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Created September 26, 2016 16:35
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Clojure Spec coercion nonsense
(ns vice
(:require [clojure.spec :as s]
[clj-time.core :as t]
[clj-time.format :as tf])
(:import [org.joda.time DateMidnight DateTime]
[java.util UUID]
[clojure.lang Keyword]
[java.math BigInteger]
[java.util.regex Pattern]))
(def invalid :clojure.spec/invalid)
(defmulti coerce-uuid class)
(defmethod coerce-uuid java.util.UUID [u] u)
(defmethod coerce-uuid java.lang.String [s]
(UUID/fromString s))
(defmethod coerce-uuid :default [& args]
(def ->uuid
(s/conformer coerce-uuid))
(defmulti coerce-boolean class)
(defmethod coerce-boolean java.lang.Boolean [b] b)
(defmethod coerce-boolean java.lang.String [s]
(case s
"true" true
"false" false
(defmethod coerce-boolean :default [& args]
(defmulti coerce-bigint class)
(defmethod coerce-bigint java.math.BigInteger [n] n)
(defmethod coerce-bigint java.lang.String [s]
(bigint s)
(catch NumberFormatException e
(defmethod coerce-bigint :default [& args]
(def ->uuid
(s/conformer coerce-uuid))
(def ->boolean
(s/conformer coerce-boolean))
(def ->bigint
(s/conformer coerce-bigint))
(def data
(let [id (str (UUID/randomUUID))]
{:vice/ id
:vice/post.title "How to Spec"
:vice/post.published? "true"
:vice/post.price "10000"
:vice/post.content (URI/create (str ""))
:vice/post.authors [{:vice/ (str (UUID/randomUUID))
:vice/ "Vesa Marttila"}]}))
(s/def :vice/ ->uuid)
(s/def :vice/ string?)
(s/def :vice/author
(s/keys :req [:vice/
(s/def :vice/ ->uuid)
(s/def :vice/post.title string?)
(s/def :vice/post.published? ->boolean)
(s/def :vice/post.price ->bigint)
(defn content-resolver
(if (uri? entity)
(.substring (slurp entity) 0 50)
(def ->resolve
(s/conformer content-resolver))
(def ->upper-case
(fn [s]
(.toUpperCase s))))
(s/def :vice/post.content
(s/and ->resolve
(s/def :vice/post.authors (s/coll-of :vice/author))
(s/def :vice/post
(s/keys :req [:vice/
(s/conform :vice/post data))
; =>
; #:vice{ #uuid "364f316b-5452-407f-b0cf-ef377f5bacb4",
; :post.title "How to Spec",
; :post.published? true,
; :post.price 10000N,
; :post.content "<!DOCTYPE HTML><HTML ITEMSCOPE=\"\" ITEMTYPE=\"HTTP:/",
; :post.authors
; [#:vice{ #uuid "6a4daf4a-749b-44e1-860a-a63cb9d69837",
; "Vesa Marttila"}]}
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