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Created April 30, 2020 21:00
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from pyspark.sql.functions import sqrt
from pyspark.sql.functions import hour, year, month, dayofmonth, dayofweek
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, col
def clean(spark, df):
df = df.where((df["pickup_longitude"] >= -75) & (df["pickup_longitude"] <= -73)) \
.where((df["dropoff_longitude"] >= -75) & (df["dropoff_longitude"] <= -73)) \
.where((df["pickup_latitude"] >= 39) & (df["pickup_latitude"] <= 42)) \
.where((df["dropoff_latitude"] >= 39) & (df["dropoff_latitude"] <= 42))
# Remove possible outliers
df = df.where((df["fare_amount"] > 0 ) & (df["fare_amount"] <= 250))
# Remove inconsistent values
df = df.where((df["dropoff_longitude"] != df["pickup_longitude"]))
df = df.where((df["dropoff_latitude"] != df["pickup_latitude"]))
return df
def late_night (hour):
if (hour <= 6) or (hour >= 20):
return 1
return 0
def night (hour, weekday):
if ((hour<= 20) and (hour >= 16)) and (weekday < 5):
return 1
return 0
spark.udf.register("late_night_udf", late_night)
spark.udf.register("night_udf", night)
def add_time_features(spark, df):
time_df ='*', hour('key').cast('int').alias('hour'), \
year('key').cast('int').alias('year'), \
month('key').cast('int').alias('month'), \
dayofmonth('key').cast('int').alias('dayofmonth'), \
time2_df ='*', late_night('hour').alias('late_night'), night('hour','dayofweek').alias('night'))
return time2_df
def add_distance_features(spark, df):
ef_df = df.selectExpr('*', "(pickup_latitude - dropoff_latitude) as latdiff", "(pickup_longitude - dropoff_longitude) as londiff" )
ef_df2 = ef_df.selectExpr( '*', " (sqrt(( latdiff * latdiff ) + (londiff * londiff) )) as euclidean")
ef_df3 = ef_df2.selectExpr( '*', " (abs(latdiff) + abs(londiff)) as manhattan")
ef_df4 = ef_df3.selectExpr( '*', "(pickup_latitude * pickup_longitude) as ploc", "(dropoff_latitude * dropoff_longitude) as dloc")
return ef_df4
def convert_and_drop_columns(spark, df):
co_df ='key','hour','year','month','dayofmonth','dayofweek','late_night','passenger_count','night', \
col('fare_amount').cast('float'), col('latdiff').cast('float'), col('londiff').cast('float'), col('euclidean').cast('float'), \
col('manhattan').cast('float'), col('ploc').cast('float'), col('dloc').cast('float'))
return co_df
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