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Created July 6, 2012 19:56
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My custom Chef bootstrap for Amazon Linux
bash -c '
<% if ENV['ROLES'].split(",").size > 1 %>
<% else %>
HOSTNAME_PREFIX=<%= ENV['ROLES'].gsub('_', '-') %>
<% end %>
yum upgrade -y
yum install -y gcc gcc-c++ make zlib-devel openssl-devel patch readline-devel
rpm -e --nodeps ruby ruby-libs
rpm -ivh --force
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
cd /tmp
curl | tar xz
cd rubygems-1.3.7
ruby setup.rb
gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc -v 0.10.8 chef
# Set hostname
hostname=$HOSTNAME_PREFIX-`ohai | grep instance_id | cut -d "\"" -f 4 | cut -c 3-5`
ip_addr=`ifconfig eth0 | grep "inet addr:" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | cut -d " " -f 1`
sed -i "s/localhost.localdomain/$" /etc/sysconfig/network
echo $ip_addr $ $hostname >>/etc/hosts
/sbin/service network restart
hostname $
# Configure Chef
mkdir /etc/chef
cat >/etc/chef/validation.pem <<-EOF
# your validation key goes here
cat >/etc/chef/client.rb <<-EOF
log_level :info
log_location "/var/log/chef.log"
chef_server_url # your chef-server URL
validation_client_name "chef-validator"
mkdir /root/.chef
cat >/root/.chef/knife.rb <<-EOF
log_level :info
log_location STDOUT
node_name "jd"
client_key "/root/.chef/jd.pem"
validation_client_name "chef-validator"
validation_key "/etc/chef/validation.pem"
chef_server_url # your chef-server URL
cache_type "BasicFile"
cache_options( :path => "/root/.chef/checksums" )
cat >/root/.chef/jd.pem <<-EOF
# your private key goes here
# Run chef-client to register with chef-server
chef-client -E <%= ENV['ENVIRONMENT'] %>
# Add roles to our run list
<% ENV['ROLES'].split(",").each do |role_name| %>
knife node run_list add $ "role[se_<%= role_name %>]"
<% end %>
# Clean up chef config
rm -rf /root/.chef
rm /etc/chef/validation.pem
# Start chef-client
chef-client --once --daemonize
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