForegroundColor = color
.MarkerBackgroundColor = color
.Border.color = color
End With
' Y-Achse konfigurieren
.SetElement (msoElementPrimaryValueAxisTitleRotated)
.Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Text = "Euro pro Kopf"
' Chart-Titel anlegen
.SetElement (msoElementChartTitleAboveChart)
.ChartTitle.Text = WorkSheets(ws).Range("$B$" & first_kz + i) & " (" & WorkSheets(ws).Range("$A$" & first_kz + i) & ")"
' Legende formatieren
With .Legend
.Position = xlBottom
End With
' PlotArea formatieren
With .PlotArea
.Interior.color = RGB(220, 220, 220)
End With
' ChartArea formatieren
With .ChartArea
.Width = 370
.Height = 300
End With
End With
' Rueckgabewert richtigsetzen
Set DiagrammAnlegen = ActiveChart
End Function
Sub TabellenblattDiagramme()
' Abfragen, fuer welches Tabellenblatt wir Diagramme zeichnen sollen
ws = Application.InputBox("Welches Tabellenblatt?", ,
' Spalten
cols = Application.InputBox("Wieviele Spalten?", , 3)
' Sheet anlegen, benennen und verschieben
With ActiveSheet
.Move After:=WorkSheets(ws)
.name = ws & " Diagramme"
End With
' Aus Tabelle die Konfiguration auslesen
anz_gem = WorkSheets(ws).Range("G9").Value
first_kz = WorkSheets(ws).Range("G10").Value
last_kz = WorkSheets(ws).Range("G11").Value
delta_gem = WorkSheets(ws).Range("G12").Value
' Alle Kennzahlen durchgehen
For i = 0 To last_kz - first_kz
' und ein Diagramm anlegen
Set ob = DiagrammAnlegen(ws, i)
' das Diagramm noch an die richtige Position verschieben
With ob
ob.ChartArea.Left = 10 + (i Mod cols) * 380
ob.ChartArea.Top = 10 + Int(i / cols) * 310
End With
End Sub
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