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Created July 21, 2018 13:15
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Sub select_Click()
Dim sheetA As Worksheet
Dim Shell, myPath
Set sheetA = ActiveSheet
Set Shell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set myPath = Shell.BrowseForFolder(&O0, "フォルダを選んでください", &H1 + &H10)
If Not myPath Is Nothing Then
sheetA.Cells(3, 2).Value = myPath.Items.Item.path
End If
Set Shell = Nothing
Set myPath = Nothing
End Sub
Sub copy_Click()
Dim sheetA As Worksheet
Dim strNow As String
Dim cnt As Long
Dim i As Long
cnt = 0
Set sheetA = ActiveSheet
For i = 7 To 60000
If sheetA.Cells(i, 2).Value = "" Then
cnt = i - 1
Exit For
End If
Next i
strNow = Format(Now, "yyyymmdd_hhnnss")
Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)).name = strNow
Set sheetDeki = Sheets(strNow)
sheetA.Range("A7:F" & i).Copy sheetDeki.Range("A1:F" & (i - 6))
sheetDeki.Columns(1).ColumnWidth = 7
sheetDeki.Columns(2).ColumnWidth = 60
sheetDeki.Columns(3).ColumnWidth = 30
sheetDeki.Columns(4).ColumnWidth = 20
sheetDeki.Columns(5).ColumnWidth = 10
sheetDeki.Columns(6).ColumnWidth = 20
End Sub
Sub clear_Click()
Dim sheetA As Worksheet
Set sheetA = ActiveSheet
Call clearAll(sheetA)
MsgBox "クリアしました"
End Sub
Private Function clearAll(sheetA As Worksheet)
Dim cnt As Long
Dim i As Long
cnt = 0
For i = 7 To 60000
If sheetA.Cells(i, 2).Value = "" Then
cnt = i - 1
Exit For
End If
Next i
sheetA.Range(Cells(8, 1), Cells(i, 6)).Clear
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
If ExistsWorksheet("参照不可フォルダ") Then
End If
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Function
Sub ref2_Click()
End Sub
Sub serach3_Click()
Dim sheetA As Worksheet
Dim sheetNG As Worksheet
Dim path As String
Dim cnt As Long
Dim errCnt As Long
Dim fso As Object
cnt = 0
errCnt = 2
Set sheetA = ActiveSheet
Call clearAll(sheetA)
Worksheets.Add(Before:=Worksheets(1)).name = "参照不可フォルダ"
Set sheetNG = Sheets("参照不可フォルダ")
sheetNG.Cells(1, 1).Value = "参照不可フォルダ"
path = sheetA.Cells(3, 2).Value
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Call search(fso, sheetA, sheetNG, path, cnt, errCnt)
If errCnt = 2 Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End If
MsgBox "検索が完了しました"
End Sub
Sub search(fso As Object, sheetA As Worksheet, sheetNG As Worksheet, path As String, cnt As Long, errCnt As Long)
Dim folderObj As Object
If cnt > 60000 Then
MsgBox "検索対象が60000件を超えています"
On Error GoTo ErrLabel
Set folderObj = fso.GetFolder(path)
For Each objFILE In folderObj.Files
cnt = cnt + 1
With objFILE
sheetA.Cells(cnt + 7, 1).Value = cnt
sheetA.Cells(cnt + 7, 2).Value = .ParentFolder
sheetA.Cells(cnt + 7, 3).Value = .name
sheetA.Cells(cnt + 7, 4).Value = .Type
sheetA.Cells(cnt + 7, 5).Value = .Size
sheetA.Cells(cnt + 7, 6).Value = .DateLastModified
End With
Next objFILE
For Each objPATH2 In folderObj.SubFolders
Call search(fso, sheetA, sheetNG, objPATH2.path, cnt, errCnt)
Next objPATH2
End If
Exit Sub
If Not (folderObj Is Nothing) Then
sheetNG.Cells(errCnt, 1).Value = folderObj.path
sheetNG.Cells(errCnt, 1).Value = path & "存在しない"
End If
errCnt = errCnt + 1
End Sub
Private Function ExistsWorksheet(ByVal name As String)
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In Sheets
If = name Then
' 存在する
ExistsWorksheet = True
Exit Function
End If
' 存在しない
ExistsWorksheet = False
End Function
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