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Created May 12, 2020 15:39
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Garden Routers Meetup -

Garden Routers Meetup - BDD 2020-05-12

What is Behaviour Driven Development (BDD)?

  • It is a way of driving a (software) product forward
  • It is often associated with Given/When/Then scenarios (aka Cucumber/Gherkin)
  • It is about writing down what you want before you build it. In a way that everyone can understand

What problems does it tackle?

  • Avoid building the wrong thing or wasting time
  • Foster better understanding of the product
  • Lack of communication around features

How does it help with those problems?

Avoid building the wrong thing or wasting time

The bigest issue is communication and shared understating.

  • Use BDD as a way of deliberately discovering features
  • Use Given/When/Then scenarios to verify that the scenarios are understood

Foster better understanding of the product

As a product grows it becomes harder to "hold it in your head".

  • Using cucumber scenarios as a way of capturing and documenting your product
  • Establishing source-of-truth for terms and idioms used to communicate your product features

How to use BDD

Write down what you want before you build

This is the heart of BDD. By writing down what you want in a clear manner you're letting that drive the product and not the other way around.

Have small/fast meetings to capture stories and scenarios.

Avoid getting stuck on questions that can't be answered by this small team

Automate your testing

Using BDD scenarios to automate testing of your product and keep it and the product honest.

What we're going to touch on

  • How Example Mapping can be used to capture stories
  • What Cucumber and Gherkin are
  • Who and How to write Given/When/Then scenarios
  • A quick mention about automation

Example Mapping

Password Game

What is Cucumber and Gherkin

  • Gherkin is a syntax for writing Given/When/Then scenarios.
  • Cucumber is a set of tools and frameworks to automate testing of user stories

Example Gherkin syntax

# -- FILE: features/gherkin.rule_example.feature
Feature: Highlander

  Rule: There can be only One

    Example: Only One -- More than one alive
      Given there are 3 ninjas
      And there are more than one ninja alive
      When 2 ninjas meet, they will fight
      Then one ninja dies (but not me)
      And there is one ninja less alive

    Example: Only One -- One alive
      Given there is only 1 ninja alive
      Then he (or she) will live forever ;-)

  Rule: There can be Two (in some cases)

    Example: Two -- Dead and Reborn as Phoenix

How to write Given/When/Then scenarios

  • Use Example Mapping as a starting point
  • Get the folks who'll build/test the feature to write out more concrete scenarios
  • Verify that those scenarios match product/stakeholder understanding.

How to automate testing

How it works

  • Use cucumber tooling to generate stubs and tests based on Gherkin
  • Consistency in Gherkin makes for re-useable tests
  • Use them for your Domain Model, drive a browser or control hardware!

Avoid tightly coupled tests

  • Gherkin syntax should only change when your product's feature changes
  • Test implementation can change whenever.

Example cucumber js

// features/support/steps.js
const { Given, When, Then } = require("cucumber");
const { expect } = require("chai");

Given("a variable set to {int}", function(number) {

When("I increment the variable by {int}", function(number) {

Then("the variable should contain {int}", function(number) {

Common objections to BDD

  • "It'll take me longer!"
  • "I don't want to learn something new (or my Boss won't give me the time)!"
  • "Does this mean more meetings? I hate meetings!"
  • "We have an old codebase, we're not spring chickens!"

Common anti-patterns

  • Writing the BDDs after building. This defeats all the collaboration/shared understanding gains.

Cucumber school

For some more info

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