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Created August 15, 2024 13:12
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logseq config for project logs if using through demo web app
{:meta/version 1
;; Set the preferred format.
;; Available options:
;; - Markdown (default)
;; - Org
;; :preferred-format "Markdown"
;; Set the preferred workflow style.
;; Available options:
;; - :now for NOW/LATER style (default)
;; - :todo for TODO/DOING style
:preferred-workflow :now
;; Exclude directories/files.
;; Example usage:
;; :hidden ["/archived" "/" "../assets/archived"]
:hidden []
;; Define the default journal page template.
;; Enter the template name between the quotes.
{:journals ""}
;; Set a custom date format for the journal page title.
;; Default value: "MMM do, yyyy"
;; e.g., "Jan 19th, 2038"
;; Example usage e.g., "Tue 19th, Jan 2038"
;; :journal/page-title-format "EEE do, MMM yyyy"
;; Specify the journal filename format using a valid date format string.
;; !Warning:
;; This configuration is not retroactive and affects only new journals.
;; To show old journal files in the app, manually rename the files in the
;; journal directory to match the new format.
;; Default value: "yyyy_MM_dd"
;; :journal/file-name-format "yyyy_MM_dd"
;; Enable tooltip preview on hover.
;; Default value: true
:ui/enable-tooltip? true
;; Display brackets [[]] around page references.
;; Default value: true
;; :ui/show-brackets? true
;; Display all lines of a block when referencing ((block)).
;; Default value: false
:ui/show-full-blocks? false
;; Automatically expand block references when zooming in.
;; Default value: true
:ui/auto-expand-block-refs? true
;; Enable Block timestamps.
;; Default value: false
:feature/enable-block-timestamps? false
;; Disable accent marks when searching.
;; After changing this setting, rebuild the search index by pressing (^C ^S).
;; Default value: true
:feature/enable-search-remove-accents? true
;; Enable journals.
;; Default value: true
;; :feature/enable-journals? true
;; Enable flashcards.
;; Default value: true
;; :feature/enable-flashcards? true
;; Enable whiteboards.
;; Default value: true
;; :feature/enable-whiteboards? true
;; Disable the journal's built-in 'Scheduled tasks and deadlines' query.
;; Default value: false
;; :feature/disable-scheduled-and-deadline-query? false
;; Specify the number of days displayed in the future for
;; the 'scheduled tasks and deadlines' query.
;; Example usage:
;; Display all scheduled and deadline blocks for the next 14 days:
;; :scheduled/future-days 14
;; Default value: 7
;; :scheduled/future-days 7
;; Specify the first day of the week.
;; Available options:
;; - integer from 0 to 6 (Monday to Sunday)
;; Default value: 6 (Sunday)
:start-of-week 6
;; Specify a custom CSS import.
;; This option takes precedence over the local `logseq/custom.css` file.
;; Example usage:
;; :custom-css-url "@import url('');"
;; Specify a custom JS import.
;; This option takes precedence over the local `logseq/custom.js` file.
;; Example usage:
;; :custom-js-url ""
;; Set a custom Arweave gateway
;; Default gateway:
;; :arweave/gateway ""
;; Set bullet indentation when exporting
;; Available options:
;; - `:eight-spaces` as eight spaces
;; - `:four-spaces` as four spaces
;; - `:two-spaces` as two spaces
;; - `:tab` as a tab character (default)
;; :export/bullet-indentation :tab
;; Publish all pages within the Graph
;; Regardless of whether individual pages have been marked as public.
;; Default value: false
;; :publishing/all-pages-public? false
;; Define the default home page and sidebar status.
;; If unspecified, the journal page will be loaded on startup and the right sidebar will stay hidden.
;; The `:page` value represents the name of the page displayed at startup.
;; Available options for `:sidebar` are:
;; - "Contents" to display the Contents page in the right sidebar.
;; - A specific page name to display in the right sidebar.
;; - An array of multiple pages, e.g., ["Contents" "Page A" "Page B"].
