This is the visualization that accompanies Infection. You can find the code at GitHub. This dataset consists of 6 components. 5 of the components have 5 nodes, and the big component has 23 nodes. The number of infections has been limited to 26. Repeatedly, press the infect button to see how to optimally infect the nodes. We want all nodes in a component to share the same state. As you can you see, it is possible to have infect 25 nodes with this restriction. This solution was found through dynamic programming. Note that a greedy algorithm would have failed here since it would have selected the largest component, which has 23 nodes. After infecting this component, we would not be able to infect any other components because that would exceed 26 infections.
Some interesting features of this visualization that can be reused:
- the use of SVG markers for arrowheads
- nodes are draggable with one node's position being fixed
- the infection count is interpolated, so it counts up smoothly