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Last active January 21, 2020 12:04
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Simple visualisation of cell structure (md and code cells) for a Jupyter notebook. For more context, see
# # Simple Notebook Visualiser
# Simple notebook visualiser for one or more Jupyter notebooks.
# Visualises markdown and code cells, with block size determined by code cell line count and estimated screen line count for markdown cells.
# +
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def nb_vis(cell_map, img_file='', linewidth = 5, w=20, gap=None, gap_boost=1, gap_colour='lightgrey'):
"""Visualise notebook gross cell structure."""
def get_gap(cell_map):
"""Automatically set the gap value based on overall length"""
def get_overall_length(cell_map):
"""Get overall line length of a notebook."""
overall_len = 0
gap = 0
for i ,(l,t) in enumerate(cell_map):
#i is number of cells if that's useful too?
overall_len = overall_len + l
return overall_len
max_overall_len = 0
#If we are generating a plot for multiple notebooks, get the largest overall length
if isinstance(cell_map,dict):
for k in cell_map:
_overall_len = get_overall_length(cell_map[k])
max_overall_len = _overall_len if _overall_len > max_overall_len else max_overall_len
max_overall_len = get_overall_length(cell_map)
#Set the gap at 0.5% of the overall length
return math.ceil(max_overall_len * 0.01)
def plotter(cell_map, x, y, label='', header_gap = 0.2):
"""Plot visualisation of gross cell structure for a single notebook."""
#Plot notebook path
plt.text(y, x, label)
x = x + header_gap
for _cell_map in cell_map:
#Add a coloured bar between cells
if y > 0:
if gap_colour:
plt.plot([y,y+gap],[x,x], gap_colour, linewidth=linewidth)
y = y + gap
_y = y + _cell_map[0] + 1 #Make tiny cells slightly bigger
plt.plot([y,_y],[x,x], _cell_map[1], linewidth=linewidth)
y = _y
#If we have a single cell_map for a single notebook
if isinstance(cell_map,list):
gap = gap if gap is not None else get_gap(cell_map) * gap_boost
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(w, 1))
plotter(cell_map, x, y)
#If we are plotting cell_maps for multiple notebooks
elif isinstance(cell_map,dict):
gap = gap if gap is not None else get_gap(cell_map) * gap_boost
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(w,len(cell_map)))
for k in cell_map:
plotter(cell_map[k], x, y, k)
x = x + 1
if img_file:
# -
# Define the colour map for different cell types:
VIS_COLOUR_MAP = {'markdown':'cornflowerblue','code':'pink'}
# The following function will find one or more notebooks on a path and generate cell maps for each of them. All the cell maps are then passed for visualisation on the same canvas.
# +
import nbformat
import os
import textwrap
def nb_vis_parse_nb(path, img_file='', linewidth = 5, w=20, **kwargs):
#gap=None, gap_boost=1, gap):
"""Parse one or more notebooks on a path."""
def _count_screen_lines(txt, width=LINE_WIDTH):
"""Count the number of screen lines that an overflowing text line takes up."""
ll = txt.split('\n')
_ll = []
for l in ll:
#Model screen flow: split a line if it is more than `width` characters long
_ll=_ll+textwrap.wrap(l, width)
n_screen_lines = len(_ll)
return n_screen_lines
def _nb_vis_parse_nb(fn):
"""Parse a notebook and generate the nb_vis cell map for it."""
cell_map = []
_fn, fn_ext = os.path.splitext(fn)
if not fn_ext=='.ipynb' or not os.path.isfile(fn):
return cell_map
with open(fn,'r') as f:
nb = nbformat.reads(, as_version=4)
for cell in nb.cells:
cell_map.append((_count_screen_lines(cell['source']), VIS_COLOUR_MAP[cell['cell_type']]))
return cell_map
def _dir_walker(path, exclude = 'default'):
"""Profile all the notebooks in a specific directory and in any child directories."""
if exclude == 'default':
exclude_paths = ['.ipynb_checkpoints', '.git', '.ipynb', '__MACOSX']
#If we set exclude, we need to pass it as a list
exclude_paths = exclude
nb_multidir_cell_map = {}
for _path, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
#Start walking...
#If we're in a directory that is not excluded...
if not set(exclude_paths).intersection(set(_path.split('/'))):
#Profile that directory...
for _f in files:
fn = os.path.join(_path, _f)
cell_map = _nb_vis_parse_nb(fn)
if cell_map:
nb_multidir_cell_map[fn] = cell_map
return nb_multidir_cell_map
if os.path.isdir(path):
cell_map = _dir_walker(path)
cell_map = _nb_vis_parse_nb(path)
nb_vis(cell_map, img_file, linewidth, w, **kwargs)
# -
# Test a single notebook mapper:
TEST_NOTEBOOK = 'Notebook_profile_test.ipynb'
# Test a plot of multiple notebooks down a path:
nb_vis_parse_nb('../Documents/GitHub/tm351-undercertainty/notebooks/tm351/Part 02 Notebooks',
linewidth=10, gap_colour='white', gap=1, img_file='test-nbvis.png')
nb_vis_parse_nb('../Documents/GitHub/tm351-undercertainty/notebooks/tm351/Part 02 Notebooks',
linewidth=10, gap=0, img_file='test-nbvis.png')
# Can we see the saved test file?
# ![](test-nbvis.png)
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