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Last active May 3, 2017 10:15
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(ns lambdaisland.models
(:require [honeysql.format :as hformat]
[toucan.models :as models :refer [invoke-model-or-instance]]))
(defn fully-qualified-symbol [s]
(let [{:keys [ns name]} (meta (resolve s))]
(symbol (str ns "/" name))))
(defn extend-syntax->map [forms]
(reduce (fn [[type acc] form]
(if (symbol? form)
[(fully-qualified-symbol form) acc]
[type (assoc-in acc [type (keyword (first form))] `(fn ~@(drop 1 form)))])) [nil {}] forms)))
(defmacro defmodel
"Define a new \"model\". Models encapsulate information and behaviors related to a specific table in the application DB,
and have their own unique record type.
`defmodel` defines a backing record type following the format `<model>Instance`. For example, the class associated with
`User` is `<root-namespace>.user/UserInstance`. (The root namespace defaults to `models` but can be configured via
This class is used for both the titular model (e.g. `User`) and
for objects that are fetched from the DB. This means they can share the `IModel` protocol and simplifies the interface
somewhat; functions like `types` work on either the model or instances fetched from the DB.
(defmodel User :user_table) ; creates class `UserInstance` and DB model `User`
(db/select User, ...) ; use with `toucan.db` functions. All results are instances of `UserInstance`
The record type automatically extends `IModel` with `IModelDefaults`, but you may call `extend` again if you need to
override default behaviors:
(extend (class User) ; it's somewhat more readable to write `(class User)` instead of `UserInstance`
IModel (merge IModelDefaults
Finally, the model itself is invokable. Calling with no args returns *all* values of that object; calling with a single
arg can be used to fetch a specific instance by its integer ID.
(Database) ; return a seq of *all* Databases (as instances of `DatabaseInstance`)
(Database 1) ; return Database 1"
{:arglists '([model table-name] [model docstr? table-name])
:style/indent [2 :form :form [1]]}
[model & args]
(let [[docstr table-name] (if (string? (first args))
(take 2 args)
(list nil (first args)))
extend-forms (if (string? (first args))
(drop 2 args)
(drop 1 args))
instance (symbol (str model "Instance"))
map->instance (symbol (str "map->" instance))]
(defrecord ~instance []
(~'getName [~'_]
~(name model))
(~'invoke [this#]
(invoke-model-or-instance this#))
(~'invoke [this# id#]
(invoke-model-or-instance this# id#))
(~'invoke [this# arg1# arg2#]
(invoke-model-or-instance this# arg1# arg2#))
(~'invoke [this# arg1# arg2# arg3#]
(invoke-model-or-instance this# arg1# arg2# arg3#))
(~'invoke [this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4#]
(invoke-model-or-instance this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4#))
(~'invoke [this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5#]
(invoke-model-or-instance this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5#))
(~'invoke [this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5# arg6#]
(invoke-model-or-instance this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5# arg6#))
(~'invoke [this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5# arg6# arg7#]
(invoke-model-or-instance this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5# arg6# arg7#))
(~'invoke [this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5# arg6# arg7# arg8#]
(invoke-model-or-instance this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5# arg6# arg7# arg8#))
(~'invoke [this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5# arg6# arg7# arg8# arg9#]
(invoke-model-or-instance this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5# arg6# arg7# arg8# arg9#))
(~'invoke [this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5# arg6# arg7# arg8# arg9# arg10#]
(invoke-model-or-instance this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5# arg6# arg7# arg8# arg9# arg10#))
(~'invoke [this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5# arg6# arg7# arg8# arg9# arg10# arg11#]
(invoke-model-or-instance this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5# arg6# arg7# arg8# arg9# arg10# arg11#))
(~'invoke [this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5# arg6# arg7# arg8# arg9# arg10# arg11# arg12#]
(invoke-model-or-instance this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5# arg6# arg7# arg8# arg9# arg10# arg11# arg12#))
(~'invoke [this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5# arg6# arg7# arg8# arg9# arg10# arg11# arg12# arg13#]
(invoke-model-or-instance this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5# arg6# arg7# arg8# arg9# arg10# arg11# arg12#
(~'invoke [this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5# arg6# arg7# arg8# arg9# arg10# arg11# arg12#
arg13# arg14#]
(invoke-model-or-instance this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5# arg6# arg7# arg8# arg9# arg10# arg11# arg12#
arg13# arg14#))
(~'invoke [this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5# arg6# arg7# arg8# arg9# arg10# arg11# arg12#
arg13# arg14# arg15#]
(invoke-model-or-instance this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5# arg6# arg7# arg8# arg9# arg10# arg11# arg12#
arg13# arg14# arg15#))
(~'invoke [this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5# arg6# arg7# arg8# arg9# arg10# arg11# arg12#
arg13# arg14# arg15# arg16#]
(invoke-model-or-instance this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5# arg6# arg7# arg8# arg9# arg10# arg11# arg12#
arg13# arg14# arg15# arg16#))
(~'invoke [this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5# arg6# arg7# arg8# arg9# arg10# arg11# arg12#
arg13# arg14# arg15# arg16# arg17#]
(invoke-model-or-instance this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5# arg6# arg7# arg8# arg9# arg10# arg11# arg12#
arg13# arg14# arg15# arg16# arg17#))
(~'invoke [this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5# arg6# arg7# arg8# arg9# arg10# arg11# arg12#
arg13# arg14# arg15# arg16# arg17# arg18#]
(invoke-model-or-instance this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5# arg6# arg7# arg8# arg9# arg10# arg11# arg12#
arg13# arg14# arg15# arg16# arg17# arg18#))
(~'invoke [this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5# arg6# arg7# arg8# arg9# arg10# arg11# arg12#
arg13# arg14# arg15# arg16# arg17# arg18# arg19#]
(invoke-model-or-instance this# arg1# arg2# arg3# arg4# arg5# arg6# arg7# arg8# arg9# arg10# arg11# arg12#
arg13# arg14# arg15# arg16# arg17# arg18# arg19#)))
(extend ~instance
~@(mapcat identity (merge-with (fn [this that] `(merge ~this ~that))
`{models/IModel models/IModelDefaults
models/ICreateFromMap {:map-> (fn [~'_ & args#] (apply ~map->instance args#))}
honeysql.format/ToSql {:to-sql (comp hformat/to-sql keyword :table)}}
(extend-syntax->map extend-forms))))
(def ~(vary-meta model assoc
:tag (symbol (str (namespace-munge *ns*) \. instance))
:arglists ''([] [id] [& kvs])
:doc (or docstr
(format "Entity for '%s' table; instance of %s." (name table-name) instance)))
(~map->instance {:table ~table-name
:name ~(name model)
::models/model true})))))
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