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Created June 11, 2014 13:13
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import Data.Word
import Data.Bits
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Matrix ((<->), Matrix, matrix, nrows, ncols, getRow, getCol)
import qualified Data.Matrix as M
import qualified Data.List as List
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
toWord32 :: Int -> Word32
toWord32 = fromIntegral
prod :: Matrix Word32 -> Matrix Word32 -> Matrix Word32
prod m m' = matrix (nrows m) (ncols m) $
(\(i,j) -> V.foldl xor (toWord32 0) $ V.zipWith (.&.) (getRow i m) (getCol j m'))
power :: Int -> Matrix Word32 -> Matrix Word32 -> Matrix Word32
power 0 acc _ = acc
power n acc m = power (n-1) (acc `prod` m) m
power' :: [Word8] -> Matrix Word32 -> Matrix Word32 -> Matrix Word32
power' [] acc _ = acc
power' (n:ns) acc m = if n == 1
then power' ns (acc `prod` m) (m `prod` m)
else power' ns acc (m `prod` m)
toBits :: Int -> [Word8]
toBits 0 = fromIntegral 0 : []
toBits 1 = fromIntegral 1 : []
toBits n | n > 1 = (fromIntegral (n `mod` 2)) : (toBits $ n `div` 2)
solve :: Int -> Vector Word32 -> Vector Word32 -> Word32
solve n as cs | n >= 0 = let size = V.length cs
m = joinMatrix size $ M.rowVector cs
in M.getElem 1 1 $ (power' (toBits n) (identmat size) m) `prod` (M.colVector as)
joinMatrix :: Int -> Matrix Word32 -> Matrix Word32
joinMatrix n cs = cs <-> (M.submatrix 1 (n-1) 1 n $ identmat n)
identmat s = let n = s - 1
in M.fromLists $
[ (replicate i 0) ++ [complement 0] ++ replicate (n-i) 0
| i <- [0..n] ]
main :: IO ()
main = do
[k, m] <- readInts
a <- V.fromList . map toWord32 . List.reverse <$> readInts
c <- V.fromList . map toWord32 <$> readInts
let result = solve (m-k) a c
putStrLn $ show result
readInt :: String -> Int
readInt = read
readInts :: IO [Int]
readInts = map readInt . words <$> getLine
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