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Created July 27, 2022 17:39
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(ns the-clouncil)
(def posts
(sort-by :date (read-string (slurp "posts.edn"))))
;; Original version: mapcat + reduce
;; <-- in | code | out -->
(->> posts
(mapcat (fn [{:keys [categories] :as post}]
(map (fn [category]
[category post])
(reduce (fn [acc [category post]]
(update acc category #(conj % post)))
;; ->>, map, filter, remove, distict, reduce
(->> posts
(mapcat (fn [{:keys [categories] :as post}]
(map (fn [category]
[category post])
;; composability?
;; - it's all just values-in-values-out
;; - but syntax-wise? ->> / xforms / ...
(for [post posts
category (:categories post)]
[category post])
(for [i (range 10)
c ["-" "=" "+"]]
(str c i c))
;; "cartesion product"
(fn [i] (str "-" i "-"))
(range 10))
;; posts x categories
;; "cartesian product"
(let [categories (distinct (mapcat :categories posts))]
(into {}
(fn [category]
#(contains? (:categories %) category)
;; avoid reduce?
;; - reduce is super powerful!
;; - but often there's a simpler thing that you can use
;; reduce version
(fn [acc {:keys [categories] :as post}]
(fn [acc category]
(update acc category conj post))
(->> (for [post posts
category (:categories post)]
[category post])
(group-by first))
;; for + group-by
(for [post posts
category (:categories post)]
[category post]))
#(map second %))
;; maybe nicer with reduce?
(fn [acc [cat post]]
(update acc cat conj post))
(for [post posts
category (:categories post)]
[category post]))
;; debugging inside a #(...)
(println ...)
(inc %))
#(inc (doto % println))
(def posts [{:title "Blambda!"
:file ""
:categories #{"aws" "s3" "lambda" "clojure"}
:date "2022-07-03"}
{:title "Dogfooding Blambda! : revenge of the pod people"
:file ""
:categories ["aws" "s3" "lambda" "clojure" "blambda"]
:date "2022-07-04"}])
;; challenge = posts x categories
;; cartesian product
;; -> for (list comprehension)
(group-by :categories posts)
(group-by (fn [p]
(get p :categories))
(def m {"category" "clojure"})
(get m "category")
(m "category")
(get m "catxxegory" "no category")
(m "category" "no category")
(def category->id
{"clojure" 132
"aws" 456})
(defn category->id [id]
(category->id "clojure")
(assoc nil :foo :bar)
(conj nil :hello)
(group-by (fn [p]
(:categories p))
(group-by (fn [i]
(mod i 3))
(range 20))
{0 [0 3 6 9 12 15 18],
1 [1 4 7 10 13 16 19],
2 [2 5 8 11 14 17]}
[{:title "Blambda!"
:file ""
:categories #{"aws" "s3" "lambda" "clojure"}
:date "2022-07-03"}
{:title "Dogfooding Blambda! : revenge of the pod people"
:file ""
:categories #{"aws" "s3" "lambda" "clojure" "blambda"}
:date "2022-07-04"}
{:title "Hacking the blog: favicon"
:file ""
:categories #{"clojure" "blog"}
:date "2022-07-05"}
{:title "Hacking the blog: categories"
:file ""
:categories #{"clojure" "blog"}
:date "2022-07-06"}]
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