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Created August 20, 2018 02:17
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{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, Rank2Types #-}
module ScottEncoding where
import Prelude hiding (null, length, map, foldl, foldr, take, fst, snd, curry, uncurry, concat, zip, (++))
newtype SMaybe a
= SMaybe { runMaybe :: forall b. b -> (a -> b) -> b }
newtype SList a
= SList { runList :: forall b. b -> (a -> SList a -> b) -> b }
newtype SEither a b
= SEither { runEither :: forall c. (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> c }
newtype SPair a b
= SPair { runPair :: forall c. (a -> b -> c) -> c }
toPair :: SPair a b -> (a, b)
toPair (SPair f) =
f (,)
fromPair :: (a, b) -> SPair a b
fromPair (a, b) =
SPair (\f -> f a b)
fst :: SPair a b -> a
fst (SPair f) =
f const
snd :: SPair a b -> b
snd (SPair f) =
f (const id)
swap :: SPair a b -> SPair b a
swap (SPair f) =
SPair (f . flip)
curry :: (SPair a b -> c) -> a -> b -> c
curry f a b =
f (SPair (\f' -> f' a b))
uncurry :: (a -> b -> c) -> SPair a b -> c
uncurry f (SPair f') =
f' f
toMaybe :: SMaybe a -> Maybe a
toMaybe (SMaybe f) =
f Nothing Just
fromMaybe :: Maybe a -> SMaybe a
fromMaybe m =
SMaybe (\b f -> maybe b f m)
isJust :: SMaybe a -> Bool
isJust (SMaybe f) =
f False (const True)
isNothing :: SMaybe a -> Bool
isNothing =
not . isJust
nil' :: SList a
nil' =
SList (\b _ -> b)
catMaybes :: SList (SMaybe a) -> SList a
catMaybes (SList f) =
f nil' (\(SMaybe f') l -> (f' id cons) (catMaybes l))
toEither :: SEither a b -> Either a b
toEither (SEither f) =
f Left Right
fromEither :: Either a b -> SEither a b
fromEither e =
SEither (\l r -> either l r e)
isLeft :: SEither a b -> Bool
isLeft (SEither f) =
f (const True) (const False)
isRight :: SEither a b -> Bool
isRight =
not . isLeft
partition :: SList (SEither a b) -> SPair (SList a) (SList b)
partition (SList f) =
(SPair (\g -> g nil' nil'))
(\(SEither g) l ->
let SPair p = partition l
in p (\a b -> SPair (\h -> h (g cons (const id) a) (g (const id) cons b))))
toList :: SList a -> [a]
toList (SList f) =
f [] (\a l -> a : toList l)
fromList :: [a] -> SList a
fromList l =
SList (\b f -> case l of
[] -> b
(a:r) -> f a (fromList r))
cons :: a -> SList a -> SList a
cons a b =
SList (\_ f' -> f' a b)
concat :: SList a -> SList a -> SList a
concat (SList f) g =
f g (\a l -> cons a (concat l g))
null :: SList a -> Bool
null (SList f) =
f True (const (const False))
length :: SList a -> Int
length (SList f) =
f 0 (\_ l -> length l + 1)
map :: (a -> b) -> SList a -> SList b
map f (SList g) =
SList (\z c -> g z (\a l -> c (f a) (map f l)))
zip :: SList a -> SList b -> SList (SPair a b)
zip (SList f) (SList g) =
f nil' (\a l -> g nil' (\b m -> cons (SPair (\h -> h a b)) (zip l m)))
foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> SList a -> b
foldl f b xs =
foldr (\b g x -> g (f x b)) id xs b
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> SList a -> b
foldr f b (SList g) =
g b (\a l -> f a (foldr f b l))
take :: Int -> SList a -> SList a
take n (SList f) =
f nil' (\a l -> if n > 0 then cons a (take (n - 1) l) else nil')
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jrp2014 commented Sep 4, 2018

Cool. A couple of cosmetic tweaks.

