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Last active December 28, 2015 09:49
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Google Testを楽に試すためのシェルスクリプト
./ testdir
cd testdir/build
mkdir -p $DIR1
mkdir -p $DIR1/build
mkdir -p $DIR2
echo "cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)"
echo "add_subdirectory(${1})"
} > $DIR1/CMakeLists.txt
echo "set(GTEST_ROOT \$ENV{HOME}/usr/src/gtest-1.7.0)"
echo "include_directories("
echo " \${GTEST_ROOT}/include"
echo " )"
echo "add_executable(${1} ${1}.cpp)"
echo "target_link_libraries(${1}"
echo " pthread"
echo " \${GTEST_ROOT}/build/libgtest.a"
echo " \${GTEST_ROOT}/build/libgtest_main.a"
echo " )"
} > $DIR2/CMakeLists.txt
echo "#!/bin/sh"
echo "cmake .."
echo "make"
echo "./${1}/${1}"
} > $DIR1/build/
chmod +x $DIR1/build/
echo "#include <gtest/gtest.h>"
echo ""
echo "int add(int x, int y){"
echo " return x+y;"
echo "}"
echo ""
echo "TEST(${1}Test,Test1){"
echo " ASSERT_EQ(2,add(1,1));"
echo "}"
} > $DIR2/$1.cpp
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