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Last active November 29, 2022 18:47
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Zero out only the data-containing parts of a disk to reduce write wear.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
wipeusedspaceonly() {
declare -r default_blocksize=$((2 ** 20))
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Usage: wipeusedspaceonly <device> [<blocksize in bytes, defaults to $default_blocksize>]"
return 1
local device="$1"
local blocksize=${2:-$default_blocksize} # $((2 ** 20)) = 1048576 or 1MiB
local total_dev_size_b=$(lsblk -bn $device | head -n 1 | awk '{print $4}')
echo "Device: $device"
echo "Total device size in bytes: $total_dev_size_b"
echo "Block size in bytes that will be used: $blocksize"
local read_head=0
local read_bytes=""
local block_hash=""
local last_op=""
declare -r sd=6 # significant digits for the percentage indication
while [ $read_head -lt $total_dev_size_b ]; do
if [ $((read_head + blocksize)) -gt $total_dev_size_b ]; then
blocksize=$((total_dev_size_b - read_head))
# bash strings can't contain null bytes (C strings are null-terminated) so we must tr them out immediately
read_bytes="$(dd status=none if=$device bs=$blocksize iflag=skip_bytes skip=$read_head count=1 | tr -d '\0')"
if [ "$read_bytes" != "" ]; then # it has data, so wipe it
# echo "byte $read_head has data!"
# without the use of "fullblock", this had a bug for a while where it didn't write the whole block of zeroes
dd status=none if=/dev/zero | dd status=none iflag=fullblock of=$device bs=$blocksize oflag=seek_bytes seek=$read_head count=1
read_head=$(( read_head + blocksize ))
# output progress computation via awk
# NOPE: clever use of printf builtin instead, avoids firing up awk (or bc) thousands of times
# disclaimer regarding not using variables in the format portion of printf; I use a readonly :)
# awk -v a=${read_head}00 -v b=$total_dev_size_b 'BEGIN{printf("%.4f%\r", a/b)}'
echo -ne "$last_op "
printf '%.'$sd'f%%\r' "$((10**sd * read_head/total_dev_size_b))e-${sd}"
echo "Done."
# run the function, passing along any args, if this file was run directly (such as via sudo) instead of as an include
# sometimes, $0 contains a leading dash to indicate an interactive (or is it login?) shell,
# which is apparently an old convention (which also broke the basename call on OS X)
me=$(basename "${0##\-}")
if [ "$me" = "wipeusedspaceonly" ]; then
wipeusedspaceonly $*
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FYI this is currently very CPU-bound while also being trivially concurrent. If it took start and end byte arguments then it could be easily parallelized and likely made at least 8x faster.

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