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Last active November 30, 2015 15:18
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Imagining Macondo

Imaginando Macondo (Imagining Macondo) was a live interactive installation featuring user-submitted photographs that was on display throughout the 2015 International Book Fair of Bogotá, Colombia. The exhibition was seen by an audience of more than 300,000 festival attendees who submitted more than 14,000 photographs.

The project included a mobile web interface that allowed participants to capture, label, and upload photographs. The back-end was driven by Node.js which included the compression and storage of submitted media; metadata was stored in a PostgreSQL database; the visualization was powered by D3.js, which used customized clustering and collision detection algorithms to drive the animated placement of photographs and labels within the exhibition space.

Art and design by George Legrady, Angus Forbes, and Andres Burbano.

Software development by Paul Murray and Lorenzo Di Tucci.

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