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Last active December 9, 2022 22:42
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Example of scraping md and code cells from Jupyter notebooks into sqlite db then doing text concordance on result
import os
def nbpathwalk(path):
''' Walk down a directory path looking for ipynb notebook files... '''
for path, _, files in os.walk(path):
if '.ipynb_checkpoints' in path: continue
for f in [i for i in files if i.endswith('.ipynb')]:
yield os.path.join(path, f)
import nbformat
def get_cell_contents(nb_fn, c_md=None, cell_typ=None):
''' Extract the content of Jupyter notebook cells. '''
if cell_typ is None: cell_typ=['markdown']
if c_md is None: c_md = [],nbformat.NO_CONVERT)
_c_md=[i for i in nb.cells if i['cell_type'] in cell_typ]
for c in _c_md:
c.update( {"ix":str(ix)})
c.update( {"title":nb_fn})
ix = ix+1
c_md = c_md + _c_md
return c_md
import sqlite3
def index_notebooks_sqlite(nbpath='.', outfile='notebooks.sqlite', jsonp=None):
''' Get content from each notebook down a path and index it. '''
conn = sqlite3.connect(outfile)
# Create table
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('''DROP TABLE IF EXISTS nbindex''')
#Enable full text search
c.execute('''CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS nbindex USING fts4(title text, source text, ix text PRIMARY KEY, cell_type text)''')
for fn in nbpathwalk(nbpath):
cells = get_cell_contents(fn,c_md, cell_typ=['markdown','code'])
for cell in cells:
# Insert a row of data
c.execute("INSERT INTO nbindex VALUES (?,?,?,?)",(cell['title'],cell['source'],
cell['ix'], cell['cell_type']))
# Save (commit) the changes and close the db connection
import nltk
def n_concordance_tokenised(text,phrase,left_margin=5,right_margin=5):
''' Token concordance for multiple contiguous tokens. '''
#concordance replication via
phraseList=phrase.split(' ')
c = nltk.ConcordanceIndex(text.tokens, key = lambda s: s.lower())
#Find the offset for each token in the phrase
offsets=[c.offsets(x) for x in phraseList]
#For each token in the phraselist, find the offsets and rebase them to the start of the phrase
for i in range(len(phraseList)):
offsets_norm.append([x-i for x in offsets[i]])
#We have found the offset of a phrase if the rebased values intersect
#the intersection method takes an arbitrary amount of arguments
#result = set(d[0]).intersection(*d[1:])
concordance_txt = ([text.tokens[list(map(lambda x: x-left_margin if (x-left_margin)>0 else 0,[offset]))[0]:offset+len(phraseList)+right_margin]
for offset in intersects])
outputs=[''.join([x+' ' for x in con_sub]) for con_sub in concordance_txt]
return outputs
def n_concordance(txt,phrase,left_margin=5,right_margin=5):
''' Find text concordance for a phrase. '''
tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(txt)
text = nltk.Text(tokens)
return n_concordance_tokenised(text,phrase,left_margin=left_margin,right_margin=right_margin)
#Generate sqlite db of notebook(s) cell contents
import pandas as pd
# Run query and pull results into a pandas dataframe
with sqlite3.connect('notebooks.sqlite') as conn:
df = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * from nbindex WHERE source MATCH 'this notebook' LIMIT 10", conn)
#Apply concordance to source column in each row in dataframe
df['source'].apply(n_concordance,args=('this notebook',1,1))
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