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Created December 29, 2019 11:19
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Number of base generic delegates to construct custom delegates
typealias ExtensionItemDelegate<T> = ItemDelegate<T, ExtensionViewHolder<T>>
class LayoutItemDelegate<I>(
private val type: Class<out I>,
@LayoutRes private val layoutId: Int
) : ExtensionItemDelegate<I> {
override fun itemType() = type
override fun createVewHolder(parent: ViewGroup) = ExtensionViewHolder<I>(parent.inflate(layoutId))
override fun bindView(position: Int, item: I, holder: ExtensionViewHolder<I>) {
holder.holdItem = item
override fun bindView(position: Int, item: I, holder: ExtensionViewHolder<I>, payloads: List<Any>) {
holder.holdItem = item
class CreateItemDelegate<I>(
private val origin: ExtensionItemDelegate<I>,
private val createBlock: ExtensionViewHolder<I>.() -> Unit
) : ExtensionItemDelegate<I> by origin {
override fun createVewHolder(parent: ViewGroup) = origin.createVewHolder(parent).apply(createBlock)
class BindItemDelegate<I>(
private val origin: ExtensionItemDelegate<I>,
private val bindBlock: ExtensionViewHolder<I>.(I) -> Unit
) : ExtensionItemDelegate<I> by origin {
override fun bindView(position: Int, item: I, holder: ExtensionViewHolder<I>) {
origin.bindView(position, item, holder)
holder.holdItem?.let { holder.bindBlock(it) }
class BindPayloadsItemDelegate<I>(
private val origin: ExtensionItemDelegate<I>,
private val bindBlock: ExtensionViewHolder<I>.(I, List<Any>) -> Unit
) : ExtensionItemDelegate<I> by origin {
override fun bindView(position: Int, item: I, holder: ExtensionViewHolder<I>, payloads: List<Any>) {
origin.bindView(position, item, holder, payloads)
holder.holdItem?.let { holder.bindBlock(it, payloads) }
class ClickableItemDelegate<I>(
private val origin: ExtensionItemDelegate<I>,
private val onClick: (I) -> Unit
) : ExtensionItemDelegate<I> by origin {
override fun createVewHolder(parent: ViewGroup) =
origin.createVewHolder(parent).apply {
itemView bindClick onClick
class ClickableWithPosItemDelegate<I>(
private val origin: ExtensionItemDelegate<I>,
private val clickListener: (I, Int) -> Unit
) : ExtensionItemDelegate<I> by origin {
override fun createVewHolder(parent: ViewGroup) = origin.createVewHolder(parent).apply {
itemView.setSafeOnClickListener { holdItem?.let { clickListener(it, adapterPosition) } }
inline fun <reified T> itemDelegate(@LayoutRes layoutId: Int) = LayoutItemDelegate(, layoutId)
fun <T> ExtensionItemDelegate<T>.create(block: ExtensionViewHolder<T>.() -> Unit) = CreateItemDelegate(this, block)
fun <T> ExtensionItemDelegate<T>.bind(block: ExtensionViewHolder<T>.(item: T) -> Unit) = BindItemDelegate(this, block)
fun <T> ExtensionItemDelegate<T>.bindPayloads(block: ExtensionViewHolder<T>.(item: T, payloads: List<Any>) -> Unit) = BindPayloadsItemDelegate(this, block)
fun <T> ExtensionItemDelegate<T>.click(clickListener: (T) -> Unit) = ClickableItemDelegate(this, clickListener)
fun <T> ExtensionItemDelegate<T>.clickWithPos(clickListener: (T, Int) -> Unit) = ClickableWithPosItemDelegate(this, clickListener)
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