;; If `:sidebar` remains unset, the right sidebar will stay hidden.
;; Examples:
;; 1. Set "Changelog" as the home page and display "Contents" in the right sidebar:
;; :default-home {:page "Changelog", :sidebar "Contents"}
;; 2. Set "Jun 3rd, 2021" as the home page without the right sidebar:
;; :default-home {:page "Jun 3rd, 2021"}
;; 3. Set "home" as the home page and display multiple pages in the right sidebar:
;; :default-home {:page "home", :sidebar ["Page A" "Page B"]}
;; Set the default location for storing notes.
;; Default value: "pages"
;; :pages-directory "pages"
;; Set the default location for storing journals.
;; Default value: "journals"
;; :journals-directory "journals"
;; Set the default location for storing whiteboards.
;; Default value: "whiteboards"
;; :whiteboards-directory "whiteboards"
;; Enabling this option converts
;; [[Grant Ideas]] to [[file:./][Grant Ideas]] for org-mode.
;; For more information, visit
;; :org-mode/insert-file-link? false
;; Configure custom shortcuts.
;; Syntax:
;; 1. + indicates simultaneous key presses, e.g., `Ctrl+Shift+a`.
;; 2. A space between keys represents key chords, e.g., `t s` means
;; pressing `t` followed by `s`.
;; 3. mod refers to `Ctrl` for Windows/Linux and `Command` for Mac.
;; 4. Use false to disable a specific shortcut.
;; 5. You can define multiple bindings for a single action, e.g., ["ctrl+j" "down"].
;; The full list of configurable shortcuts is available at:
;; Example:
;; :shortcuts
;; {:editor/new-block "enter"
;; :editor/new-line "shift+enter"
;; :editor/insert-link "mod+shift+k"
;; :editor/highlight false
;; :ui/toggle-settings "t s"
;; :editor/up ["ctrl+k" "up"]
;; :editor/down ["ctrl+j" "down"]
;; :editor/left ["ctrl+h" "left"]
;; :editor/right ["ctrl+l" "right"]}
:shortcuts {}
;; Configure the behavior of pressing Enter in document mode.
;; if set to true, pressing Enter will create a new block.
;; Default value: false
:shortcut/doc-mode-enter-for-new-block? false
;; Block content larger than `block/content-max-length` will not be searchable
;; or editable for performance.
;; Default value: 10000
:block/content-max-length 10000
;; Display command documentation on hover.
;; Default value: true
:ui/show-command-doc? true
;; Display empty bullet points.
;; Default value: false
:ui/show-empty-bullets? false
;; Pre-defined :view function to use with advanced queries.
(fn [r] [:pre.code (pprint r)])}
;; Advanced queries `:result-transform` function.
;; Transform the query result before displaying it.
(fn [result] (sort-by (fn [h] (get h :block/priority "Z")) result))
:add-task-attrs (fn [result]
(def months {1 "January" 2 "February" 3 "March" 4 "April" 5 "May" 6 "June" 7 "July" 8 "August" 9 "September" 10 "October" 11 "November" 12 "December"})
(def monthName (fn [dd]
(get months (int dd))
;; source:
(def days {0 "Saturday" 1 "Sunday" 2 "Monday" 3 "Tuesday" 4 "Wednesday" 5 "Thursday" 6 "Friday"})
(def weekDay (fn [date]
(def month (quot (mod date 10000) 100))
(def month6 (quot (- month 8) 6))
(def year6 (+ (quot date 10000) month6))
(def yearnum (mod year6 100))
(def century (quot year6 100))
(def d (mod (+ (mod date 100) (quot (* 13 (inc (- month (* month6 12)))) 5) yearnum (quot yearnum 4)
(quot century 4) (* 5 century)) 7))
(get days d)
(def suffixes {0 "th" 1 "st" 2 "nd" 3 "rd" 4 "th" 5 "th" 6 "th" 7 "th" 8 "th" 9 "th"})
(def positionalSuffix (fn [dd]
