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prpatel / JazzCon2018WorkshopInstructions.txt
Last active March 19, 2018 22:05
JazzCon 2018 Workshop Instructions
Welcome to JazzCon.Tech 2018!
If you're attending, please try to do these setup instructions before arriving at the venue on Wednesday morning.
We'll have wifi, but some of the larger installs are better done beforehand if possible.
Of course, you'll need a nice IDE/Editor installed; Atom, VSCode are both free and work well. Additionally, choose which workshop you'd like to attend, then follow the instructions below.
React Native Workshop:
#Unlock workshop:
#unlock workshop - a web browser and an internet connection should suffice.
prpatel / schedule.json
Last active September 15, 2017 19:12
CT2017 schedule
"title":"Angular Fast & Furious (v5+)",
"description":"What you'll learn on the day\r\n\r\nNew features\r\nWhat's new in Angular v5.\r\n\r\nLow level APIs\r\nAngular DIY. Build it from scratch.\r\n\r\nRxJS next level\r\nUsing High Order Observables.\r\n\r\nModern State Management\r\nSuper charge your architecture using ngrx.\r\n\r\nAdvanced Router\r\nUse the router in ways you didn't know were possible.\r\n\r\nModern Server Side Rendering\r\nLearn all the intricacies of the new platform-server bundle.\r\n\r\nReal-time GraphQL\r\nLearn everything about GraphQL Subscriptions.\r\n\r\nIntroducing Motion\r\nLevel up your animations introducing UX Motion principles.\r\n\r\n",
"speaker":"Gerard Sans",
"time":"09/20/2017 09:00 AM",
prpatel / mobileAppScheduleGen2017.js
Last active September 15, 2017 19:13
change standard json to format for ReactNative app
var fs = require('fs'),
_ = require('underscore'),
moment = require('moment');
function generateSchedule() {
function jsonEscape(str) {
return str.replace(/\n/g, "").replace(/\r/g, "").replace(/\t/g, "");
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- ENGLISH -->
<!-- AboutWindow.js -->
<string name="AboutWindow:title">About</string>
<!-- ALListWindow.js -->
<string name="ALListWindow:title">Audio Lessons</string>

The Introduction to Node workshop has a few prerequisites: First, you should have a good understanding of basic JavaScript, we will not be going over what a function is, or how to create objects. Second, please be sure to have Node installed! The latest version is 4.2.x, but 0.12 would be fine (or even 0.10). Lastly, we'll talk about scaling at the end, if you want to play along you can install the StrongLoop devops tools and try them out for free for a month. See how here:

Setup notes

There will be hands-on labs, so please bring your laptop. No IDE is required; you can use your favorite text editor if you like. You’ll be working purely with JavaScript and HTML5.

At a minimum, you will need to have a modern browser (latest version of Chrome is preferred), Node.js, Bower, Grunt, and polyserve installed. This can be done in with the following simple steps:

Install Node.js ( — click on the link for your environment

(sudo) npm install -g bower grunt-cli

Angular Workshop


Angular is a new JavaScript framework from Google. If you are looking into developing rich web applications, Angular is your friend. Angular embraces HTML and CSS, allowing you to extend HTML towards your application, and uses plain JavaScript which makes your code easy to reuse, and test. In this workshop we will start from the ground up, and build our way through a simple application that will let us explore the various constructs, and the familiarize ourselves with some of the new terminology in Angular.

Workshop requirements

Software needed

  • Java 1.6 or greater
prpatel / parseURLSchemeData.js
Created April 15, 2014 20:27
A simple JavaScript function for parsing URLScheme data. Intended for use in Appcelerator Titanium
url = '';
function parseURLSchemeData(url) {
var parsedData = {};
url = url.substring(url.indexOf('//')+2);
if (url.indexOf('?') > 0 ) {
var viewTarget = url.substring(0, url.indexOf('?'));
parsedData['viewTarget'] = viewTarget;
url = url.substring(url.indexOf('?')+1);
var params = url.split('&');
//FirstView Component Constructor
var _ = require('/lib/underscore');
function ScheduleView() {
//create object instance, a parasitic subclass of Observable
var self = Ti.UI.createView({
layout : 'vertical'
var tableView = Ti.UI.createTableView({
height : Ti.UI.FILL