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Created July 22, 2011 14:18
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Archipel Beta 3.1 Changelog

Changelog - Archipel Beta 3.1

Beta 3 changelog available here

XMPP Bus (StropheCappuccino)

FIX: Bug preventing to properly decode archived objects from XMPP Storage.

GUI Core

NEW: Some new handy developer methods in TNModule.

Virtual Machine Definition

FIX: Crash occurring when trying to add a drive in some occasions

Virtual Machine Drives

FIX: Crash occurring when trying to create a drive in some occasions

Virtual Machine VNC

NEW: Gently warn about web socket problem instead of crashing


NEW: ejabberd-xmlrpc is no longer required.
NEW: It is possible to continue to use ejabberd-xmlrpc to get shared roster group working (temporary)
NEW: Add a preference to use or not the GUI for SRG.
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