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Created May 16, 2017 08:20
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(defvar-local unrepl-repl-input-start-mark nil)
(defvar-local unrepl-hello-payload nil)
(edn-add-reader :unrepl/param (lambda (x) `(:unrepl/param . ,x)))
(edn-add-reader :unrepl/ns (lambda (x) `(:unrepl/ns . ,x)))
(edn-add-reader :unrepl/ratio (lambda (x) `(:unrepl/ratio . ,x)))
(edn-add-reader :unrepl/meta (lambda (x) `(:unrepl/meta . ,x)))
(edn-add-reader :unrepl/pattern (lambda (x) `(:unrepl/pattern . ,x)))
(edn-add-reader :unrepl/object (lambda (x) `(:unrepl/object . ,x)))
(edn-add-reader (lambda (x) `( . ,x)))
(edn-add-reader :unrepl/... (lambda (x) `(:unrepl/... . ,x)))
(edn-add-reader :error #'identity)
(defun unrepl--insert-with-face (str face)
(put-text-property 0 (length str) 'face face str)
(insert str))
(defun unrepl--handle-hello (payload)
(setq unrepl-hello-payload payload))
(defun unrepl--handle-prompt (payload)
(when (not (eq (current-column) 0))
(unrepl--insert-with-face "%" 'custom-set)
(insert "\n"))
(cdr (gethash 'clojure.core/*ns* payload)))))
;; TODO store the payload so we can :interrupt or :background
(defun unrepl--handle-started-eval (payload))
(defun unrepl--handle-out (payload)
(if (eq (current-column) 0)
(unrepl--insert-with-face "#_out| " 'font-lock-constant-face))
(insert payload))
(defun unrepl--handle-err (payload)
(if (eq (current-column) 0)
(unrepl--insert-with-face "#_err| " 'font-lock-warning-face))
(insert payload))
(defun unrepl--handle-eval (payload)
(when (not (eq (current-column) 0))
(unrepl--insert-with-face "%" 'custom-set)
(insert "\n"))
(insert (edn-print-string payload))
(insert "\n"))
(defun unrepl--handle-bye (payload))
(defun unrepl--handle-log (payload))
(defun unrepl--handle-exception (payload)
(if (not (eq (current-column) 0))
(insert "\n"))
(unrepl--insert-with-face "#_exception| " 'font-lock-warning-face)
(insert (gethash :cause (gethash :ex payload))))
(defun unrepl-edn-handler (form)
;;(message (concat "->" (prin1-to-string form)))
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*unrepl-repl*")
(let ((tag (elt form 0))
(payload (elt form 1)))
(case tag
(:unrepl/hello (unrepl--handle-hello payload))
(:prompt (unrepl--handle-prompt payload))
(:started-eval (unrepl--handle-started-eval payload))
(:eval (unrepl--handle-eval payload))
(:out (unrepl--handle-out payload))
(:err (unrepl--handle-err payload))
(:bye (unrepl--handle-bye payload))
(:log (unrepl--handle-log payload))
(:exception (unrepl--handle-exception payload))))))
(defun unrepl-handle-output (proc string)
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*unrepl-output*")
(let ((orig-point (point)))
(insert string)
(goto-char orig-point)
;;(message (prin1-to-string (list :ok orig-point (eq orig-point 0) string)))
(when (eq orig-point 1)
(search-forward "[:unrepl/hello")
(left-char (length "[:unrepl/hello")))
(let ((form (edn-read)))
(while form
(unrepl-edn-handler form)
(setq form (edn-read)))))))
(defun unrepl-process-sentinel (proc event)
;;(message (concat "EVT->" (prin1-to-string event)))
(defun unrepl--insert-prompt (namespace)
(goto-char (point-max))
(if (not (eq (current-column) 0))
(insert "\n"))
(let ((prompt-start (point)))
(insert (concat namespace "=> "))
(setq unrepl-repl-input-start-mark (point))
(add-text-properties prompt-start (point)
'(font-lock-face font-lock-keyword-face
read-only t
intangible t
;; field cider-repl-prompt
rear-nonsticky (field read-only font-lock-face intangible)))))
(defun unrepl-repl-return ()
(insert "\n")
(condition-case nil
(edn-read (buffer-substring-no-properties unrepl-repl-input-start-mark (point-max)))
(process-send-region unrepl-process unrepl-repl-input-start-mark (point-max)))
(error (insert "#_=> "))))
(defun unrepl-start (command)
(when (get-buffer "*unrepl-output*")
(kill-buffer "*unrepl-output*"))
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*unrepl-repl*")
(setq unrepl-process (make-process
:name "unrepl"
:buffer "*unrepl-process*"
:command command
:filter #'unrepl-handle-output
:sentinel #'unrepl-process-sentinel
:connection-type 'pipe)))
(defvar unrepl-repl-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "RET") #'unrepl-repl-return)
(define-derived-mode unrepl-repl-mode fundamental-mode "Unrepl")
;; (progn
;; (when (get-buffer "*unrepl-process*")
;; (kill-buffer "*unrepl-process*"))
;; (when (get-buffer "*unrepl-repl*")
;; (kill-buffer "*unrepl-repl*"))
;; (unrepl-start '("telnet" "localhost" "3848")))
;; to be able to start/stop repls quickly for testing, I start unrepl on a socket repl server, then connect to it with telnet
;; JAVA_OPTS="-Dclojure.server.unrepl={:address \"\" :port 3848 :accept unrepl.repl/start}" lein run -m clojure.main/main
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