(if (or (= dd "11") (= dd "12") (= dd "13"))
(get suffixes 0)
(get suffixes (int (subs dd (count dd) 1))) )
(def token (fn [s] (str "⟨" s "⟩")))
(def format
(-> (get (js->clj (call-api "get_user_configs")) "preferredDateFormat")
(clojure.string/replace "do" (token "1"))
(clojure.string/replace "dd" (token "2"))
(clojure.string/replace "d" (token "3"))
(clojure.string/replace "EEEE" (token "4"))
(clojure.string/replace "EEE" (token "5"))
(clojure.string/replace "EE" (token "6"))
(clojure.string/replace "E" (token "7"))
(clojure.string/replace "MMMM" (token "8"))
(clojure.string/replace "MMM" (token "9"))
(clojure.string/replace "MM" (token "10"))
(clojure.string/replace "M" (token "11"))
(clojure.string/replace "yyyy" (token "12"))
(clojure.string/replace "yy" (token "13"))
(def parseDate (fn [date]
(if-not date nil
(let [
regex (re-pattern "(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})")
[_ yyyy mm dd] (re-matches regex (str date))
yy (subs yyyy 2 4)
d (str (int dd))
do (str d (positionalSuffix dd))
mmmm (monthName mm)
mmm (subs mmmm 0 3)
m (str (int mm))
eeee (weekDay date)
eee (subs eeee 0 3)
ee (subs eeee 0 2)
e eee
(-> format
(clojure.string/replace (token "1") do)
(clojure.string/replace (token "2") dd)
(clojure.string/replace (token "3") d)
(clojure.string/replace (token "4") eeee)
(clojure.string/replace (token "5") eee)
(clojure.string/replace (token "6") ee)
(clojure.string/replace (token "7") e)
(clojure.string/replace (token "8") mmmm)
(clojure.string/replace (token "9") mmm)
(clojure.string/replace (token "10") mm)
(clojure.string/replace (token "11") m)
(clojure.string/replace (token "12") yyyy)
(clojure.string/replace (token "13") yy)
(map (fn [x]
(update x :block/properties (fn [u]
(-> u
(assoc :marker (str (get x :block/marker)) )
(assoc :priority (str (get x :block/priority)) )
(assoc :deadline (parseDate (get x :block/deadline)) )
(assoc :repeated? (str (get x :block/repeated?)) )
;; The following queries will be displayed at the bottom of today's journal page.
;; The "NOW" query returns tasks with "NOW" or "DOING" status.
;; The "NEXT" query returns tasks with "NOW", "LATER", or "TODO" status.
[{:title "🔨 NOW"
:query [:find (pull ?h [*])
:in $ ?start ?today
[?h :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"NOW" "DOING"} ?marker)]
[?h :block/page ?p]
[?p :block/journal? true]
[?p :block/journal-day ?d]
[(>= ?d ?start)]
[(<= ?d ?today)]]
:inputs [:14d :today]
:result-transform (fn [result]
(sort-by (fn [h]
(get h :block/priority "Z")) result))
:group-by-page? false
:collapsed? false}
{:title "📅 NEXT"
:query [:find (pull ?h [*])
:in $ ?start ?next
[?h :block/marker ?marker]
[(contains? #{"NOW" "LATER" "TODO"} ?marker)]
[?h :block/page ?p]
[?p :block/journal? true]
[?p :block/journal-day ?d]
[(> ?d ?start)]
[(< ?d ?next)]]
:inputs [:today :7d-after]
:group-by-page? false
:collapsed? false}]}
;; Add custom commands to the command palette
;; To quickly call these commands, just type / (backslash) followed by characters in square bracket
:commands [
["bookmark [.b]" [[:editor/input "{{renderer :template, Bookmark}}" ]]],
["date_today [dt]" [[:editor/input "{{renderer :template, Date Today}}" ]]],
["issue_table [.it]" [[:editor/input "{{renderer :template, Issue_table}}" ]]],
["issue [.is]" [[:editor/input "{{renderer :template, Issue}}" ]]],
["Blue Highlighter [=b]" [[:editor/input "<mark class='blue'></mark>" {:backward-pos 7}]]],
