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Created August 18, 2024 08:54
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Echo script
package main
import (
var (
n = flag.Bool("n", false, "omit trailing newline")
s = flag.String("s", " ", "separator")
func main() {
var out io.Writer = os.Stdout // CREATE A LOCAL WRITER CLASS
if err := echo(out, !*n, *s, flag.Args()); err != nil { // INJECT IT INTO THE ECHO FUNCTION
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "echo: %v\n", err)
func echo(out io.Writer, newline bool, sep string, args []string) error {
fmt.Fprint(out, strings.Join(args, sep))
if newline {
return nil
package main
import (
func TestEcho(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
newline bool
sep string
args []string
want string
{true, "", []string{}, "\n"},
{false, "", []string{}, ""},
{true, "\t", []string{"one", "two", "three"}, "one\ttwo\tthree\n"},
{true, ",", []string{"a", "b", "c"}, "a,b,c\n"},
{false, ":", []string{"1", "2", "3"}, "1:2:3"},
for _, test := range tests {
descr := fmt.Sprintf("echo(%v, %q, %q)", test.newline, test.sep, test.args)
var out = new(bytes.Buffer) // CREATE A WRITER LIKE CLASS JUST FOR THIS TEST
if err := echo(out, test.newline, test.sep, test.args); err != nil { // INJECT INTO ECHO FUNCTION
t.Errorf("%s failed: %v", descr, err)
got := out.String() // READ OUTPUT
if got != test.want {
t.Errorf("%s = %q, want %q", descr, got, test.want)
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