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Created December 2, 2011 17:53
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This is the backend for a Bitcoin RPC Plugin for the Web2py Framework
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
from gluon import *
from jsonrpc import ServiceProxy
import re
#access is a Server Proxy object between web2py and the command
#line program bitcoind using the session variables you supplied
#in the index page
domain = ''
port = '8332'
s = "http://" + session.rpclogin + ":" + session.rpc_pass + "@" + domain + ":" + port
access = ServiceProxy(s)
#creates a new bitcoin address with your desired username you provided
#or your existing account if found in your wallet file
address = access.getnewaddress(session.desired_username)
def backupwallet(location):
#backs up your wallet file in a directory of your choosing
if(isinstance(location, str)):
regex = re.compile('^(.+)/([^/]+)$') #regex for a UNIX directory- sorry Windows...
if(re.match(regex, location) is not None):
return dict()
return dict("error","invalid path name")
return dict("error","invalid path name")
def encryptwallet(passphrase):
#encrypts your wallet file with a (strong) passphrase
if(isinstance(passphrase, str)):
regex = re.compile('(?=^.{8,}$)((?=.*\d)|(?=.*\W+))(?![.\n])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[a-z]).*$')
if(re.match(regex, passphrase) is not None):
return dic()
return dict("error","Passphrase must contain at least 8 characters total, at \
least one uppercase letter, one lower case, and one number or special character")
def getaddress():
#returns you your current bitcoin address mapped to your account
#bitcoin address can be 25-34 characters in length
address = access.getaccountaddress(session.desired_username)
return dict(address=address)
def getaddressesbyaccount(account):
#returns you multiple bitcoin addresses if you have multiple addresses
addressList = access.getaddressesbyaccount(session.desired_username)
stringaddressList = []
i = 0
for address in addressList:
stringaddressList[i] = str(address)
i = i + 1
return dict(stringaddressList=stringaddressList)
def getblocknumber():
#returns your block number
blocknum = access.getblocknumber()
return dict(blocknum = blocknum)
return dic("error","could not get block number")
def getbitcoininfo():
#returns a dictionary with your bitcoin info
info = access.getinfo()
return dict(info=info)
return dict("error", "could not get info")
def getconnectioncount():
#returns the amount of nodes you are connected to
connect = access.getconnectioncount()
return dict(connect=connect)
return dict("error","could not get connection count")
def getdifficulty():
#gets difficulty of the problem your machine is working on
#as more bitcoins are mined, the difficulty rises
diff = int(access.getdifficulty())
return dict(diff=diff)
return dict("error","could not get difficulty")
def getnewaddress():
#returns you a new address linked to your accountname
address = access.getnewaddress(session.desired_username)
return dict()
def getwork():
#return information on work done by your bitcoin client
#the proxy function breaks often enough that it needed
#to be wrapped in a try/except block
work = access.getwork()
return dict(work=work)
return dict()
def generatecoins():
#starts your bitcoin miner
if(not access.getgenerate()):
return dict()
def dontgenerate():
#stops your bitcoin miner
return dict()
def send(address, amount):
#send bitcoin and amount
access.sendtoaddress(address, amount)
return dict()
#it's probably working, regardless of whether or not the session
#timed out
return dict()
def getbalance():
#returns you your bitcoin balance
bal = float(access.getbalance())
return dict(bal=bal)
def getrecievedbyaccount(account):
#tells you how many bitcoins you recieved per account
if(isinstance(account, str)):
amount = float(getrecievedbyaccount(account))
return dict(amount=amount)
return dict("error","not a valid account")
def listaccounts():
#list accounts in your wallet file
return access.listaccounts()
def settxfee(amount):
#set your tax fee for a transaction
#should be between 0 and 0.99
if(not (isinstance(amount, float))):
return dict("error","amount is not a float")
elif(amount > 0.99):
return dict("error","can't be more than 99%")
return dict()
def validate(address):
#returns true if the bitcoin address is valid; false otherwise
#valid bitcoin address are between 25-34 upper, lower chars and numbers
address = access.validateaddress(address)
regex = re.compile('([a-z]|[A-Z]|[0-9]){24,35}')
if(re.match(regex, address) is not None):
return True
return False
def stop():
#stop the bitcoin server
#if you run this, all the other methods will break
return dict("stopped","stopped")
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