["Green Highlighter [=g]" [[:editor/input "<mark class='green'></mark>" {:backward-pos 7}]]],
["Gray Highlighter [=gra]" [[:edior/input "<mark class='gray'></mark>" {:backward-pos 7}]]],
["Grey Highlighter [=gre]" [[:editor/input "<mark class='grey'></mark>" {:backward-pos 7}]]],
["Orange Highlighter [=o]" [[:editor/input "<mark class='orange'></mark>" {:backward-pos 7}]]],
["Pink Highlighter [=p]" [[:editor/input "<mark class='pink'></mark>" {:backward-pos 7}]]],
["Red Highlighter [=r]" [[:editor/input "<mark class='red'></mark>" {:backward-pos 7}]]],
["Yellow Highlighter [=y]" [[:editor/input "<mark class='yellow'></mark>" {:backward-pos 7}]]],
["Purple Highlighter [=pu]" [[:editor/input "<mark class='purple'></mark>" {:backward-pos 7}]]],
["Red Blockquote [>r]" [[:editor/input "<blockquote class='red'></blockquote>" {:backward-pos 13}]]],
["Yellow Blockquote [>y]" [[:editor/input "<blockquote class='yellow'></blockquote>" {:backward-pos 13}]]],
["Blue Blockquote [>b]" [[:editor/input "<blockquote class='blue'></blockquote>" {:backward-pos 13}]]],
["circle [.c]" [[:editor/input "{{renderer :template-view, circle-template, :color orange}}" ]]],
;; Enable collapsing blocks with titles but no children.
;; By default, only blocks with children can be collapsed.
;; Setting `:outliner/block-title-collapse-enabled?` to true allows collapsing
;; blocks with titles (multiple lines) and content. For example:
;; - block title
;; block content
;; Default value: false
:outliner/block-title-collapse-enabled? false
;; Macros replace texts and will make you more productive.
;; Example usage:
;; Change the :macros value below to:
;; {"poem" "Rose is $1, violet's $2. Life's ordered: Org assists you."}
;; input ""
;; becomes
;; Rose is red, violet's blue. Life's ordered: Org assists you.
:macros {
">" "<blockquote class='$1'>$2</blockquote>" ;;usage
"==" "<mark class='$1'>$2</mark>" ;;usage
;; Configure the default expansion level for linked references.
;; For example, consider the following block hierarchy:
;; - a [[page]] (level 1)
;; - b (level 2)
;; - c (level 3)
;; - d (level 4)
;; With the default value of level 2, block b will be collapsed.
;; If the level's value is set to 3, block c will be collapsed.
;; Default value: 2
:ref/default-open-blocks-level 6
;; Configure the threshold for linked references before collapsing.
;; Default value: 100
:ref/linked-references-collapsed-threshold 1
;; Graph view configuration.
;; Example usage:
;; :graph/settings
;; {:orphan-pages? true ; Default value: true
;; :builtin-pages? false ; Default value: false
;; :excluded-pages? false ; Default value: false
;; :journal? false} ; Default value: false
;; Graph view configuration.
;; Example usage:
;; :graph/forcesettings
;; {:link-dist 180 ; Default value: 180
;; :charge-strength -600 ; Default value: -600
;; :charge-range 600} ; Default value: 600
;; Favorites to list on the left sidebar
:favorites []
;; Set flashcards interval.
;; Expected value:
;; - Float between 0 and 1
;; higher values result in faster changes to the next review interval.
;; Default value: 0.5
;; :srs/learning-fraction 0.5
;; Set the initial interval after the first successful review of a card.
;; Default value: 4
;; :srs/initial-interval 4
;; Hide specific block properties.
;; Example usage:
;; :block-hidden-properties #{:public :icon}
;; Create a page for all properties.
