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Created April 25, 2020 16:32
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func mergeByTwo(R: Int, height: Int) -> [(a: Int, b: Int)] {
/** Merges the top two sorted decks. The first has `height` cards of each rank. */
// Loop through zero-indexed rank of the card on top.
return stride(from: 0, to: R - 1, by: 2)
// a: Move the next two ranks below.
// b: There are three components in the remaining deck:
// (1) the remainder (greater ranks) of the top deck;
// (2) the accumulated smaller ranks in the bottom deck; and
// (3) the number of matching ranks in the bottom.
// (R - rank - 2) * height + rank * (height + 1) + 1
.map { (a: 2 * height, b: (R - 2) * height + $0 + 1) }
func joinTheRanks(state: [(a: Int, b: Int)] = [], R: Int, S: Int) -> [(a: Int, b: Int)] {
/** Joins S sorted decks of rank R into a single sorted deck. */
if R == 1 { return state }
switch S {
case 0, 1: return state
case _ where S > 1:
// Each deck satisfies the invariant of being sorted, but the top two
// are potentially of different size. We accumulate all the cards in the
// the top-most deck.
let height = 1 + (state.count * 2) / R
let head = state + mergeByTwo(R: R, height: height)
// For even ranks, the period is one merge.
if (R % 2 == 0) { return joinTheRanks(state: head, R: R, S: S - 1) }
// If we're at the end, we just need one extra move.
if (S == 2) { return head + [(a: height, b: (R - 1) * (height + 1) + 1)] }
// Otherwise, the period is 2 merges, and we move the last rank together
// with the first rank. Since we're moving two ranks, there are R - 2
// ranks in the second deck.
let body = [(a: 2 * height + 1, b: (R - 2) * (height + 1) + 1)]
// After that there are still R - 1 ranks left, which is an even
// number. We add an offset to the second deck to account for the first
// rank already having been moved.
let tail = mergeByTwo(
R: R - 1, height: height + 1).map { ($0.a, $0.b + height + 2) }
return joinTheRanks(state: head + body + tail, R: R, S: S - 2)
default: fatalError("S must be nonnegative but S = \(S).")
let T = Int(readLine()!)!
for t in 1...T {
let args = readLine()!.split(separator: " ").map { Int($0)! }
let (R, S) = (args[0], args[1])
let swaps = joinTheRanks(R: R, S: S)
print("Case #\(t): \(swaps.count)")
print({ "\($0.a) \($0.b)" }).joined(separator: "\n"))
struct CyclicDeck {
A deck sorted cyclically: [topRank,..., (topRank + R - 1) % R]
There are rankCounts[rank] cards of each rank.
let rankCounts: [Int]
let topRank: Int
let size: Int
init(R: Int) {
self.init(rankCounts: Array(repeating: 1, count: R), topRank: 0, size: R)
func swap(S: Int) -> ((a: Int, b: Int), CyclicDeck) {
let nextRank = (topRank + 1) % rankCounts.count
// Move two ranks if possible.
let (a, swappedRanks) = rankCounts[nextRank] < S ?
(rankCounts[topRank] + rankCounts[nextRank], Set([topRank, nextRank])) :
(rankCounts[topRank], Set([topRank]))
return (
(a: a, b: size - a + 1),
rankCounts: rankCounts.enumerated().map {
swappedRanks.contains($0.offset) ? $0.element + 1 : $0.element
topRank: (topRank + swappedRanks.count) % rankCounts.count,
size: size + swappedRanks.count))
private init(rankCounts: [Int], topRank: Int, size: Int) {
self.rankCounts = rankCounts
self.topRank = topRank
self.size = size
func joinTheRanks(R: Int, S: Int) -> [(a: Int, b: Int)] {
// The initial deck is S sorted decks of rank R.
var topDeck = CyclicDeck(R: R)
// Continually grow the top deck until there's one deck.
var swaps: [(a: Int, b: Int)] = []
while topDeck.size < R * S {
let (swap, swappedDeck) = topDeck.swap(S: S)
topDeck = swappedDeck
return swaps
let T = Int(readLine()!)!
for t in 1...T {
let args = readLine()!.split(separator: " ").map { Int($0)! }
let (R, S) = (args[0], args[1])
let swaps = joinTheRanks(R: R, S: S)
print("Case #\(t): \(swaps.count)")
print({ "\($0.a) \($0.b)" }).joined(separator: "\n"))
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