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Last active December 19, 2015 17:58
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Save punkrockpolly/5994841 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Game of ConnectFour. 2 human players take turns. Objective is to make 4 in a row. Pieces drop to lowest available spot in column selected.
## Game of ConnectFour
## 2 human players take turns
## Objective is to make 4 in a row
## Pieces drop to lowest available spot in column selected
class Board(object):
def __init__(self):
self.num_row = 6
self.num_col = 7
self.matrix = [[0 for i in range(self.num_col)] for j in range(self.num_row)]
def __str__(self):
## iterate through gameboard and print current positions
output = "-----------------------------\n"
output += "| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |\n"
output += "-----------------------------\n"
for x in range(self.num_row-1, -1, -1):
row = "|"
for y in range(self.num_col):
player = self.matrix[x][y]
if player == 0:
row += " |"
elif player == 1:
row += " X |"
elif player == 2:
row += " O |"
output+= row +"\n"
output += "-----------------------------\n"
output += "Turn: " + str(turn) +"\n"
return output
def win_condition(self):
## return which player wins (1 or 2) or 0 if nobody wins
win_player = 0
## check VERTICAL
for y in range(self.num_col):
for x in range(self.num_row-3):
if self.matrix[x][y] != 0 and \
self.matrix[x][y] == self.matrix[x+1][y] and \
self.matrix[x+1][y] == self.matrix[x+2][y] and \
self.matrix[x+2][y] == self.matrix[x+3][y]:
win_player = self.matrix[x][y]
print "VERTICAL WINNER! Column", y
return win_player
## check HORIZONTAL (should update to transpose matrix and re-use vertical check)
for x in range(self.num_row):
for y in range(self.num_col-3):
if self.matrix[x][y] != 0 and \
self.matrix[x][y] == self.matrix[x][y+1] and \
self.matrix[x][y+1] == self.matrix[x][y+2] and \
self.matrix[x][y+2] == self.matrix[x][y+3]:
win_player = self.matrix[x][y]
return win_player
## check DIAGONAL \
for x in range(self.num_row-3):
for y in range(3, self.num_col):
if self.matrix[x][y] != 0 and \
self.matrix[x][y] == self.matrix[x+1][y-1] and \
self.matrix[x+1][y-1] == self.matrix[x+2][y-2] and \
self.matrix[x+2][y-2] == self.matrix[x+3][y-3]:
win_player = self.matrix[x][y]
print "DIAGONAL WINNER! Column", y-3, "through", y
return win_player
## check DIAGONAL /
for y in range(self.num_col-3):
for x in range(self.num_row-3):
if self.matrix[x][y] != 0 and \
self.matrix[x][y] == self.matrix[x+1][y+1] and \
self.matrix[x+1][y+1] == self.matrix[x+2][y+2] and \
self.matrix[x+2][y+2] == self.matrix[x+3][y+3]:
win_player = self.matrix[x][y]
print "DIAGONAL WINNER! Column", y, "through", y+3
return win_player
return win_player
def is_full(self):
## check if there are any available spots left on the gameboard
## return True if gameboard is full
for x in range(self.num_row):
for y in range(self.num_col):
if self.matrix[x][y] == 0:
return False
return True
def make_move(self, player, column):
## update the gameboard for a given turn
## player can be either 1 or 2
## location will be a column between 0-6
assert player == 1 or player == 2
assert column >= 0 and column < self.num_col
y = column
for x in range(self.num_row):
if self.matrix[x][y] == 0:
self.matrix[x][y] = player
def valid_input(self, userinput):
## validate userinput as number 0-6
userinput = int(userinput)
except ValueError:
return False
## validate column is in range and available
if userinput >= 0 and userinput < self.num_col:
column = userinput
if self.matrix[self.num_row-1][column] != 0:
return False
return True
return False
turn = 0
playing = True
while playing:
## create new gameboard
if turn == 0:
board = Board()
player = 1
winner = 0
print ""
print "Welcome to my ConnectFour clone!"
print board
## let players take turns
assert winner == 0
while player == 1 and winner == 0:
userinput = raw_input("X, pick column number:")
if board.valid_input(userinput):
column = int(userinput)
board.make_move(player, column)
turn += 1
winner = board.win_condition()
print board
player = 2
print "That's not a valid input. Try again."
print "Select a column 0-6 which is open."
while player == 2 and winner == 0:
userinput = raw_input("O, pick column number:")
if board.valid_input(userinput):
column = int(userinput)
board.make_move(player, column)
turn += 1
winner = board.win_condition()
print board
player = 1
print "That's not a valid input. Try again."
print "Select a column 0-6 which is open."
## check for tie
if board.is_full():
print "Nobody wins, it's a draw!"
playing = False
## check for winner
if winner == 1:
print "X wins! Great job"
playing = False
elif winner == 2:
print "O wins! Great job"
playing = False
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