;; Default value: true
:property-pages/enabled? true
;; Properties to exclude from having property pages
;; Example usage:
;; :property-pages/excludelist #{:duration :author}
;; By default, property value separated by commas will not be treated as
;; page references. You can add properties to enable it.
;; Example usage:
;; :property/separated-by-commas #{:alias :tags}
;; Properties that are ignored when parsing property values for references
;; Example usage:
;; :ignored-page-references-keywords #{:author :website}
;; logbook configuration.
;; :logbook/settings
;; {:with-second-support? false ;limit logbook to minutes, seconds will be eliminated
;; :enabled-in-all-blocks true ;display logbook in all blocks after timetracking
;; :enabled-in-timestamped-blocks false ;don't display logbook at all
;; }
;; Mobile photo upload configuration.
;; :mobile/photo
;; {:allow-editing? true
;; :quality 80}
;; Mobile features options
;; Gestures
;; Example usage:
;; :mobile
;; {:gestures/disabled-in-block-with-tags ["kanban"]}
;; Extra CodeMirror options
;; See for possible options
;; Example usage:
;; :editor/extra-codemirror-options
;; {:lineWrapping false ; Default value: false
;; :lineNumbers true ; Default value: true
;; :readOnly false} ; Default value: false
;; Enable logical outdenting
;; Default value: false
;; :editor/logical-outdenting? false
;; Prefer pasting the file when text and a file are in the clipboard.
;; Default value: false
;; :editor/preferred-pasting-file? false
;; Quick capture templates for receiving content from other apps.
;; Each template contains three elements {time}, {text} and {url}, which can be auto-expanded
;; by receiving content from other apps. Note: the {} cannot be omitted.
;; - {time}: capture time
;; - {date}: capture date using current date format, use `[[{date}]]` to get a page reference
;; - {text}: text that users selected before sharing.
;; - {url}: URL or assets path for media files stored in Logseq.
;; You can also reorder them or use only one or two of them in the template.
;; You can also insert or format any text in the template, as shown in the following examples.
;; :quick-capture-templates
;; {:text "[[quick capture]] **{time}**: {text} from {url}"
;; :media "[[quick capture]] **{time}**: {url}"}
;; Quick capture options.
;; - insert-today? Insert the capture at the end of today's journal page (boolean).
;; - redirect-page? Redirect to the quick capture page after capturing (boolean).
;; - default-page The default page to capture to if insert-today? is false (string).
;; :quick-capture-options
;; {:insert-today? false ;; Default value: true
;; :redirect-page? false ;; Default value: false
;; :default-page "quick capture"} ;; Default page: "quick capture"
;; File sync options
;; Ignore these files when syncing, regexp is supported.
;; :file-sync/ignore-files []
;; Configure the Enter key behavior for
;; context-aware editing with DWIM (Do What I Mean).
;; context-aware Enter key behavior implies that pressing Enter will
;; have different outcomes based on the context.
;; For instance, pressing Enter within a list generates a new list item,
;; whereas pressing Enter in a block reference opens the referenced block.
;; :dwim/settings
;; {:admonition&src? true ;; Default value: true
;; :markup? false ;; Default value: false
;; :block-ref? true ;; Default value: true
;; :page-ref? true ;; Default value: true
;; :properties? true ;; Default value: true
;; :list? false} ;; Default value: false
;; Configure the escaping method for special characters in page titles.
;; Warning:
;; This is a dangerous operation. To modify the setting,
;; access the 'Filename format' setting and follow the instructions.
;; Otherwise, You may need to manually rename all affected files and
;; re-index them on all clients after synchronization.
;; Incorrect handling may result in messy page titles.
;; Available options:
;; - :triple-lowbar (default)
;; ;use triple underscore `___` for slash `/` in page title
;; ;use Percent-encoding for other invalid characters
:file/name-format :triple-lowbar
:ui/show-brackets? false
:feature/enable-timetracking? false}
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