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Software developer @ Elastic working on Kibana. Previously @ NodeSource, IBM.

Patrick Mueller pmuellr

Software developer @ Elastic working on Kibana. Previously @ NodeSource, IBM.
View GitHub Profile
    participant Client
    participant Proxy
    participant Target
    Client->>Proxy: HTTP CONNECT 
    Proxy->>Target: open socket to
    Proxy->>Client: empty 200 OK status response ...
    Proxy->>Client: ..but leave socket open from client
 Note over Proxy: Proxy now just passes bytes btween client and target
pmuellr / forward_proxy_ng.js
Last active May 9, 2022 17:22
http/https proxy running on http/https w/http-proxy package
* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
* 2.0; you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License
* 2.0.
// starts http and https proxies to use to test actions within Kibana
const fs = require('fs');
pmuellr / task-manager-tasks-heatmap.json
Created March 25, 2022 11:53
task manager tasks heatmap in vega-lite (baby steps)
"$schema": "",
"description": "task manager tasks",
"data": {"values": [
{"worker": 0, "begin": 0, "duration": 1, "type": "i" },
{"worker": 0, "begin": 3, "duration": 1, "type": "i" },
{"worker": 0, "begin": 6, "duration": 1, "type": "i" },
{"worker": 0, "begin": 9, "duration": 1, "type": "i" },
{"worker": 1, "begin": 0, "duration": 4, "type": "o" },
{"worker": 1, "begin": 6, "duration": 2, "type": "s" }
pmuellr /
Created March 5, 2022 01:31
launchpad-driver flow (early)
    participant I as IPad / html
    participant S as Server / deno
    participant D as DesktopBrowser / html
    participant L as Launchpad / native device
    D ->>	L: Find Launchpad
    activate L
    L ->>	D: Found Launchpad
pmuellr / export-to-server-log.js
Last active September 29, 2021 20:56
A cli filter which reads a Kibana export file from stdin, and writes a Kibana export file to stdout. The export is changed to remove all alerting connectors, add a new server log connector, and change all referenced actions in alerting rules to the server log. This renders an export of Kibana alerting rules to the same rules which do not perform…
#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict'
Filter for Elastic Kibana .ndjson files with alerting rule exports,
that converts all the rule's actions to a new server log connector.
node export-to-server-log.js < original-export.ndjson > modified-export.ndjson
pmuellr / kibana-dev-tools-console-event-log.txt
Last active July 26, 2022 17:40
Kibana Dev Tools Console queries for the event log
# get 1000 rule SO's
GET .kibana/_search
"size": 1000,
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": [
{"term": {"type": "alert"}}
pmuellr / kibana-7.14.0-alerting-o11y.ndjson
Last active September 1, 2022 18:22
Kibana 7.14.0 saved objects for alerting o11y
{"attributes":{"fieldAttrs":"{\"event.outcome\":{\"count\":3},\"kibana.alerting.status\":{\"count\":5},\"message\":{\"count\":7},\"event.action\":{\"count\":4},\"kibana.alerting.action_group_id\":{\"count\":2},\"kibana.alerting.instance_id\":{\"count\":2},\"event.duration\":{\"count\":7},\"error.message\":{\"count\":4},\"event.end\":{\"count\":1},\"event.reason\":{\"count\":2},\"event.start\":{\"count\":1},\"\":{\"count\":1},\"kibana.spaceId\":{\"count\":1}}","fieldFormatMap":"{\"event.duration\":{\"id\":\"duration\",\"params\":{\"inputFormat\":\"nanoseconds\",\"outputFormat\":\"asSeconds\",\"showSuffix\":true,\"useShortSuffix\":true}},\"\":{\"id\":\"duration\",\"params\":{\"inputFormat\":\"milliseconds\",\"outputFormat\":\"asMilliseconds\",\"showSuffix\":true,\"useShortSuffix\":true}}}","fields":"[]","runtimeFieldMap":"{\"\":{\"type\":\"long\",\"script\":{\"source\":\"def duration = doc['event.duration'];\\nif (duration == null) return;\\nif (duration.size() == 0) ret
pmuellr / kibana-7.13.2-alerting-o11y.ndjson
Last active July 15, 2021 01:31
Kibana 7.13.2 saved objects for alerting o11y
{"attributes":{"fieldAttrs":"{\"soid\":{\"count\":4},\"_id\":{\"count\":1},\"event.action\":{\"count\":1},\"event.duration\":{\"count\":1},\"event.provider\":{\"count\":1},\"kibana.alerting.status\":{\"count\":1}}","fieldFormatMap":"{\"event.duration\":{\"id\":\"duration\",\"params\":{\"inputFormat\":\"nanoseconds\",\"outputFormat\":\"asMilliseconds\",\"outputPrecision\":0,\"showSuffix\":false}}}","fields":"[]","runtimeFieldMap":"{\"soid\":{\"type\":\"keyword\",\"script\":{\"source\":\"def savedObjects = params._source[\\\"kibana\\\"][\\\"saved_objects\\\"];\\n\\nif (savedObjects != null) {\\n for (def savedObject : savedObjects) {\\n emit(savedObject[\\\"type\\\"] + \\\":\\\" + savedObject[\\\"id\\\"])\\n } \\n}\"}}}","timeFieldName":"@timestamp","title":".kibana-event-log-*"},"coreMigrationVersion":"7.13.2","id":"119d36c0-ce30-11eb-9885-59d424b49d0b","migrationVersion":{"index-pattern":"7.11.0"},"references":[],"type":"index-pattern","updated_at":"2021-06-16T03:14:42.635Z","version":"WzYzNTQ1LDFd"}
pmuellr / dashboard.ndjson
Last active June 4, 2021 04:04
Kibana dashboard for the alerting event log
{"attributes":{"fieldAttrs":"{}","fieldFormatMap":"{\"event.duration\":{\"id\":\"duration\",\"params\":{\"inputFormat\":\"nanoseconds\",\"outputFormat\":\"asMilliseconds\",\"showSuffix\":true,\"useShortSuffix\":true,\"includeSpaceWithSuffix\":true}}}","fields":"[]","runtimeFieldMap":"{\"soid\":{\"type\":\"keyword\",\"script\":{\"source\":\"def savedObjects = params._source[\\\"kibana\\\"][\\\"saved_objects\\\"];\\n\\nif (savedObjects != null) {\\n for (def savedObject : savedObjects) {\\n emit(savedObject[\\\"type\\\"] + \\\":\\\" + savedObject[\\\"id\\\"])\\n } \\n}\\n\"}}}","timeFieldName":"@timestamp","title":".kibana-event-log-*","typeMeta":"{}"},"coreMigrationVersion":"8.0.0","id":"cd94ad50-c4c0-11eb-a329-07149b9b0aad","migrationVersion":{"index-pattern":"7.11.0"},"references":[],"type":"index-pattern","updated_at":"2021-06-03T23:25:41.302Z","version":"WzY4Nzg3LDFd"}
pmuellr / soid-for-kbn-event-log.painleess
Created May 26, 2021 05:01
Kibana runtime field for saved object ids in the .kibana-event-log indices
// runtime field definition to add to .kibana-event-log index patterns
// I name the field `soid`, which will have either alert or action ids, or both
// prefixed by their type. Useful for Discover and Lens.
// For Kibana >= 7.13.0
def savedObjects = params._source["kibana"]["saved_objects"];
if (savedObjects.length > 0) {
emit(savedObjects[0]["type"] + ":" + savedObjects[0]["id"]);