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, Rank2Types #-}
module ScottEncoding where

import Prelude hiding
  ( (++)
  , concat
  , curry
  , foldl
  , foldr
  , fst
  , length
  , map
  , null
  , snd
  , take
  , uncurry
  , zip

newtype SMaybe a = SMaybe
  { runMaybe :: forall b. b -> (a -> b) -> b

newtype SList a = SList
  { runList :: forall b. b -> (a -> SList a -> b) -> b

newtype SEither a b = SEither
  { runEither :: forall c. (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> c

newtype SPair a b = SPair
  { runPair :: forall c. (a -> b -> c) -> c

toPair :: SPair a b -> (a, b)
toPair (SPair f) = f (,)

fromPair :: (a, b) -> SPair a b
fromPair (a, b) = SPair (\f -> f a b)

fst :: SPair a b -> a
fst (SPair f) = f const

snd :: SPair a b -> b
snd (SPair f) = f (const id)

swap :: SPair a b -> SPair b a
swap (SPair f) = SPair (f . flip)

curry :: (SPair a b -> c) -> a -> b -> c
curry f a b = f (SPair (\f' -> f' a b))

uncurry :: (a -> b -> c) -> SPair a b -> c
uncurry f (SPair f') = f' f

toMaybe :: SMaybe a -> Maybe a
toMaybe (SMaybe f) = f Nothing Just

fromMaybe :: Maybe a -> SMaybe a
fromMaybe m = SMaybe (\b f -> maybe b f m)

isJust :: SMaybe a -> Bool
isJust (SMaybe f) = f False (const True)

isNothing :: SMaybe a -> Bool
isNothing = not . isJust

nil' :: SList a
nil' = SList const

catMaybes :: SList (SMaybe a) -> SList a
catMaybes (SList f) = f nil' (\(SMaybe f') l -> f' id cons (catMaybes l))

toEither :: SEither a b -> Either a b
toEither (SEither f) = f Left Right

fromEither :: Either a b -> SEither a b
fromEither e = SEither (\l r -> either l r e)

isLeft :: SEither a b -> Bool
isLeft (SEither f) = f (const True) (const False)

isRight :: SEither a b -> Bool
isRight = not . isLeft

partition :: SList (SEither a b) -> SPair (SList a) (SList b)
partition (SList f) =
  f (SPair (\g -> g nil' nil'))
    (\(SEither g) l ->
       let SPair p = partition l
           --  p :: forall c. (SList a -> SList b -> c) -> c
        in p (\a b ->
                SPair (\h -> h (g cons (const id) a) (g (const id) cons b))))

toList :: SList a -> [a]
toList (SList f) = f [] (\a l -> a : toList l)

fromList :: [a] -> SList a
fromList l =
    (\b f ->
       case l of
         [] -> b
         (a:r) -> f a (fromList r))

cons :: a -> SList a -> SList a
cons a b = SList (\_ f' -> f' a b)

concat :: SList a -> SList a -> SList a
concat (SList f) g = f g (\a l -> cons a (concat l g))

null :: SList a -> Bool
null (SList f) = f True (const (const False))

length :: SList a -> Int
length (SList f) = f 0 (\_ l -> length l + 1)

map :: (a -> b) -> SList a -> SList b
map f (SList g) = SList (\z c -> g z (\a l -> c (f a) (map f l)))

zip :: SList a -> SList b -> SList (SPair a b)
zip (SList f) (SList g) =
  f nil' (\a l -> g nil' (\b m -> cons (SPair (\h -> h a b)) (zip l m)))

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> SList a -> b
foldl f c xs = foldr (\b g x -> g (f x b)) id xs c

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> SList a -> b
foldr f b (SList g) = g b (\a l -> f a (foldr f b l))

take :: Int -> SList a -> SList a
take n (SList f) =
  f nil'
    (\a l ->
       if n > 0
         then cons a (take (n - 1) l)
         else nil')

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