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$ ./bin/run-server
[nodemon] 1.17.4
[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[nodemon] watching: /Users/pdahiya/src/mozilla/screenshots/server/**/* /Users/pdahiya/src/mozilla/screenshots/static/**/* /Users/pdahiya/src/mozilla/screenshots/shared/**/* Makefile
[nodemon] starting `bash ./bin/run-server --restart`
Firefox Screenshots server build started.
make: *** No rule to make target `server/src/pages/shot/editor', needed by `build/server/build-time.js'. Stop.
Firefox Screenshots server build FAILED
[nodemon] process failed, unhandled exit code (2)
[nodemon] Error
pdahiya-23604:screenshots pdahiya$ ./bin/run-server
[nodemon] 1.17.4
[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[nodemon] watching: /Users/pdahiya/src/mozilla/screenshots/server/**/* /Users/pdahiya/src/mozilla/screenshots/static/**/* /Users/pdahiya/src/mozilla/screenshots/shared/**/* Makefile
[nodemon] starting `bash ./bin/run-server --restart`
Firefox Screenshots server build started.
# Essentially .npm-install.log is just a timestamp showing the last time we ran
# the command
echo "Installing at Fri Jun 1 12:38:33 PDT 2018" > build/.npm-install.log
npm install >> build/.npm-install.log
shield-study-utils:possible uninstalling ADDON_UNINSTALL api.js:1043
shield-study-utils:definitely uninstall | disable ADDON_UNINSTALL api.js:1048
shield-study-utils:endStudy user-disable api.js:658
shield-study-utils:getting info api.js:499
shield-study-utils:getVariation: {"name":"notification-interval-short","weight":1.5} api.js:427
shield-study-utils:about to guard studyInfoObject Object { activeExperimentName: "cloudstorage-webextensionExperiment…", isFirstRun: true, firstRunTimestamp: 1, variation: Object, shieldId: "", delayInMinutes: 0 } api.js:207
shield-study-utils:unmarking TelemetryEnvironment notification-interval-short api.js:595
shield-study-utils:telemetry in: shield-study {"study_state":"user-disable","study_state_fullname":"user-disable"} api.js:762
shield-study-utils:getting info api.js:499
shield-study-utils:getVariation: {"name":"notification-interval-short","weight":1.5} api.js:427
Error updating expiration: TypeError: Failed to execute 'fetch()' on 'Window': Invalid argument.
shotindex-bundle.js (675,5)
[object Error]: {description: "Failed to execute 'fetch()' on 'Window': Invalid argument.", message: "Failed to execute 'fetch()' on 'Window': Invalid argument.", number: -2147418113, stack: "TypeError: Failed to execute 'fetch()' on 'Window': Invalid argument. at exports.toggleFavoriteShot ( at Generator.prototype.throw (native code)"}
description: "Failed to execute 'fetch()' on 'Window': Invalid argument."
message: "Failed to execute 'fetch()' on 'Window': Invalid argument."
number: -2147418113
stack: "TypeError: Failed to execute 'fetch()' on 'Window': Invalid argument. at exports.toggleFavoriteShot ( at Generator.prototype.throw (native code)"
"spocs": {
"url": ""
"layout": [
"width": 12,
"components": [
"type": "TopSites",
punamdahiya / gist:db3c0ad171276553b4be19d720539a40
Created February 11, 2019 18:40
git-cinnabar mach build failure
pdahiya-23604:mozilla-central pdahiya$ ./mach bootstrap
Note on Artifact Mode:
Artifact builds download prebuilt C++ components rather than building
them locally. Artifact builds are faster!
Artifact builds are recommended for people working on Firefox or
Firefox for Android frontends, or the GeckoView Java API. They are unsuitable
for those working on C++ code. For more information see:
"status": 1,
"settings": {
"spocsPerNewTabs": 1,
"domainAffinityParameterSets": {
"default": {
"recencyFactor": 0.5,
"frequencyFactor": 0.5,
"combinedDomainFactor": 0.5,
"perfectFrequencyVisits": 10,
"spocs": {
"url": ""
"layout": [
"width": 12,
"components": [
"type": "TopSites",
"spocs": {
"url": ""
"layout": [
"width": 12,
"components": [
"type": "TopSites",
pdahiya-23604:mozilla-central pdahiya$ ./mach build
Config object not found by mach.
0:00.65 Clobber not needed.
0:00.65 Adding make options from /Users/pdahiya/src/mozilla-central/.mozconfig
0:00.67 /usr/bin/make -f -s configure