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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Prim
import Text.Parsec.Language
import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as T
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (*>), (<*>), pure, liftA2)
import Data.List (intercalate)
type Parser = Parsec String ()
type Location = String
-- type LocNode a = (Location, a)
-- AST
data Program = Program [(Location, Statement)]
-- deriving (Show)
data Statement = Print String
| Use FilePath
deriving (Show)
instance Show Program where
show (Program stmts) =
"Program [\n\t" ++ intercalate "\n\t" (map show stmts) ++ "\n]"
myLangDef = emptyDef {
T.reservedNames = [ "print", "use" ]
lexer = T.makeTokenParser myLangDef
reserved = T.reserved lexer
stringLiteral = T.stringLiteral lexer
parseString :: String -> String -> Program
parseString fname =
either (error . show) id .
parse program fname
parseFile :: String -> IO Program
parseFile fname = parseString <$> pure fname <*> readFile fname
-- parsers
program :: Parser Program
program = Program <$> many statement
statement :: Parser (Location, Statement)
statement = printStr <|> useFile
printStr :: Parser (Location, Statement)
printStr = withLocation $ Print <$> (reserved "print" *> stringLiteral)
useFile :: Parser (Location, Statement)
useFile = withLocation $ Use <$> (reserved "use" *> stringLiteral)
withLocation :: Parser a -> Parser (Location, a)
withLocation = liftA2 (,) getLocation
getLocation :: Parser String
getLocation = do
pos <- getPosition
return $ "(" ++ sourceName pos
++ ":"
++ (show . sourceLine) pos
++ ","
++ (show . sourceColumn) pos
++ ")"
-- read contents of "use"d files, parse and insert in the main AST
expandProgram :: Program -> IO Program
expandProgram (Program stmts) = Program <$> (includeUsedFiles stmts)
where includeUsedFiles :: [(Location, Statement)] -> IO [(Location, Statement)]
includeUsedFiles = fmap concat <$> mapM expandStatement
expandStatement :: (Location, Statement) -> IO [(Location, Statement)]
expandStatement (loc, stmt) =
case stmt of
Use file -> (extendLocation loc . getStatements) <$> parseFile file >>= includeUsedFiles
_ -> return [(loc, stmt)]
getStatements :: Program -> [(Location, Statement)]
getStatements (Program stmts) = stmts
extendLocation :: Location -> [(Location, Statement)] -> [(Location, Statement)]
extendLocation loc = map (\(l, s) -> (loc ++ "|" ++ l, s))
main = do
head <$> getArgs
>>= parseFile
>>= expandProgram
>>= print
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